International Journal of Agricultural Science and Food Technology Submit Manuscript

    Editorial Board

    Ali Anıl Suleymanoglu
    Department of Food Hygiene and Technology
    Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Istanbul University-Cerrahpasa

    Ali Anıl Suleymanoglu has been a researcher at the Department of Food Hygiene and Technology of Istanbul University-Cerrahpaşa University since 2018. His most significant research topics are related to the investigation of foodborne pathogens, molecular microbiology, and one health. His research also focused on microbiota and antibiotic resistance.

    Research Interest: Food Hygiene, Food microbiology, Foodborne pathogens, Molecular microbiology, Antibiotic resistance, PCR, MIC, Sequence


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    Luciana Furlaneto Maia
    Food Technology
    The Federal University of Technology

    PhD in Cellular and Molecular Biology from the Federal University of Paraná (2006); Master in Microbiology from the State University of Londrina (1998) and graduated in Biological Sciences from the State University of Londrina (1995). Full Professor at the Federal Technological University of Parana (UTFPR) since 2007. CNPq productivity fellow (2008-2011). Reviewer of journals: Foodborn pathogens and disease; Mycopathology; Africa Journal of Microbiology Research; The Open Microbiology Journal; The Brazilian Journal of Microbiology; Semina - Agrarias; Semina - Biology and Health; Archives of Oral Biology; Mycoses; Journal of applied Microbiology. Editorial Board member of the Journal of Microbiology and Laboratory Science and South Asian Journal of Research in Microbiology. Member of the London Journal Press.Works on the following topics: general and medical microbiology; food microbiology; biotechnology. It acts specifically in: analysis of microbiological indicators of water; analysis of virulence determinants; resistance of microorganisms to antimicrobials and heavy metals; analysis of probiotic strains of Enterococcus and of acidic bacterias; analysis of antimicrobial peptides (bacteriocins); biofilm formation. Member of the Araucaria Foundation Area Advisory Committee. Researcher at Fundação Araucária. Professor of academic master's programs: Food Technology and Environmental Engineering.

    Research Interest: food microbiology; microbiology; food control

    URL: CV:

    Number of Publications: 65 articles

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    Aftab Alam
    Vice President
    Department of Agriculture
    Edenworks Inc

    Research Interest: experience in integrated aquaculture, aquaponics and Fisheries, biodiversity, bioscience and

    biosafety. I have worked on R&D projects funded by King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology

    (KACST, Saudi Arabia) focusing on-

    • Aquaponics (Integrated Agriculture-Aquaculture) and Recirculating Aquaculture Systems

    • Survey and integrated Cultivation of Seaweeds with shrimp/fish on the sea coast.

    • Biodiversity and DNA barcoding of commercial fish species from the Arabian Gulf.

    • Aquaculture Nutrition

    • Mass cultivation of Microalgae

    • Biosafety Assessment of Genetically Modified Crops in Animal Diets

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    Mengfei Peng
    Faculty Assistant
    Department of Animal and Avian Sciences
    University of Maryland

    Research Interest: Gut microbiome; Synbiotics; Microbial evolution; Food safety; Human nutrition; Epidemiology

    Biography: Mengfei Peng achieved his Ph.D. in Biological Sciences (joint concentration of molecular/cellular biology and animal sciences) from the University of Maryland, USA, where he worked on procommensal strategies against enteric bacterial infections. Currently, he is continuing his research as a postdoctoral scientist focusing on the development of novel probiotics in modulation of gut microbiome, prevention/control of enteric diseases, and improvement on human health.

    Number of publications: 14

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    Omorogieva Ojo
    Department of Adult Nursing and Paramedic Science
    University of Greenwich

    Research Interest: Diabetes and Nutrition

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    SARR Papa Saliou
    Center for African Area Studies
    Kyoto University

    Research Interest: Soil, Plants, Crop, Soil Science, Agricultural Microbiology, Crop Production, Fertilizers, Plant Biology, Agronomy, Plant Microbe Interactions, Molecular Biology, Inoculation.

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    Pasquale Ferranti
    Department of Food Science
    University of Naples Federico II

    Research Interest: Food Security,  Environmental Science ,  Waste Management ,  Agricultural Development

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    Vincenzina Fusco
    Food Science, Molecular Biology
    Italian National Research Council

    2005: Ph.D. in Sciences and Technologies of Food Productions, Division of Microbiology,
    Department of Food Science, University of Naples Federico II, Via Università 100, 80055, Portici
    (Naples) Italy. PhD thesis title: “Study of the native microflora during the production of fermented
    foods”, tutor Prof. Salvatore Coppola. For 11 months of this PhD course, Vincenzina Fusco was
    research fellow (granted by the Department of Food Science of the University of Naples Federico II)
    at the Food Science Department of the Cornell University Ithaca, NY (USA), carrying out research
    activities on the Real-time PCR detection of Staphylococcus aureus using an integrated microfluidic
    platform, (as part of a project on Food Safety and Security Research Rapid Methods Development,
    supported by the FDA Grant #06000002499A) under supervision of Prof. Carl A. Batt.

    Permanent position as Researcher at the Institute of Sciences of Food Production - National Research
    Council of Italy (CNR - ISPA) (non-profit public body/governative research organization;, Via Amendola 122/O, Bari, 70126, Italy.

    Research Interest: Development and application of culture- dependent and independent- nucleic acid-based methods to identify, quantitatively detect and type food associated pathogenic bacteria.1

    List of Publications:
    Book chapters.

    Book chapters

    Fusco, V., Abriouel, H., Benomar, N., Kabisch, J., Chieffi, D., Cho, G.-S., Franz, C.M.A.P. 2018.Opportunistic foodborne pathogens.Chapter 10. In: Food safety and preservation: modern biological approaches to improving consumer health.1st Edition.Editors: Alexandru Grumezescu  Alina Maria Holban.Academic Press. ISBN: 9780128149560. pp 269-306.

    Fusco, V.,Blaiotta G., Becker K. 2018. Staphylococcal food poisoning.Chapter 12.In: Food safety and preservation:modern biological approaches to improving consumer health.1st Edition. Editors:
    Alexandru Grumezescu and Alina Maria Holban. Academic Press.

    ISBN: 9780128149560. pp 353-390.

    Fusco V., Oguntoyinbo F. A., Franz C. M.A.P. 2017. Fermentation to improve food security in Africa
    and Asia. Chapter 12 in: Soft Chemistry and Food Fermentation, Volume 3: Handbook of Food
    Bioengineering. Pages 337–378. Editors: Alexandru Grumezescu Alina Maria Holban. Imprint:

    Academic Press (Elsevier). Paperback ISBN: 9780128114124.

    Cady C. N., Fusco V.,Maruccio G., Primiceri E.,Batt A.C. 2016. Micro  and nanotechnology based

    approaches to detect pathogenic agents in food. In: Volume 8  "NANOBIOSENSORS  Nanotechnology
    in the Agri-Food Industry. Pages 475–510. Ed. Alex Grumezescu. Academic Press. eBook ISBN:
    9780128043721. Hardcover ISBN: 9780128043011.

    Fusco V. *, Quero G.M. 2012. Nucleic acid-based methods to identify, detect and type pathogenic
    bacteria occurring in milk and dairy products. In: Structure and function of food engineering. InTech.
    Ed. Ayman Amer Eissa. ISBN 978-953-51-0695-1.

    Fusco, V*., 2008. DNA-based biosensors for spoilage bacteria detection. In: Materialy Pomocnicze w
    technologii browarniczej - Auxialiry materials in brewing technology. ISBN: 978-83-60958-11-7.

    Papers on ISI ranked Journals:

    Flynn, K., Villarreal, B.P., Barranco, A., Belc, N., Bjornsdottir, B., Fusco, V., Rainieri, S., Smaradottir, S.E.,
    Smeu, I., Teixeira, P., Jörundsdóttir, H.Ó. (2018). An Introduction to Current Food Safety Needs, Trends in
    Food Science & Technology, doi:

    Franz, C.M.A.P., den Besten, H.M.W., Böhnlein, C., Gareis, M., Zwietering, M.H., Fusco, V. (2018).
    Microbial food safety in the 21st century: emerging challenges and foodborne pathogenic bacteria, Trends in Food Science & Technology 81, 155-158 doi:

    Faggiano G, Chieffi D, Logrieco AF, Fusco V*. 2018. Effect of refrigeration and probiotic adjunct on
    pathogenic and spoilage microorganisms in raw milk for direct human consumption Journal of Food
    Processing and Preservation. 42, e13499. DOI: 10.1111/jfpp.13499.

    Oguntoyinbo FA, Fusco V, Cho G-S, Kabisch J, Neve H, Bockelmann W, Huch M, Frommherz L,
    Trierweiler B, Becker B, Benomar N, Gálvez A, Abriouel H, Holzapfel WH, Franz C M. A. P. 2016.
    Produce from Africa’s gardens: potential for leafy vegetable and fruit fermentations. Frontiers in
    Microbiology 7:981. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2016.00981.

    Fusco V*, Quero MG, Chieffi D, Franz, MAPC. 2016. Identification of Lactobacillus brevis using a speciesspecific AFLP-derived marker. International Journal of Food Microbiology 232: 90-94.
    Primiceri E, Chiriaco MS, de Feo F, Santovito E, Fusco V, Maruccio G. 2016. A multipurpose biochip for
    food pathogen detection. Analytical Methods 2016: 10.1039/C5AY03295D.

    Fusco V*., den Besten HMW, Logrieco AF, Rodriguez FP, Skandamis PN, Stessl B, and Teixeira P. 2015.
    Food safety aspects on ethnic foods: toxicological and microbial risks. Current Opinion in Food Science. 6:24-32.

    Abriouel H, Lerma LL, del Carmen Casado Munoz, Montoro BP, Kabish J, Pichner R, Cho G-S, Neve H,

    Fusco V, Franz CMAP, Galvez A, Benomar N. 2015. The controversial nature of the Weissella genus:

    technological and functional aspects versus whole genome analysis-based pathogenic potential for their
    application in food and health. Frontiers in microbiology (IF. 4) 6:1197. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2015.01197

    Fusco, V.*, Quero, G.M., Cho, G., Kabisch, J., Meske, D., Neve, H., Bockelmann, W. Franz, C.M., 2015.
    The genus Weissella: taxonomy, ecology and biotechnological potential. Frontiers in Microbiology 6:155.

    Di Lena, M., Quero, G.M., Santovito, E., Verran, J., De Angelis, M., Fusco, V.*, 2015. A selective medium
    for isolation and accurate enumeration of Lactobacillus casei-group lactobacilli in probiotic milks and dairy
    products. International Dairy Journal, 47: 27-36. doi: 10.1016/j.idairyj.2015.01.018.

    Fusco V.*, Quero G.M. 2014. Culture-dependent and -independent nucleic acid-based methods used in the
    microbial safety assessment of milk and dairy products. Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety 13 (4): 493–537.

    Quero G.M., Santovito E., Visconti A., Fusco V.*, 2014. Quantitative detection of Listeria monocytogenes
    in raw milk and soft cheeses: culture-independent versus liquid - and solid - based culture-dependent real
    time PCR approaches. LWT- Food Science and Technology. 58: 11-20.

    Quero M.G., Fusco V.*, Cocconcelli P.S., Owczarek L., Borcakli M., Fontana C., Skapska S., Jasinska U.T.,
    Ozturk T., Morea M., 2014. Microbiological, physico-chemical, nutritional and sensory characterization of
    traditional Matsoni: Selection and use of autochthonous multiple strain cultures to extend its shelf-life. Food Microbiol. 38: 179–191.

    On, S.L.W., Brandt, S.M., Cornelius, A.J., Fusco V., Quero, G.M., Maćkiw, E., Houf, K., Bilbao, A., Díaz,
    A.I., Benejat, L., Megraud, F., Collins-Emerson, J., French, N.P., Gotcheva, V., Angelov, A., Alakomi, H.-
    L., Saarela, M., Paulin, S.M.*. 2013. PCR revisited: a case for revalidation of PCR assays for
    microorganisms using identification of Campylobacter species as an exemplar. Quality Assurance and Safety of crops & foods 5: 49-62.

    Borcakli M., Lucas J., Caputo L., Ozturk T., Baruzi F., Fusco V., Quero G.M., Quintieri L., M. Houghton.
    2013. Effect of UV-C light in the preservation of raw fermented beverages. Ital. J. Food Sci. 25: 213-221.

    Fusco V.*, Riccardi, M., Quero G.M. (2012). Thin agar layer- versus most probable number-PCR to
    enumerate viable and stressed Escherichia coli O157:H7 and application in a traditional raw milk pasta filata cheese. International Journal of Food Microbiology 159: 1–8.

    Fusco V.*, Quero G.M., Stea G., Morea M., Visconti A. (2011). Novel PCR-based identification of
    Weissella confusa using an AFLP-derived marker. International Journal of Food Microbiology. 145, 437-443.

    Fusco V.*, Quero G.M., Morea M., Blaiotta G., Visconti A. 201). Rapid and reliable identification of
    Staphylococcus aureus harbouring the enterotoxin gene cluster (egc) and quantitative detection in raw milk by real time PCR. International Journal of Food Microbiology. 144, 528-537.

    Blaiotta, G.*, Fusco, V., Ercolini, D., Pepe, O., Coppola, S. 2010. Diversity of Staphylococcus strains based on partial kat (catalase) gene sequences and designs of a PCR-RFLP assay for identification and differentiation of coagulase positive species (S. aureus, S. delphini, S. hyicus, S. intermedius, S.
    pseudintermedius, and S. schleiferi subsp. coagulans). Clin. Microbiol. 48: 192-201.

    Aponte, M.*, Fusco, V., Andolfi, R., Coppola, S., 2008. Lactic acid bacteria occurring during manufacture
    and ripening of Provolone del Monaco cheese: Detection by different analytical approaches. International
    Dairy Journal. 18: 403–413.

    Blaiotta, G.*, Fusco, V., Ercolini, D., Aponte, M., Pepe, O., Villani, F., 2008. Diversity of Lactobacillus
    strains based on partial HSP60 gene sequences and design of PCR-RFLP assays for species identification and differentiation. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 74: 208–215.

    Blaiotta, G.*, Fusco, V., von Eiff, C., Villani F., Becker, K., 2006. Biotyping of enterotoxigenic
    Staphylococcus aureus by enterotoxin gene cluster (egc) polymorphism and spa-typing analyses. Applied
    and Environmental Microbiology 29: 375-381.

    Lechiancole, T., Blaiotta, G., Messina, D., Fusco, V., Villani F., Salzano, G.*, 2006. Evaluation of intraspecific diversities in Oenococcus oeni through analysis of genomic and expressed DNA. Systematic Applied Microbiology 29: 375-381.

    Coppola, S., Fusco, V., Andolfi, R., Aponte, M., Blaiotta, G., Ercolini, D., Moschetti, G.*, 2006. Evaluating
    microbial diversity during the manufacture of “fior di latte di agerola”, a traditional raw milk cheese of
    Naples area. Journal of Dairy Research 73 (3): 264-272.

    Ercolini, D.*, Fusco, V., Blaiotta, G., Sarghini F., Coppola, S., 2005. Response of Escherichia coli
    O157:H7, Salmonella thyphimurium, Listeria monocytogenes and Staphylococcus aureus to the stresses
    occurring in model manufactures of Grana Padano cheese. Journal of Dairy Science 88: 3818-3825.

    Ercolini, D., Fusco, V., Blaiotta, G., Coppola, S.*, 2005. Sequence heterogeneity in the lacSZ operon of
    Streptococcus thermophilus and its use in PCR systems for strain differentiation. Research in Microbiology, 156: 161-172.

    Blaiotta, G., Ercolini, D., Pennacchia, C., Fusco, V., Casaburi, A., Pepe, O., Villani, F.*, 2004. PCR
    detection of staphylococcal enterotoxin genes in Staphylococcus spp. strains isolated from meat and dairy
    products. Evidence for new variants of seG and seI in S. aureus AB-8802. Journal of Applied Microbiology
    97: 719-730.

    Ercolini, D., Blaiotta, G., Fusco, V., Coppola, S.*, 2004. PCR-based detection of enterotoxigenic
    Staphylococcus aureus in the early stages of raw milk cheese making. Journal of Applied Microbiology 96:

    More Info.
    Wawan Sujarwo
    Departement of Sciences
    Roma Tre University

    Research Interest: Ethnobotany, food plants, medicinal plants, nutraceutical plants, home gardens, local knowledge

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    Vincenzo Alterio
    Institute of Biostructures and Bioimaging

    Vincenzo Alterio was born in Naples, Italy. He studied chemistry at the University of Naples “Federico II” where he obtained his university degree in 2001, followed by completing a Ph.D degree in Chemistry in 2004. Subsequently he carried out his postdoctoral training at the Institute of Biostructures and Bioimaging (IBB-National Research Council, CNR) and in 2006 was guest researcher at the Biochemistry Institute of the University of Luebeck (Germany). From 2009 he is a researcher at the Institute of Biostructures and Bioimaging in Naples, being part of the structural biology group. His expertise lies in the field of X-ray crystallography and his research interests are mainly focused on the study of biological macromolecules having medical and/or biotechnological interest.

    Research Interest: Structural biology, X-ray crystallography, proteins, protein-ligand complexes. 

    More Info.
    Elisa Bona
    Department of Science and Innovation Technologically
    University of Eastern Piedmont

    Research Interest: 1. Proteomic analysis of Plant-microbe interactions with special reference to plant growth-promoting bacteria (PGPB) and arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) symbiosis;

    2. Effects of PGPB and AM fungi on crop quality with particular interest in food quality improvement;

    3. Effects of PGPB and AM fungi on plants exposed to biotic (phytopathogenic fungi and phytoplasma) and abiotic (heavy metals) stresses; 

    4. Analysis of soil quality using microorganisms as bioindicators;

    5. Effects of essential oils on opportunistic human pathogen; 

    6. Proteomic of clinical pathogens.

    More Info.
    Nilesh Nirmal
    Nanotechnology, Green Chemistry, Biochemistry
    The University of Queensland

    Research Interest: Application of plant extract as natural additives to the different food system as well as functional food product development.

    More Info.
    Ralf Blank
    Senior Scientist
    Institute of Animal Nutrition and Physiology
    University of Kiel

    Research Interest: Mycotoxins, especially Ochratoxin A in Animal Nutrition

    More Info.
    Maria Anastasiadou
    Research Institute of Animal Science, Hellenic Agricultural Organisation ‘’DEMETER’’
    Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

    Dr. Maria Anastasiadou graduated from the School of Agriculture, Department of Animal Production, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece, in 2006. She received her Master of Science in 2008 at Laboratory of Physiology of Nutrition of Farm Animals, Department of Animal Production, School of Agriculture, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece. She continued her studies for a doctoral thesis at Laboratory of Physiology of Reproduction of Farm Animals, Department of Animal Production, School of Agriculture, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece, where she obtained her PhD at 2013. Next, she worked as a post-doctoral researcher at the Hellenic Agricultural Organization-DEMETER, Directorate General of Agricultural Research (formerly NAGREF), Veterinary Research Institute, Thermi-Thessaloniki, Greece, in the period from 2014 to 2015. From 2016 to date, she works as a Research Associate in Technological Educational Institute, Department of Animal Production, Greece. She serves as a Junior Researcher at the Research Institute of Animal Science, General Directory of Agricultural Research, of HAO-DEMETER, Paralimni Giannitsa 58100, Greece, in the field of Animal Reproduction, from 1 March of 2017. She participates in the research team and management committee in 3 European Research Projects (2 COST Actions and 1 ARIMNET) and 2 National Research Project. Also, has been member of the research team in four Research Projects (1 European and 3 National).

    Research Interest: Physiology of Reproduction of Farm Animals, Reproductive Immunology, Animal Biotechnology, Molecular Biology and Genetics, Molecular Mechanisms in the Reproductive System, Embryology, Endocrine Disruptors, Polymorphisms, Gene Expression, Immunology, Fertility, Reproduction Disorders, Poultry, Cow, Sheep, Goats, Pigs, Farm Animals, Genes.

    Skype ID: marmo.anastasiadou

    URL of their official website:,

    Research Grant Details:

    •    ARIMNet2: “Breeding and management practices of indigenous bovine breeds: Solutions toward a sustainable future”, Αcronym: BOVISOL, European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7)
    •    COST Action no. CA15215: “Innovative approaches in pork production with entire males”
    •    COST Action no. CA16119: “In vitro 3-D total cell guidance and fitness”
    •    Operational Program "Central Macedonia 'Strengthening research, technological development and innovation "-" Enhancing research and innovation infrastructure ": “Exploitation, conservation and improvement of K. Macedonia's genetic resources using omics technologies”. 

    List of Publications:

    1. Anastasiadou, M., Theodoridis, A., Avdi, M. and G. Michailidis, 2011. “Changes in the expression of Toll-like receptors in the chicken testis during sexual maturation and Salmonella infection”. Animal Reproduction Science, 128: 93-99. Impact factor: 1,897.
    2. Anastasiadou, M., Avdi, M., Theodoridis, A. and G. Michailidis, 2013. “Temporal changes in the expression of avian β-defensins in the chicken vagina during sexual maturation and Salmonella infection”, Veterinary Research Communications, 37: 115-122. Impact factor: 1,364.
    3. Anastasiadou, M., Avdi, M. and G. Michailidis, 2013. “Expression of avian β-defensins and Toll-like receptor genes in the rooster epididymis during growth and Salmonella infection”. Animal Reproduction Science, 140: 224-231. Impact factor: 1,897.
    4. Anastasiadou, M., Theodoridis, A. and G. Michailidis, 2014. “Effects of sexual maturation and Salmonella infection on the expression of avian β-defensin genes in the chicken testis”, Veterinary Research Communications, 38: 107-113. Impact factor: 1,364.
    5. Michailidis, G., Anastasiadou, M., Guibert, E. and P. Froment, 2014. “Activation of innate immune system in response to lipopolysaccharide in chicken Sertoli cells”. Reproduction, 148: 259-270.  Impact factor: 3,555.
    6.  Anastasiadou,  M. and G. Michailidis, 2016. “Cytokine activation during embryonic development and in hen ovary and vagina during reproductive age and Salmonella infection”. Research in Veterinary Science, 109: 86–93. Impact factor: 1,571.
    7. Anastasiadou, M. and G. Michailidis, 2016. “Transcriptional changes of cytokines in rooster testis andepididymis during sexual maturation stages and Salmonella infection”. Animal Reproduction Science, 171: 41–48. Impact factor: 1,897.

    B.  National and International Conference Proceedings (refereed)

    1.    Anastasiadou, M., Papigioti, E., Dotas, V., Garsen, A.,Hatzizisis, L. and  D. Dotas. “Performance and carcass characteristics of broiler chickens as affected by the dietary supplementation of a-tocopheryl acetate, anise (Pimpinella anisum L.) and lemon balm (Melissa officinalis L.)”. 1st Mediterranean Poultry Summit of World’s Poultry Science Association (WPSA), 7-10/5/2008, Chalkidiki, Greece.

    2.    Garsen, A., Dotas, V., Anastasiadou, M., Nikolakakis, J., Mitsopoulos, J. and D. Dotas. “Performance and carcass charactheristics of broilers as affected by the replacement of soyabean meal with chickpea (Cicer Arietinum L)”. 1st Mediterranean Poultry Summit of World’s Poultry Science Association (WPSA), 7-10/5/2008, Chalkidiki, Greece.

    3.    Anastasiadou, M., Marantidis, A. and G. Michailidis. “Effects of Salmonella infection in the expression of Toll-like receptors 4 and 15 in the chicken reproductive organs”. 2nd Conference of the Balkan Network for the Biotechnology in Animal Reproduction, 24-25/3/2011, Sofia, Bulgaria.

    4.    Marantidis, A., Anastasiadou, M., Avdi, M.  and G. Michailidis. “Expression of Toll-like receptors in porcine reproductive organs”. 2nd Conference of the Balkan Network for the Biotechnology in Animal Reproduction, 24-25/3/2011, Sofia, Bulgaria.

    5.      Anastasiadou, M., Avdi, M. and G. Michailidis. “Changes in the Expression of Toll-like Receptors in the Chicken Testis During Growth and in Response to Salmonella Infection”. 15th Conference of the European Society of Domestic Animal Reproduction (ESDAR), 15-18/9/2011, Antalya, Turkey.

    6.    Michailidis, G. and M. Anastasiadou. “Effects of Age and Salmonella Infection on the Expression of Toll-like Receptors in the Chicken Epididymis”. 15th Conference of the European Society of Domestic Animal Reproduction (ESDAR), 15-18/9/2011, Antalya, Turkey.

    7.    Marantidis, A., Michailidis, G., Anastasiadou, M., Kalogiannis, D., Avdi, M. and S. Chadio. “Expression of Toll-like receptors in porcine granulosa cells”. 15th Conference of the European Society of Domestic Animal Reproduction (ESDAR), 15-18/9/2011, Antalya, Turkey.

    8.    Michailidis, G., Anastasiadou, M. and P. Froment. “Changes in the expression of Toll-like receptors in response to lipopolysaccharide in chicken Sertoli cells”. 16th Conference of the European Society of Domestic Animal Reproduction (ESDAR), 29/8 – 1/9/2012, Dublin, Ireland.

    9.    Anastasiadou, M., Avdi, M. and G. Michailidis. “Expression of Avian β-Defensins During Growth and in Response to Salmonella Infection in the Chicken Testis and Epididymis”. 16th Conference of the European Society of Domestic Animal Reproduction (ESDAR), 29/8 – 1/9/2012, Dublin, Ireland.

    10.    Michailidis, G., Beek, J., Maes, D., Anastasiadou, M. and A. Van Soom. “Expression of Toll-like receptors and cytokines in porcine blastocysts stimulated by bacterial lipopolysaccharide”. 1st General Meeting of EPICONCEPT, Antalya, Turkey, 24-25/4/2013.

    11.      Faure, M., Alves, S., Guibert, E., Michailidis, G., Anastasiadou, M., Brillard, J.P. and P. Froment. “Inflammatory response of testis cells amended in the presence of metformin”. The 11th Poultry Research Days, JRA, 25-26/3/2015, Tours, France.

    12.     Faure, M., Alves, S., Guibert, E., Michailidis, G., Anastasiadou, M., Brillard, J.P. and P. Froment. ‘’ Inflammatory response of testicular cells is modified by metformin’’. 1eres Journees Scientifiques du GDR REPRO - La recherche en Reproduction, 13-15/4/2015, Campus de Beaulieu, de l’Université Rennes, France.

    13.     Michailidis, G., Anastasiadou, M. and M. Avdi. ‘’Cytokine activation in hen reproductive organs during growth and Salmonella infection ‘’.  19th Annual European Society of Domestic Animal Reproduction (ESDAR) Conference 2015 and 26th Annual EU-AI Vets Meeting, 16-19/09/2015, Albena Resort, Varna, Bulgaria.

    14.     Anastasiadou, M. and G. Michailidis. ‘’Cytokine activation in rooster reproductive organs during sexual maturation and Salmonella infection’’. EPICONCEPT Conference 2015 Epigenetics and Periconception Environment, Hersonissos, Crete, Greece, 06-07/10/2015.

    15.    Anastasiadou, M., Michailidis, G., Kalogiannis, D. and S. Chadio. “Effects of lipopolysaccharide on the expression of cytokines in porcine granulosa cells”. Epigenetics and Periconception Environment, EPICONCEPT Conference 2016, Giardini Naxos, Italy, 26 - 29 September 2016.

    16.    Anastasiadou, M., Theodoridis, A. And G. Michailidis. “Investigation of    polymorphisms in MC4R and GPX5 genes in Greek pigs”. 8th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies in Agriculture, Food & Environment, September 21-24, 2017, Chania, Crete, Greece.

    17.    Anastasiadou M. and G. Michailidis. “Production of female pigs by embryo sexing using the porcine amelogenin gene”. The European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST) Conference IPEMA, 8-9 February 2018, Lisbon, Portugal.
    More Info.
    Leonardo Martin Perez
    Environmental Microbiology
    Pontifical Catholic University of Argentina


    1. Pérez LM, Soazo M, Balagué CE, Rubiolo AC, Verdini RA. (2014). Effect of pH on the effectiveness of whey protein/glycerol edible films containing potassium sorbate to control non-O157 Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli in ready-to-eat foods. Food Control; 37: 298-304.

    2. Morató J, Codony F, Sánchez O, Pérez LM, García J, Mas J. (2014). Key design factors affecting microbial community composition and pathogenic organisms removal in horizontal subsurface flow constructed wetlands. Sci. Total Environ.; 481: 81-89.

    3. Toledo FD, Pérez LM, Basiglio CL, Ochoa JE, Sánchez Pozzi EJ, Roma MG. (2014). The Ca2+-calmodulin-Ca2+/calmodulin- dependent protein kinase II signaling pathway is involved in oxidative stress-induced mitochondrial permeability transition and apoptosis in isolated rat hepatocytes. Arch. Toxicol.; 88: 1695-1709.

    4. Soazo M, Pérez LM, Rubiolo AC, Verdini RA. (2015). Pre-freezing application of whey protein based edible coating to maintain quality attributes of strawberries. Int. J. Food Sci. Technol.; 50(3): 605-611.

    5. Pérez LM, Piccirilli GN, Delorenzi NJ, Verdini RA. (2016). Effect of different combinations of glycerol and/or trehalose on physical and structural properties of whey protein concentrate-based edible films. Food. Hydrocol.; 56: 352-359.

    6. Soazo M, Pérez LM, Piccirilli GN, Delorenzi NJ, Verdini RA. (2016). Antimicrobial and physicochemical characterization of whey protein concentrate edible films incorporated with liquid smoke. LWT - Food Sci. Technol.; 72: 285-291.

    7. Tello Zevallos W, Salvatierra LM, Loureiro DB, Morató J, Pérez LM. (2018). Evaluation of the autochthonous free-floating macrophyte Salvinia biloba Raddi for use in the phytoremediation of water contaminated with lead. Desal. & Water Treat.; 103: 282-289.

    8. Adrados B, Arias CA, Pérez LM, Codony F, Bécares E, Brix H, Morató J. (2018). Comparison of removal efficiency of pathogenic microbes in four types of wastewater treatment systems in Denmark. Ecol Eng. 124: 1-6.

    9. Piccirilli GN, Soazo M, Pérez LM, Delorenzi N, Verdini RA. (2019). Effect of storage conditions on the physicochemical characteristics of edible films based on whey protein concentrate and liquid smoke. Food Hydrocol. 87: 221-228.

    10. Castillo Loría K, Emiliani J, Herrero MS, Bergara CD, Salvatierra LM, Pérez LM. (2019). Effect of storage conditions on the physicochemical characteristics of edible films based on whey protein concentrate and liquid smoke. Aquatic Toxicol. 210: 158-166.

    11. Pérez LM. (2019). Biodegradability of antimicrobial edible films and coatings: what's the real thing?. Nutri. Food Sci. Int. J. 8(5): in press.

    More Info.
    Martin Svoboda
    Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
    University of Veterinary and Pharmaceutical Sciences Brno
    Czech Republic

    Research Interest: My research interest include noninfectious diseases, metabolism of microelements and welfare in pigs

    More Info.
    Charalampos Proestos
    Department of Chemistry
    National and Kapodistrian University of Athens

    Charalampos Proestos has a BSc in Chemistry, University of Ioannina, Greece and MSc in Food Science at Reading University, U.K. He obtained his Ph.D. in Food Chemistry at Agricultural University of Athens (AUA), Greece, where he continued his post doc working on natural antioxidants on programmes funded by EU and Greece. After further training at Wageningen University (The Netherlands), he worked as a Research Associate at AUA. He worked as a Chemist for the Hellenic Food Authority (EFET), being food industry auditor and supervisor of the Chemical laboratory in Athens accredited with ISO 17025. Currently he is Professor at the Department of Chemistry, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens and director of the laboratory of Food Chemistry. He has published more than 160 papers in reputed journals and has been serving as an editorial board member of more than 10 repute journals.He is Member of the European Committee of the Division of Food Chemistry, European Association of Chemical and Molecular Sciences (EuChemS). His research field focuses on Food antioxidants, foodomics and food contaminants.

    Research Interest: 1. Plant bioactive compounds extraction and instrumental analysis e.g. phenolic acids, flavonoids 

    2. Determination of antioxidant capacity of constituents from plant derived foods (olive oil, wine, plants, mushrooms etc) 

    3. Food contaminants determination (metals e.g. Sn, Cd, Cu, biogenic amines) 

    4. Food Allergens determination by ELISA (new field) 

    5. GMOs in milk and milk products by PCR (new field) 

    More Info.
    Jin Seop Bak
    Research Assistant Professor
    Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
    Advanced Biomass R&D Center

    Research Interest: Bioenergy, Microbiology, Biotechnology, Bioengineering, Food Science, Biochemistry, Chemistry, Chemical Biology, Systems Biology, Chemical Engineering, Physical Biology, and Biomimetics.

    More Info.
    Farouk El-Sabban
    Nutrition and Physiology
    Kuwait University

    Research Interest: Anatomy, Biochemistry, Biology, Nutrition, Physiology and Public Health. 

    More Info.
    Elena Bartkiene
    Associate Professor
    Department of Food Safety and Quality
    Lithuanian University of Health Sciences

    Research Interest: Investigation of chemical composition and technological properties of plant products, and evaluation of its influence on nutrition value; creation new analysis methods and new food technologies, developing HPLC methods for phytoestrogens in plant products

    More Info.
    Oskars Bikovens
    Laboratory of Lignin Chemistry
    Latvian State Institute of Wood Chemistry

    Research Interest: Compost, Composting, Lignin, Polyphenols, Antioxidant

    More Info.
    Vasco Cadavez
    Department of Animal Science
    Polytechnic Institute of Braganza

    Research Interest: Meta-Analysis, Predictive Microbiology, Risk Assessment, Meat Quality, Meat Safety, Meat Products and Sampling Plans.

    More Info.
    Jiang Shuye
    Research Associate
    National University of Singapore

    Research Interest: Rice, Sorghum, Transgene, Bioinformatics, Abiotic Stresses, Protein Quality.

    More Info.
    Andras Gaspardy
    Assistant Professor
    Head of Department
    Szent Istvan University

    Research Interest: Animal Health, Animal Genetics, Animal Science, Animal Production, Cattle

    More Info.
    Ma Alicia Camina Martin
    Department of Nutrition and Food Science
    University of Valladolid

    Research Interest: Nutritional Assessment, Body Composition, Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis, Anthropometry, Malnutrition, Obesity, Geriatric Nutrition, Pediatric Nutrition

    More Info.
    Jose M Lorenzo
    Meat Technology Centre of Galicia
    Parque Tecnológico de Galicia

    Research Interest: Dry-cured meat products, Fatty acid profile, Amino acid composition, Physico-chemical properties, Sensory characteristics, Microbiology

    More Info.
    Jiwan Singh
    Assistant Professor
    Department of Environmental Science
    Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University, Lucknow

    Research Interest: Solid waste management; Composting; Vermicomposting; Bioavailability and chemical speciation of heavy metals; Characterization and analysis of solid wastes; Water and waste water treatment; Ecological Engineering; Remediation of soil pollutants; Recovery of heavy metals from solid waste; Phytoremediation; Synthesis and environmental applications of nanomaterials.

    More Info.
    Guansheng Ma
    Epidemiology, Nutrition and Dietetics, Nutritional Biochemistry
    School of Public Health
    Peking University

    Research Interest: Food Safety, Disease Control and Prevention, nutrition survey,  nutrition  intervention, and  nutrition  policy development, childhood obesity intervention

    More Info.
    Jinsong Bao
    College of Agriculture and Biotechnology
    Zhejiang University

    Biography: Jinsong Bao is currently a professor in the Institute of Nuclear Agricultural Sciences at Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China. He received his B.S. (1993) and M.S. (1996) degrees in horticulture from Zhejiang Agricultural University, and his Ph.D. degree in biophysics from Zhejiang University in 1999. His research interests are in molecular genetics of rice quality, more specifically in the areas of starch quality, nutritional quality, genetic mapping, and molecular breeding. His current research projects are 1) new markers for SSIIa gene and their relation to gelatinization temperature, 2) candidate gene mapping for rice quality and yield, and 3) molecular breeding of new rice high in nutraceutical properties and health benefits. He has published more than 50 peer-reviewed research articles and three book chapters in these areas, and has received two professional awards for his achievements in the genetic study and molecular improvement of rice quality from Zhejiang Provincial Government. He has awarded the "Young Scientist Research Award" from AACCI, and Zhejiang Young Science and Technology Award from the Zhejiang Association of Science and Technology. He has traveled and worked extensively in Hong Kong and USA. He teaches undergraduate and graduate courses in mutational genetics, and developmental biology in plants. He is a member of the editorial board of the Cereal Chemistry (SCI), Genes & Genomics (SCI), and Open Journal of Genetics.

    Research Interest: Rice Quality: Genetics & Molecular Breeding

    More Info.
    Jian Xu
    National key Laboratory of Biochemical Engineering
    Chinese Academy of Sciences

    Research Interest: Biomass to biofuels and chemicals, Lignin conversion to materials and chemicals, Green Pre-treatment technology development, Hot water pretreatment optimization; Microwave/ultrasonic assisted pretreartment; Gene-modified energy crops; Structural change on biomass during the pretreatment, Pretreatment Reactor development

    More Info.
    Jinghu Pan
    College of Geographic and Environmental Science
    Northwest Normal University

    Research Interest: Remote sensing for ecology and environment. Land evaluation and planning. Spatial economic analysis on agricultural resources.

    More Info.
    Xinhua Qi
    Agro-Environmental Protection Institute
    The Ministry of Agriculture

    Dr. Xinhua Qi is a distinguished professor of College of Environmental Science and Engineering at Nankai University. Prof. Qi received his B.S. in environmental chemistry from Nankai University in 1998, and Ph.D. in environmental science from Nankai University in 2003. He worked as a JSPS Postdoctoral Fellow at Tohoku University (Sendai, Japan) from Oct. 2006 to Nov 2010. He was promoted to a full professor in 2011 at Nankai University. His research interest mainly focuses on green processes for biomass conversion into value-added materials and chemicals. He has published more than 160 peer reviewed scientific papers, and these papers have been cited over 6300 times with H index 44. He also has co-authored over 20 patents, 5 books and 3 book chapters on environmental engineering and biomass resources utilization. His research work has been awarded 2 items of first-class prizes and 1 item of second-class prizes of provincial and ministerial level. Prof. Qi has been selected as leading talent in the National Ten Thousand Talents Plan, Shennong Talent Plan from Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, New Century Excellent Talent Program from Ministry of Education, and was supported by the Outstanding Youth Science Foundation of Tianjin.

    Research Interest: Biomass; Agricultural Wastes; Biofuel; Lignocellulose; Value-Added Chemicals

    More Info.
    Yanshan Cui
    College of Resources and Environment
    University of Chinese Academy of Sciences

    Research Interest: Contaminants in soil/food and their risk assessment

    More Info.
    Zong Ping Zheng
    Associate Professor
    Jiangnan University

    Research Interest: Tyrosinase Inhibitors And Their Structure-Activity Relationships, Inhibitory Mechanism, Design and Synthesis Of Tyrosinase Inhibitors. Formation Mechanism And Control Strategy Of Harmful Substances of Maillard Reaction. Active Components from Plants, Fruits, Vegetables, and Traditional Chinese Medicine, and Their Physiological Functions

    More Info.
    Xi Ma
    Associate Professor
    tate Key Laboratory of Animal Nutrition
    China Agricultural University

    Research Interest: Food nutrition and allergy, Soybean anti-nutritional factors, Efficient utilization of dietary nutrients and intestinal Health.

    More Info.
    Jie Yin
    Research Assistant
    University of Chinese Academy of Sciences

    Research Interest: Nutrition with emphasis on how nutrition (amino acids) and diet affect growth performance, immune system, oxidative balance, and nutritional absorption. Meanwhile, oxidative stress (birth and weaning oxidative injury), antioxidant signal, oxidative stress-inflammation, and antioxidant agent (such as amino acids) are also focused.

    More Info.
    Celso Barbosa de Sant Anna Filho
    National Institute of Metrology
    National Institute of Metrology, Quality and Technology

    Research Interest: Biometrology, Bionanotechnology, Bioenergy, Biomass, electron, light and atomic force microscopy

    More Info.
    Mehmood Ali Noor
    Institute of Crop Science
    Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences

    Research Interest: Agronomy, Crop Physiology, Stress Physiology, Seed Physiology, High crop efficiency, Nutrient Use Efficiency, Maize photosynthesis

    More Info.
    Umran Cicek
    Associate Professor
    Food Engineering
    Tokat Gaziosmanpasa University

    Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ümran ÇİÇEK earned her Ph.D. from Ankara University in food Engineering specializing in Meat Science and Technology. In particularly, her research focus is on the security of meat products and seafood processing.

    Research Interest:  Meat science and Technology

    List of Publications:

    A)    Articles in journals/contributions to books (SCI-expanded, International Journals)

    ZAFER,KURAN MEHMET (2018). Meat production characteristics of Turkish native breeds: I.
    Fattening, slaughter and carcass traits of lambs.. South African Journal of Animal Science, 48(4),
    665-672. (Yayın No: 4389130)
    2. ÇIÇEK ÜMRAN,TOKATLI KADER (2018). Biogenic Amine Formation in “Bez Sucuk,” a Type of
    Turkish Traditional Fermented Sausage Produced with Different Meat: Fat Ratios. Korean Journal
    for Food Science of Animal Resources, 38(1), 152-161., Doi: 10.5851/kosfa.2018.38.1.152 (Yayın
    No: 4240774)
    UGUR,KURAN MEHMET (2017). The relationship between muscle fiber characteristics and some
    meat quality parameters in Turkish native sheep breeds. Small Ruminant Research, 150, 46-51.,
    Doi: 10.1016/j.smallrumres.2017.03.012 (Yayın No: 3454797)
    4. ÇIÇEK ÜMRAN,KÖSE TANER (2016). Physical and biochemical quality properties of fermented beef
    sausages Bez sucuk. Acta Alimentaria, 45(3), 363-370., Doi: 10.1556/066.2016.0001 (Yayın No:
    5. ÇIÇEK ÜMRAN,POLAT NACIYE (2016). Investigation of physicochemical and sensorial quality of a
    type of traditional meat product Bez sucuk. LWT - Food Science and Technology, 65, 145-151.,
    Doi: 10.1016/j.lwt.2015.07.049 (Yayın No: 1612456)
    6. ÇIÇEK ÜMRAN (2016). Biogenic Amine Levels of Traditional Fermented Sausage Bez Sucuk from
    the Pers. Journal of Agricultural Faculty of Gaziosmanpasa University, 33(2016-1), 142-142., Doi:
    10.13002/jafag942 (Yayın No: 2575566)
    The effect of maternal nutrition level during mid gestation on postnatal muscle fibre composition
    and meat quality in lambs. Animal Production Science, 56(5), 834-843., Doi: 10.1071/AN14663
    (Yayın No: 1603841)
    8. ÇIÇEK ÜMRAN,KOLSARICI NURAY,CANDOGAN KEZBAN (2015). The sensory properties of
    fermented turkey sausages Effects of processing methodologies and starter culture. Journal of
    Food Processing and Preservation, 39(6), 663-670., Doi: 10.1111/jfpp.12274 (Yayın No: 1607757)
    Changes in Fermented Sausages Produced with Turkey Meat Effects of Starter Culture and Heat
    Treatment. Korean Journal for Food Science of Animal Resources, 34(1), 40-48., Doi:
    10.5851/kosfa.2014.34.1.40 (Yayın No: 2215087)
    HANDE (2014). Vakum ambalajlı olarak soguk muhafaza edilen dana kuzu ve tavuk etlerinin bazı
    fizikokimyasal ve mikrobiyolojik özellikleri. Gaziosmanpasa Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi,
    31(1), 54-62. (Yayın No: 417627)
    HOSGELDI,CEVAHIROGLU HANDE (2013). Dana etinin bazı fizikokimyasal ve mikrobiyolojik
    özellikleri üzerine farklı ambalajlama yöntemleri ve depolama süresinin etkisi. Gaziosmanpasa
    Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 30(2), 62-70. (Yayın No: 417112)
    12. SEN UGUR,KURAN MEHMET,ÇIÇEK ÜMRAN (2013). Growth performance carcass and meat quality
    of Karayaka female lambs born in different seasons. Archiv Fur Tierzucht: Animal Breeding,
    56(31), 315-327., Doi: 10.7482/0003-9438-56-031 (Yayın No: 416773)
    13. ÇIÇEK ÜMRAN,BULGAN ALIYE (2013). Et ve et ürünlerinde heterosiklik aminler. Gaziosmanpasa
    Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 30(1), 25-32. (Yayın No: 417828)
    14. ÇIÇEK ÜMRAN,POLAT NACIYE,TOKATLI KADER,ERINÇ HAKAN (2011). Farklı et yag oranları
    kullanılarak üretilen Tokat bez sucugunun bazı fiziksel ve kimyasal özellikleri. Akademik Gıda,
    9(4), 6-11. (Yayın No: 418227)
    biochemical and microbiological characteristics of turkey sucuks as affected by processing and
    starter culture utilization. Journal of Muscle Foods, 21(1), 142-165., Doi: 10.1111/j.1745-
    4573.2009.00173.x (Yayın No: 412099)
    (2009). Quality characteristics of Turkish raw meat balls produced from turkey meat.
    Fleischwirtschaft International, 24(3), 60-63. (Yayın No: 415931)
    Growth performance muscle development carcass characteristics and meat quality of lambs with
    varying birth weights Extended Abstract. Archiv Fur Tierzucht: Animal Breeding (Arch. Tierz.,
    Dummerstorf), 51, 35-36. (Yayın No: 1613890)
    ÜMIT (2007). Effects of dietary supplementation of L carnitine on performance carcass and meat
    characteristics of guails. South African Journal of Animal Science, 37(3), 189-201. (Yayın No:
    19. ÇIÇEK ÜMRAN,KOLSARICI NURAY,CANDOGAN KEZBAN (2004). Quality characteristics of spent
    layer surimi during frozen storage. European Food Research and Technology, 219(1), 14-19., Doi:
    10.1007/s00217-004-0886-5 (Yayın No: 412162)
    B. Proceedings
    1.    Ü Çiçek., N Öncül., Z Yıldırım., M Duman (2014). The microbiological evaluation of Tokat bez sucuks produced with different starter cultures. International Food Congress Novel Approaches in Food Indusrty NAFI 2014 (Poster) (Yayın No: 1324431)
    2.    M Ayrı., Y Yurt., F Ibis., Ü Çiçek, S, Karabıyıklı, N Öncül, H Cevahiroglu (2014). Physicochemical and microbiological evaluations of meat-balls produced with adding anthocynain during refrigeration. International Food Congress Novel Approaches in Food Indusrty NAFI 2014 (Poster) (Yayın No: 1324481)

    3.    Ü Çiçek., Z Yıldırım., N Öncül (2014). The microbiological properties of Tokat bez sucuks produced with various meat:fat ratio during chilled storage. International Food Congress Novel Approaches in Food Indusrty NAFI 2014 (Poster) (Yayın No: 1324470)

    4.    . Ü Çiçek., Z Yıldırım., N Öncül (2014). The microbiological properties of Tokat bez sucuks produced with starter culture during chilled storage. International Food Congress Novel Approaches in Food Indusrty NAFI 2014 (Poster) (Yayın No: 1324458)
    5.    Ü Çiçek., Z Yıldırım., N Öncül (2014). The effects of sodium nitrite on the microbiological properties of bez sucuks produced with different fat ratios. International Food Congress Novel Approaches in Food Indusrty NAFI 2014 (Poster) (Yayın No: 1324449)
    6.    H Cevahiroglu., N Öncül., H F Can., S Karabıyıklı, Ü Çiçek (2014). The investigation of microbiological Quality of Pastırma sold in Tokat province. International Food Congress Novel Approaches in Food Indusrty NAFI 2014 (Poster) (Yayın No: 1324415)
    7.    Çiçek Ü, Yıldırım Z, Öncül N, Çevik M, Duman M (2013). Effects of utilizing strater culture on the microbiological properties of bez sucuks produced with different fat raitos. 2nd International Symposium on Traditional Foods from adriatic to Caucasus (Poster) (Yayın No: 424689)
    8.    Karabıyıklı S, Çiçek Ü, Cevahiroglu H, Bulgan A, Öncül N (2013). Traditional meat products produced in Tokat province. 2nd Internaitonal Symposium on Traditional Foods from Adriatic to Caucasus (Poster) (Yayın No: 424465)
    9.    Öncül N, Çiçek Ü, Polat N, Yıldırım Z (2013). Microbiological properties of bez sucuks produced with various meat:fat ratio. 2nd International Symposium on Traditional Foods from Adriatic to Caucasus (Poster) (Yayın No: 424565)
    10.    Ensoy Çiçek Ü, Karabıyıklı S, Kılınçer FN, Yıldırım AT, Cevahiroglu H (2013). Physicochemical and microbiological evoluation of beef, lamb and chicken meat during refrigerated storage. 5th International Cold Chain Management Workshop (Poster) (Yayın No: 423971)
    11.    Ensoy Çiçek Ü, Karabıyıklı S, Iyiekmekçi B, Çabuk D, Kurbandurdiyew H, Cevahiroglu H (2013). Physicochemical and microbiological evoluation of differently packaged beef meat during refrigerated storage. 5th International Cold Chain Management Workshop, Doi: 10.13002 /jafag575 (Poster) (Yayın No: 424194)
    12.    Ensoy Ü, Yıldırım Z, Öncül N, Battal S (2011). Non-thermal decontamination techniques for carcasses and fresh meat. International Food Congress: Novel Approaches in Food Industry (Tam metin bildiri) (Yayın No: 423616)
    13.    Kaval N, Öncül N, Yıldırım Z, Ensoy Ü, Yıldırım M (2010). Tokat bez sucugunun mikrobiyolojik niteliklerinin incelenemsi. 1. International Symposium on Traditional Foods from Adriatic to Caucasus (Poster) (Yayın No: 423397)
    14.    Ensoy Ü, Polat N, Yıldırım Z, Erdogan K, Erinç H (2010). Farklı et:yag oranları ile üretilmis Tokat bez sucugunun bazı fiziksel ve kimyasal özellikleri. 1. International Symposium on Traditional Foods from Adriatic to Causasus (Poster) (Yayın No: 423025)
    15.    Ensoy Ü, Köse T, Çevik M, Duman M (2010). Tokat ilinde üretilen bez sucukların bazı fiziksel ve kimyasal özellikleri. 1. International Symposium on Traditional Foods from Adriatic to Caucasus (Poster) (Yayın No: 423269)
    16.    Ümran Ensoy, Kader Erdogan, Hakan Erinç, Eda Demirok, Nuray Kolsarıcı (2010). Çemengilik'in (çemen köftesi) mikrobiyolojik özellikleri. 1. International Symposium on Traditional Foods from Adriatic to Caucasus (Poster) (Yayın No: 423162)
    17.    Ensoy Ü, Aksoy Y, Sirin E, Sen U, Ulutas Z, Kuran M (2007). Growth performance, muscle development, carcass characteristics and meat quality of lambs with varying birth weights. Cost Action 925 (Poster) (Yayın No: 422527)
    18.    Ensoy Ü, Kolsarıcı N, Karslıoglu B, Candogan K (2007). Starter culture and processing effects on microbiological characteristics of "sucuk" produced with turkey meat. 5th International Food Congress on Food Technology (Tam metin bildiri) (Yayın No: 422778)
    19.    Ü Ensoy, K Candogan, N Kolsarıcı, B Karslıoglu, M Çizmeci (2004). Influence of acetic acid and lactic acid treatments on lipid changes and color of chicken legs. XXII World's Poultry Congress (Tam metin bildiri) (Yayın No: 421821)
    C.Articles pusblished in national journals
    1. KOLSARICI NURAY,ÇIÇEK ÜMRAN (1996). Surimi teknolojisi. Gıda, 6(Sayı: ), 389-401. (Kontrol No: 80801)
    2. ÇIÇEK ÜMRAN,KOLSARICI NURAY (2004). Fermente et ürünlerinde flavor olusumu. Standard Ekonomik ve Teknik Dergi(507), 81-93. (Kontrol No: 418807)
    3. KOLSARICI NURAY,ÇIÇEK ÜMRAN,CANDOGAN KEZBAN,ÜZÜMCÜOGLU ÜLKÜ (2004). Soguk ve dondurulmus depolamanın mekanik ayrılmıs tavuk etlerinin kimyasal ve mikrobiyolojik kalitesine etkisi. Orlab Online Mikrobiyoloji Dergisi, 2(8), 8-13. (Kontrol No: 80813)
    4. ÇIÇEK ÜMRAN,KOLSARICI NURAY (2005). Et ürünlerinde bakteriyosin kullanımı. Standard Ekonomik ve Teknik Dergi(517), 36-41. (Kontrol No: 418643)
    5. ÇIÇEK ÜMRAN,BURÇIN COSAR (2006). Yüksek basınç uygulamalarının et ve et ürünlerinin duyusal, fiziksel ve biyokimyasal özellikleri üzerine etkileri. Gaziosmanpasa Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 23(2), 1-7. (Kontrol No: 418383)
    6. ÇIÇEK ÜMRAN,POLAT NACIYE,TOKATLI KADER,ERINÇ HAKAN (2011). Farklı et:yag oranları kullanılarak üretilen Tokat bez sucugunun bazı fiziksel ve kimyasal özellikleri. Akademik Gıda, 9 (4), 6-11. (Kontrol No: 418227)

    D. Proceedings presented at national congress
    1.    ÜZÜMCÜOGLU ÜLKÜ,KOLSARICI NURAY,CANDOGAN KEZBAN,ÇIÇEK ÜMRAN (2004). Soguk ve dondurulmus depolamanın mekanik ayrılmıs tavuk etlerinin mikrobiyolojik kalitesine etkisi (Sözlü Bildiri). Türkiye 8. Gıda Kongresi, (Kontrol No: 435606)
    2. CANDOGAN KEZBAN,ÇIÇEK ÜMRAN,KOLSARICI NURAY,HALKMAN ABDULKADIR,TAGI SEREF (2004). Hindi etinden üretilen çig köftelerin kimyasal, mikrobiyolojik ve duyusal özellikleri (Sözlü Bildiri). Türkiye 8. Gıda Kongresi, (Kontrol No: 435586)
    3.ÇIÇEK ÜMRAN,KOLSARICI NURAY,KARSLIOGLU BETÜL,CANDOGAN KEZBAN (2005). Farklı starterkültür kullanımı ve ısıl islem uygulaması ile üretilen hindi sucugu üretiminde olusan biyokimyasal degisimler (Sözlü Bildiri). Gıda Kongresi 2005, 21(1), 142-165., Doi: 10.1111/j.1745- 4573.2009.00173.x, (Kontrol No: 435556)
    4. ÇIÇEK ÜMRAN,TOKATLI KADER,ERINÇ HAKAN,DEMIROK EDA (2009). Çemengilik'in (çemen köftesi) bazı fiziksel ve kimyasal özellikleri (Sözlü Bildiri). II. Geleneksel Gıdalar Sempozyumu, (Kontrol No: 435452)
    5.SIRIN EMRE,ULUTAS ZAFER,AKSOY YÜKSEL,ÖNENÇ ALPER,ÇIÇEK ÜMRAN,UGURLU MUSTAFA, KURAN MEHMET (2015). Bazı yerli koyun ırklarımızın kas lifi tipi özelliklerinin belirlenmesi (Sözlü Bildiri). 2. Iç anadolu Bölgesi Tarım ve Gıda Kongresi, (Kontrol No: 1611317)
    6.ÇIÇEK ÜMRAN,KOLSARICI NURAY,KARSLIOGLU BETÜL,CANDOGAN KEZBAN (2006). Farklı starter kültür kullanımı ve ısıl islem uygulaması ile üretilen hindi sucuklarının toplam uçucu aroma bilesikleri üzerine depolamanın etkileri (Poster Bildiri). 9. Gıda Kongresi, (Kontrol No: 435511)
    7.KARSLIOGLU BETÜL,ÇIÇEK ÜMRAN,KOLSARICI NURAY,CANDOGAN KEZBAN (2006). Hindi sucuguüretiminde starter kültür kullanımı ve ısıl islem uygulamasının lipid degisimlerine etkisi (Poster Bildiri). 9. Gıda Kongresi, 34(1), 40-48., Doi: 10.5851/kosfa.2014.34.1.40, (Kontrol No: 435536)
    8.SEN UGUR,SIRIN EMRE,ÇIÇEK ÜMRAN,AKSOY YÜKSEL,ULUTAS ZAFER,KURAN MEHMET (2009). Koyunlarda gebeligin orta döneminde uygulanan farklı seviyelerde beslemenin kuzuların doğum sonrası bazı et kalite özelliklerine etkisi (Poster Bildiri). 6. Ulusal Zootekni Bilim Kongresi, Doi: 10.1071/AN14663, (Kontrol No: 435483)
    9.ÖNCÜL NILGÜN,ÇELIK MEHTAP,ÇIÇEK ÜMRAN,YILDIRIM ZELIHA,YILDIRIM METIN (2009).Lactococcus lactis'in biyoteknolojik özellikleri (Poster Bildiri). XVI. Ulusal Biyoteknoloji Kongresi, (Kontrol No: 435437)
    10.ÇIÇEK ÜMRAN,KOLSARICI NURAY,CANDOGAN KEZBAN (2010). Hindi sucugunun duyusal özellikleri üzerine starter kültür kullanımı ve ısıl islem uygulamasının etkileri (Poster Bildiri). 1. Et Ürünleri Çalıstayı, Doi: 10.1111/jfpp.12274, (Kontrol No: 435779). Tarih: 27/10/2015 5
    11.ÇIÇEK ÜMRAN,KÖSE TANER,TOKATLI KADER (2010). Tokat ilinde üretilen bez sucukların biyojenik amin içerikleri (Poster Bildiri). 1. Et Ürünleri Çalıstayı, (Kontrol No: 435786)
    12.ÇIÇEK ÜMRAN,YILDIRIM ZELIHA,TOKATLI KADER,ERINÇ HAKAN,ÇEVIK MUTLU (2012). Bez sucuk üretiminde nitrit kullanımının duyusal özellikler üzerine etkisi (Poster Bildiri). Türkiye 11. Gıda Kongresi, (Kontrol No: 435415)
    13.ÇIÇEK ÜMRAN,ÇEVIK MUTLU (2012). Fermente et ürünlerinde biyojen aminler (Poster Bildiri). Türkiye 11. Gıda Kongresi, (Kontrol No: 435404)
    14.ÇIÇEK ÜMRAN,KARABIYIKLI SENIZ (2012). Kanatlı ürünlerinin mikrobiyolojik kalitesine etki eden dekontaminasyon yöntemleri (Poster Bildiri). 2. Et Ürünleri Çalıstayı, (Kontrol No: 435379)
    15.ÇIÇEK ÜMRAN,DEMIRDÖVEN ASLIHAN (2012). Kanatlı eti ürünlerinde uygulanan ambalajlama yöntemleri (Poster Bildiri). 2. Et Ürünleri Çalıstayı, (Kontrol No: 435367)
    16.ÇIÇEK ÜMRAN,YILDIRIM ZELIHA,ÖNCÜL NILGÜN,ÇEVIK MUTLU,DUMAN MERYEM (2013). Sodyum nitrit kullanımının farklı et:yag oranları ile üretilmis Tokat bez sucugunun mikrobiyolojik özelliklerine etkisi (Poster Bildiri). 4. Gıda Güvenligi Kongresi, (Kontrol No: 435341)
    17.ÇEVIK MUTLU,ÇIÇEK ÜMRAN,TOKATLI KADER,YILDIRIM ZELIHA (2013). Bez sucuk üretiminde starter kültür kullanımının biyojen amin olusumuna etkisi (Poster Bildiri). Iç Anadolu Bölgesi 1.
    Tarım ve Gıda Kongresi, (Kontrol No: 435356)
    18.ÇIÇEK ÜMRAN,KARABIYIKLI SENIZ,ÖNCÜL NILGÜN,BULGAN ALIYE (2013). Et ve et ürünlerinin raf ömrüne etki eden iç ve dıs faktörler (Poster Bildiri). Iç Anadolu Bölgesi 1. Tarım ve Gıda Kongresi, (Kontrol No: 435323)
    19.ÇIÇEK ÜMRAN,KARABIYIKLI SENIZ (2013). Fermente balık ürünleri ve bazı özellikleri (Poster Bildiri). 8. Gıda Mühendisligi Kongresi, (Kontrol No: 425043)
    20.ÇIÇEK ÜMRAN,TOLAN MESUT,BULGAN ALIYE (2013). Et gevreklestirmede uygulanan yöntemler (Poster Bildiri). 8. Gıda Mühendisligi Kongresi, (Kontrol No: 424892)
    21.DUMAN MERYEM,ÇIÇEK ÜMRAN,ÖNCÜL NILGÜN (2014). Farklı starter kültür karışımları kullanılarak üretilen bez sucukların bazı fiziksel ve kimyasal özellikleri (Poster Bildiri). 3. Et Ürünleri Çalıstayı, (Kontrol No: 1236342)
    22.CEVAHIROGLU HANDE,ÇIÇEK ÜMRAN (2014). Etlerde tür tayin yöntemleri (Poster Bildiri). 3. Et Ürünleri Çalıstayı, (Kontrol No: 1236367)
    23.CEVAHIROGLU HANDE,KARABIYIKLI SENIZ,ÇIÇEK ÜMRAN (2014). Kanatlı eti üretiminde mikrobiyal tehlikeler ve dekontaminasyon yöntemleri (Poster Bildiri). 3. Et Ürünleri Çalıstayı, (Kontrol No: 1236408)
    24.ÇIÇEK ÜMRAN,CAN HAFIZE TUBA,CEVAHIROGLU HANDE (2014). Tokat ilinde üretilen pastırmaların bazı fiziksel ve kimyasal özellikleri (Poster Bildiri). 3. Et Ürünleri Çalıstayı, (Kontrol No: 1236356)
    25.ÇIÇEK ÜMRAN,DUMAN MERYEM (2014). Bez sucuk üretiminde farklı starter kültür kullanımının biyojen amin olusumuna etkisi (Poster Bildiri). 3. Et Ürünleri Çalıstayı, (Kontrol No: 1236329)
    26.AKSOY YÜKSEL,ULUTAS ZAFER,ÖNENÇ ALPER,SIRIN EMRE,ÇIÇEK ÜMRAN,UGURLU MUSTAFA, KURAN MEHMET (2015). Bazı yerli koyun ırklarının karkas etlenme ve yaglanma durmunun seurop sisteminde karsılastırılması (Poster Bildiri). 2. Iç Anadolu Bölgesi Tarım ve Gıda Kongresi, (Kontrol No: 1611367)
    27.ÇEVIK MUTLU,ÇIÇEK ÜMRAN (2015). Ticari starter kültür kullanımının Tokat bez sucugunun bazı fiziksel ve kimyasal özellikleri üzerine etkisi (Poster Bildiri). 2.Iç Anadolu Bölgesi Tarım ve Gıda Kongresi, (Kontrol No: 1611346)
    28.BASSOY MUALLA,ÇABUK DUYGU,ÇIÇEK ÜMRAN (2015). Modifiye atmosferde ambalajlamanın kanatlı etinin mikrobiyolojik kalitesi üzerine etkisi (Poster Bildiri). 5. Gıda Güvenligi Kongresi, (Kontrol No: 1611415)
    29.BASSOY MUALLA,ÇIÇEK ÜMRAN,ÇABUK DUYGU (2015). Kanatlı etlerinin ısınlama yöntemi ile muhafazası (Poster Bildiri). 5. Gıda Güvenligi Kongresi, (Kontrol No: 1611396).

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    Food Science, Biotechnology, Biochemistry
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    Intitute of Agricultural Sciences
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    Institute of Forage Crops
    Institute of Forage Crops

    Research Interest: Crop Production, Organic Farming, Biological Active Substances, Allelopathy, Energy Assessments

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    Valentin Kosev
    Department of Plant Science
    Institute of Forage Crops

    Valentin Ivanov Kosev was born in Pleven Bulgaria on 12 March 1973. He graduated from The High Agricultural Institute, Plovdiv, Bulgaria in May 1996. Dr Kosev has received his PhD in Institute of Forage Crops, Pleven, Bulgaria during the period of 2009 – 2013. Currently (from 2017), he is working as Associate Professor in Institute of Forage Crops, Pleven. He has successfully completed his Administrative responsibilities as Researcher in the field of plant Science. He is serving as an editorial member of several reputed journals like Asian Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, Current Investigations in Agriculture and Current Research, Food Science & Nutrition Technology (FSNT) and  International research journal of agricultural and food sciences. He has authored more than 50 research articles and books. He is a member of International Legume society from 2011.

    Research Interest: Plant Breeding Seed Production

    List of some publications of Valentin Kosev

    Mikić A., V. Kosev, R. Gantner, V. Mihailović, P. Smykal, M. Ambrose. 2010. Diversity and agronomic utility of leaf types in pea (Pisum sativum L. International conference „ XXIVth Genetic days” – Session 4 – plant genetics, breeding and diversity, 1th – 3rd September, Brno, Czech Republic", 53.

    Kosev V,·I. Pachev. 2010. Correlations among Some Characteristics in Field Pea. Field Veg. Crop Res. 47: 473-478. (Journal bibliometric report impact factor = 0.251).Kosev V,·I. Pachev. 2010. Genetic Improvement of Field Pea (Pisum sativum L.) in Bulgaria. Field Veg. Crop Res. 47: 403-408. (Journal bibliometric report impact factor = 0.251).

    Mikić A., V. Mihailović, B. Ćupina, V. Kosev, T. Warkentin, K. McPhee, M. Ambrose, J. Hofer, N. Ellis. 2011. Genetic background and agronomic value of leaf types in pea (Pisum sativum). Field Veg. Crop Res. 48: 275-284. (Journal bibliometric report impact factor= 0.251).

    Kosev V, Pachev I, Angelova S, Mikić A: 2012. Inheritance of quantitative traits in crosses between two Pisum sativum subspecies with particular reference to their breeding value. Russian Journal of Genetics, vol. 48, (1): 41-46. (Thomson Reuters Web of Science, IF= 0.427).

    Kosev V., А. Mikić. 2012. "Assessing relationships between seed yield components in field pea (Pisum sativum L.) cultivars by correlation and path analysis" - Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research, 10 (4): 1075-1080. (Thomson Reuters Web of Science, IF= 0.659).

    Mikic A., V. Mihailovic, B. Cupina, I. Lejeune-Henaut, E. Hanocq, G. Duc, K. McPhee, F. L. Stoddar, V. Kosev, D. Krstic, S. Antanasovic, Ž. Jovanovic. 2012. Developing fall-sown pea cultivars as an answer to the challenges of climatic changes. Peas: Cultivation, varieties and nutritional uses. Chapter 4, pp.1 -142. (107-124). /product _info.php? products_id=28484.

    Mikić A., V. Mihailović, M. Dimitrijević, S. Petrović, B. Ćupina, V. Đorđević, V. Kosev, B. Milošević, Ţ. Jovanović, Ţ. Milovac. 2013. Evaluation of seed yield and seed yield components in red-yellow (Pisum fulvum) and Ethiopian Evaluation (Pisum abyssinicum) peas. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution. Vol. 60,(2): 629-638. (Thomson ReutersWeb of Science, IF=1.55).

    Kosev, V. 2013. Genetic studies in earliness and vegetation period in pea (Pisum sativum l.) varieties. Banat’s Journal of Biotechnology, IV (8): 35-41. (Scientific Journal Impact Factor=3.90).

    Ilieva A, V. Kosev. 2013. Evaluation of spring forage pea varieties by quality-related characteristics. Banat’s Journal of Biotechnology, IV (8): 54-58. (Scientific Journal Impact Factor=3.90).

    Kosev V. 2014. Seed yield as affected by the ecological stability of the field pea (Pisum sativum) cultivars". Banat’s Journal of Biotechnology, V (9): 45-50. (Scientific Journal Impact Factor =3.90). Kosev, V. 2014. Enriching genetic diversity of forage pea with a view to selection. Lambert, Academic publishing, pp.1-96. / 3843382700.

    Kosev. V., V. Vasileva. 2014. Some studies on the Selection of Forage pea  (Pisum sativum L.) to increase the Symbiotic nitrogen fixing Potential. International journal of pharmacy and life sciences: 3570-3579. (Scientific Journal Impact Factor = 2.79).

    Kosev V. 2014. Heterosis and degrees of dominance of quantitative traits in pea hybrids (Pisum sativum L.). Banat’s Journal of Biotechnology, V (9): 23-29. (Scientific Journal Impact Factor = 3.90).

    Kosev. V.2014. Breeding evaluation of forage pea varieties and hybrids by the traits number seeds and seed weight per plant. Banat’s Journal of Biotechnology, V (10): 12-16. (Scientific Journal Impact Factor = 3.90).

    Kosev. V. 2014. Breeding and genetic assessment of  some quantitative traits in crosses forage pea (Pisum sativum L.). Open Journal of Genetics, Vol. 4,(1): 22-29. (Thomson Reuters Web of Science, IF= 0.50).

    Kosev V. 2014. Breeding potential of field pea (Pisum sativum) cultivars and their progenies. Journal of BioScience and Biotechnology. Vol. 3,(3): 219-226. (Universal Impact Factor =1.16).

    Vasileva V., Kosev V.2015. Root biomass accumulation in some varieties and hybrids of pea (Pisum sativum L.) Journal of BioScience and Biotechnology. Vol., 4(1): 51-56. (Universal Impact Factor =1.16).

    Vasileva V., Kosev V. 2015. Evaluation of nodule related components and forage productivity in pea (pisum sativum l.) genotypes. International journal of pharmacy and life sciences, 6 (2): 4230-4237. (Scientific Journal Impact Factor =2.79).

    Kosev. V., Ilieva A. 2015. Evaluation of quality-related characteristics and yield in winter forage pea varieties. Banat’s Journal of Biotechnology. VI (1): 54-60. (Scientific Journal Impact Factor = 3.90).

    Kosev. V. 2015. Model of high seed productiveness in forage pea varieties. Journal of Central European Agriculture, Vol. 16, (2): 172-180. (Thomson Reuters Web of Science, IF=0.20).

    Kosev V., 2015. Genetic analysis on some yield traits of pea (pisum sativum l.) crosses. Journal of BioScience and Biotechnology. Vol. 4, (2):149-156. (Universal Impact Factor =1.16).

    Kosev V. 2015. Multivariate analysis of spring field pea genotypes. Banat’s Journal of Biotechnology. VI (1): 23-29. (Scientific Journal Impact Factor = 3.90).

    Mikić A, Mihailović V, Kosev V. 2012. The role of the TENDRIL-LESS (TL) gene in enhancing the agronomic performance of forage pea (Pisum sativum) lines. Pisum Genetics 44:9-12.

    Kosev V. 2013. A brief study on the combining abilities of quantitative traits in field pea (Pisum sativum). Pinnacle Biological Sciences, Vol.1 (1): 1-5.

    Kosev, V. 2014. Inheritance type of the leaves and productivity in deferent genotypes of pea (Pisum sativum L.). Селекція і насінництво. Vol 106: 57-63.

    Kosev V., I. Pachev, Aleksandar Mikić. 2013. Assessing the breeding value of nine spring field pea (Pisum Sativum L.) cultivars. Plant Breeding and Seed Science, V.68: 55-64.

    Georgieva N., I. Nikolova, V. Kosev. 2015. Adaptation and stability of field peas (Pisum sativum L.) cultivars. Journal of Global Agriculture and Ecology,, Vol.: 3, (1):1-10.

    Naydenova, I., V. Kosev. 2015. Composition, digestibility and feeding value estimation of forage pea (Pisum sativum L.) varieties and hybrids. Agricultural Science and Technology. 

    Georgieva N., Nikolova I., Kosev V. 2016. Evaluation of genetic divergence and heritability in pea (Pisum sativum L.). Journal of BioScience and Biotechnology 5 (1): 61-67. (Universal Impact Factor =1.16)

    Georgieva N., Nikolova I., Kosev V., Tahsin N. 2016. Evaluation of genetic differences in vetch cultivars. Romanian Agricultural Research, 33: хх-хх. (Thomson Reuters Web of Science, IF=0.28).

    Georgieva N., Nikolova I., Kosev V. 2015. Stability analysis for seed yield in vetch cultivars. Emirates Emirates journal of food and agriculture. 27(12): 903-910. (Thomson Reuters Web of Science, IF=0.31).

    Georgieva N., Nikolova I., Kosev V. 2015. Association study of yield and its components in pea (Pisum sativum L.). IJP 2(11): 536-542.

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    Research Interest: Climate Change and Agriculture, Abiotic Stress Physiology, Allelopathy, Greenhouse Gases, Plant Nutrition, Seed Invigoration </xml> <style> /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"Table Normal"; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-priority:99; mso-style-parent:""; mso-padding-alt:0cm 5.4pt 0cm 5.4pt; mso-para-margin:0cm; mso-para-margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:11.0pt; font-family:"Calibri","sans-serif"; mso-ascii-font-family:Calibri; mso-ascii-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-hansi-font-family:Calibri; mso-hansi-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-fareast-language:EN-US;} </style> Climate Change and Agriculture, Abiotic Stress Physiology, Allelopathy, Greenhouse Gases, Plant Nutrition, Seed Invigoration <!--[if gte mso 9]><xml> </xml><xml> Normal 0 false false false EN-IN X-NONE X-NONE </xml><xml> </xml> <style> /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"Table Normal"; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-priority:99; mso-style-parent:""; mso-padding-alt:0cm 5.4pt 0cm 5.4pt; mso-para-margin:0cm; mso-para-margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:11.0pt; font-family:"Calibri","sans-serif"; mso-ascii-font-family:Calibri; mso-ascii-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-hansi-font-family:Calibri; mso-hansi-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-fareast-language:EN-US;} </style>

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