International Journal of Agricultural Science and Food Technology is an international research journal, which publishes top-level work from all areas of Agricultural and Food Science including pure research in the various sciences associated with food; and practical experiments designed to improve technical processes. Areas and subareas of interest include: raw material composition to consumer acceptance, from physical properties to food engineering practices, and from quality assurance and safety to storage, distribution, marketing and use, proximate analysis, novel foods, food quality assurance and food safety, raw material composition of food, food storage and distribution, consumer acceptance of foodstuffs, physical properties of food, food engineering practices, food marketing, food manufacturing techniques.
International Journal of Agricultural Science and Food Technology is a peer-reviewed journal dedicated to advancing agricultural and food research. Journal encourages theoretical, experimental and technical research on agriculture and food sciences at farm, community, regional, national and international levels.
IJASFT is an Open Access journal and aims to publish most complete and reliable source of information on the discoveries and current developments in the mode of original articles, review articles, case reports, short communications, etc. it covers all areas of the field and making them freely available through online without any restrictions or any other subscriptions to researchers worldwide.
Food Technology includes a set of physical, chemical or microbiological methods and techniques used to transmute raw ingredients into food and its transformation into other forms in food processing industry. The journal provides an open access platform to publish the original research articles and provides the rapid dissemination of significant research in various disciplines encompassing the processing and technology of food.
Scope of the Journal: Subject areas invited for publication include:
FOOD: Apiculture, Applied Chemistry, Applied Microbiology, Biochemical Engineering, Biochemistry, Biotechnology, Chemical Food Safety, Engineering, and Technology, Enzymology and Enzyme Engineering, Fermentation technology, Food Chemistry, Food Coloring, Food Engineering and Physical Properties, Food Flavorings, Food Microbiology and Safety, Food Packing and Storage, Food Preservation, Food Toxicology, Health, Nutrition, Microbiology, Mushroom cultivation, Nanoscale Food Science, Sensory and Food Quality, etc.
AGRICULTURE: Agricultural biodiversity, Agricultural biotechnology, Agricultural botany, Agricultural ecology, Agricultural economics, Agricultural electrification and automation, Agricultural engineering, Agricultural entomology, Agricultural genomics, Agricultural geography, Agricultural management for production, Agricultural marketing, Agricultural philosophy, Agricultural production, Agricultural resources, Agrochemistry, Agrology, Agronomy, Agrophysics, Allelopathy, Alternative crops, Biological engineering, Breeding genetics, Crop fertilization, Crop physiology and science, Dairy farming, Ecology, Energy agriculture, Environmental hydrology, Environmental impacts of agriculture and forestry, Fermented foods and beverages, Food distribution, Food manufacturing, Food marketing, Food microbiology, Food processing , Food safety, Food science, Food security, Food storage, Forages, Forestry, Horticulture, Husbandry science, Hydroponics, Industrial crops, Irrigation and water management, Land use, Landscape processes, Medicinal plants, Modelling of crop and animal systems, Natural resources management, Nature conservation, Nutrition education and communications, Oils and fats, Organic agriculture, etc.
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