Annals of Environmental Science and Toxicology Submit Manuscript


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    Miklas Scholz

    Miklas Scholz
    Lund University, Sweden
    Email: [email protected]
    Tel: 0046 703435270
    Fax: 0046 46 222 4435

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    Editorial Board

    Russell F Mankes
    Chemical Hygiene Officer
    Department of Environmental Health & Safety
    Albany Medical Center

    Research Interest: Environmental Toxicology, Experimental Pathology, Reproductive and Developmental Toxicology, Pharmaceuticals Ecotoxicology, Healthcare Environmental Safety, Teratology, Biosafety, High Containment Laboratory Facilities. Select Agents and Toxins.

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    H.O Nwankwoala
    Department of Geology
    University of Port Harcourt

    H.O Nwankwoala is a lecturer in the Department of Geology, University of Port Harcourt, Nigeria. He obtained B.Sc in Geology from University of Port Harcourt and an M.Phil in Environmental Management (Environmental Geosciences option) from the Rivers State University of Science and Technology, Port Harcourt and Ph.D in Applied Hydrogeology from the University of Port Harcourt, Nigeria. He has carried out several research projects and consultancy work in the areas of Hydrogeology, and has been a Consultant Geoscientist to a number of Geoscientific/Environmental Companies/firms. He has also taken part in and coordinated a number of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and groundwater potability studies. He has also served in many capacities in the academia within Nigeria and provided expertise internationally, working for United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) as Nigerian Lead Groundwater Expert in the Transboundary Water Assessment Programme (TWAP) for West and Central African countries. He is a prolific researcher and widely published in both local and international high impact factor indexed journals. He is an active member of many professional societies which include the International Association of Hydrogeologists (IAH), the Nigerian Mining and Geosciences Society (NMGS), the Nigerian Association of Petroleum Explorationists (NAPE), and the International Association of Hydrological Sciences (IAHS), amongst others.

    Research Interest:  His research interests are broad-based and have ranged widely over the hydrogeological spectrum, (including but not limited to environmental geochemistry, contaminant hydrogeology, biogeochemistry, geo-microbiology, environmental geo-techniques, Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), waste management, water resources planning/management and sustainability, and environmental hydrogeology with special emphasis to hydro-geochemistry, groundwater/geochemical modelling and pollution studies, and medical geology.


    List of Publications:  

    1.    Nwankwoala, H.O, Amadi, A.N; Warmate, T and Jmoh, M.O (2015). Geotechnical Properties of Sub-soils in Escravos Estuary, Western Niger Delta, Nigeria. American Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture, 3(1): 8 – 14. DOI:10.12691/aees-2-4-2.
    2.    Oborie, E; Udom, G.J and Nwankwoala, H.O (2014). Characterization of aquifers in Yenagoa and Ogbia areas of Bayelsa State, Nigeria: A geo-electrical approach. Advance Journal of Physical Sciences, 3(2): 31 39.
    3.    Ohwoghere-Asuma, O; Chiyem, F.I and Nwankwoala, H.O (2014). 2D Resistivity Electrical Imaging of Unsaturated and Saturated Zones for Crude Oil Spillage at Agbarha in Ugheli area of Delta State, Nigeria. New York Science Journal, 7(2): 30 – 35.
    4.    Nwankwoala, H.O and Warmate, T (2014). Subsurface Soil Characterization of a Site for Infrastructural Development Purposes in D/Line, Port Harcourt, Nigeria. American International Journal of Contemporary Research, 4(6): 139 – 148.
    5.    Nwankwoala, H.Oand Ngah, S.A (2014). Groundwater Resources of the Niger Delta: Quality Implications and Management Considerations. International Journal of Water Resources and Environmental Engineering, 6(5): 155 – 163.
    6.    Udom, G.J; Nwankwoala, H.O and Jephthah, H.A (2013). Seasonal Variations in Groundwater Chemistry in parts of Yenagoa, Bayelsa State, Nigeria. International Journal of Innovative Environmental Studies Research 1(2): 40 – 54.
    7.    Nwankwoala, H.O (2013). Aquifer Hydraulic Conductivity Determination from Grain Size Analysis in parts of Old Port Harcourt Township, Nigeria. ARPN Journal of Science and Technology 3(9): 972 – 981.
    8.    Nwankwoala, H.O (2013). Ionic Abundance and Distributions in Groundwater Systems: A Case Study. Greener Journals of Physical sciences 3(4): 115 – 130.
    9.    Amadi, A.N; Nwankwoala, H.O, Olasehinde, P.I, Okoye, N.O, Okunlola, I.A & Alkali, Y.B (2012). Investigation of aquifer quality in Bonny Island, Eastern Niger Delta, Nigeria using geophysical and geochemical techniques. Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering and Applied Sciences (JETEAS), Vol.3 (1): 183 – 187.
    10.    Nwankwoala, H.O and Walter, I.O (2012). Assessment of Groundwater Quality in Shallow Coastal Aquifers of Okrika Island, Eastern Niger Delta, Nigeria. Ife Journal of Science. 14(2): 297 – 304.
    11.    Nwankwoala, H.O (2012). Investigation of Geotechnical Engineering Properties of Subsurface Soils in Bonny Island, Eastern Niger Delta. Nature Environment and Pollution Technology, An International Quarterly Scientific Journal. 11(4): 527 – 534.
    12.    Nwankwoala, H.O (2011). Assessment of groundwater quality in parts of Bayelsa State, Eastern Niger Delta. The IUP Journal of Soil and Water Science, Vol.11 (4): 7 – 23.
    13.    Odigi, M.I; Ukren, L.O & Nwankwoala, H.O (2011). Distribution of heavy metals in soils of Port Harcourt and its environs, Niger Delta, Nigeria. Chinese Journal of Geochemistry, Vol. 30: 415 – 421.
    14.    Ushie, F.A and Nwankwoala, H.O (2011). A Preliminary geoelectrical appraisal of groundwater in Yalla, Southern Benue Trough, South-East Nigeria. Middle East Journal of Scientific Research, Vol. 9 (1): 01 – 07
    15.    Nwankwoala, H.O and Udom, G.J (2011). Hydrochemicalfacies and ionic ratios of groundwater in Port Harcourt, Southern Nigeria. Research Journal of Chemical Sciences, Vol.1 (3): 87 – 101.
    16.    Nwankwoala, H.O and Udom, G.J(2011). Investigation of hydro-geochemical characteristics of groundwater in Port Harcourt City, Nigeria: Implications for use and vulnerability. Journal of Applied Science and Environmental Management. 15(3):479-488.
    17.    Nwankwoala, H.O (2011). Hydrochemical and suitability evaluation of groundwater in Bonny Island, Eastern Niger Delta. African Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, Vol. 3 (6): 271 – 277.
    18.    Ukandu, J.S; Udom, G.J and Nwankwoala, H.O (2011). Hydrochemistry of groundwater in Umuahia South Local Government Area, Abia State, Nigeria. British Journal of Applied Science and Technology, Vol.1 (4): 141 – 151
    19.    Ukandu, J.S; Udom, G.J and Nwankwoala, H.O (2011). Aspects of the Hydrogeology of Umuahia South Government Area, Abia State, Nigeria. E3 Journal of Environmental Research and Management. 2(2): 014 – 026.
    20.    Nwankwoala, H.O; Udom, G.J and Ugwu, S.A (2011). Some heavy metal investigations in groundwater sources in Yenagoa, Bayelsa State, Nigeria. Journal of Applied Technology in Environmental Sanitation, Vol. 1 (2):163 - 170.
    21.    Nwankwoala, H.O (2011): Institutional framework/agenda for sustainable rural water and sanitation in Nigeria. International Journal of Current Research, Vol. 3 (11): 206 – 209.
    22.    Nwankwoala, H.O and Udom, G.J (2009). Predictive mathematical modeling of iron in the groundwater systems of Eagle Island, Port Harcourt. Water Resources Journal of the Nigerian Association of Hydrogeologists (NAH), Vol. 19: 26 - 31.
    23. Nwankwoala, H.O ;Pabon, D and Amadi, P.A (2009). Seasonal distribution of Nitrate and Nitrite levels in Eleme abattoir environment, Rivers State. Journal of Applied Sciences and Environmental Management, Vol.13 (4): 35 – 38

    More Info.
    Muhammad Ehsan
    Full Professor
    Agriculture and livestock technology
    Centro de Bachillerato Tecnologico Agropecuario No. 162, Fco. I. Madero, Tlaxcala

    Since 2019 and up until the present day, I have been diligently serving as a Full Professor and researcher within the esteemed Technical Colleges system under the Mexican Federal  Ministry of Education (Exhibit 7-a). Here, my duties include teaching students about smart agriculture and agriculture-related courses with giving them real-life practical applications. Prior to this, I had the honor of being chosen by the Mexican National Science and Technology Council to undertake the prestigious project titled "Soil Chemistry, plant nutrition and Irrigation Water Management in the Mante region of Tamaulipas state." This project was an integral part of the comprehensive initiative launched by the Mexican Federal Government with the important aim of supporting various economic sectors by providing them with exceptionally qualified and well-trained individuals who possessed a doctorate in their respective fields.

    Research Interest: The main research objective is to explore environment friendly, economically feasible and efficient remediation strategies for Natural Resources Conservation and Rehabilitation particularly, Soils and Water. Research areas explored: Applied environmental soil chemistry, Remediation of metal contaminated soils using chemical and biological methods, Contaminated soil rehabilitation through immobilization by adsorbents like biochar, cow and chicken manure, synthetic chemical chelates, among others, Phytostabilization of soils contaminated with Cd by lupin plants, Zn and Cd accumulation by Lupinus uncinatus grown in nutrient solution, Synthesis and characterization of Carbon/AlOOH composite for adsorption of Cr (VI) from synthetic wastewater

    More Info.
    Davide Di Paola
    Chemical, Biological, Pharmaceuticals and Environmental Sciences

    March 1th, 2023 to date: Researcher in the Competition Sector 05 / C1- (SSD-BIO 07) ECOLOGY at the Department of

    Chemical, Biological, Pharmaceuticals and Environmental Sciences of the

    University of Messina.

    • 05/2022 - 07/2022: Visiting Researcher at Marbio-UiT Artic University of Norway:

    Extraction techniques of Bioactive Compounds from aquatic organism and

    biotechnological applications

    • 2019-2022: PhD in " Applied Biology and Experimental Medicine" (XXXV cycle)

    at the Department of Chemical, Biological, Pharmaceuticals and Environmental

    Sciences of the University of Messina.

    • 2004-2014: Master Degree in CHEMISTRY AND PHARMACEUTICAL

    TECHNOLOGY, awarded at the University of Messina.


    • Experience in screening complex mixtures (i.e. natural product extracts and

    fractions) for biological activity in biochemical and cell-based assays

    • Identification of known and potentially unknown bioactive compounds

    (dereplication) using high-resolution tandem mass spectrometry

    • Mass guided isolation of bioactive natural products from extracts and organisms,

    purity determination.

    • Structural elucidation of complex natural products using high resolution mass

    spectrometry and spectroscopical tecniques such as NMR, IR and UV-Vis


    • Isolation and cultivation of marine microorganisms (Bacteria and Fungi),

    • Focus on samples of marine origin such as extracts from invertebrates, marine

    fungi and bacteria,


    • Use of microscopes, camera image acquisition and computer image processing,

    preparation of samples and solutions in sterility, ability to work in a clean room

    and under a laminar flow hood, cell cultures, determination of cell mortality by

    MTT, electrophoresis on gel, western blot, nitrite and nitrate assay, comet assay,

    immunofluorescence, immunohistochemistry, preparation and staining of

    histological samples. ELISA , PCR.


    Research Interest: Marine Ecology, Ecotoxicology, Marine Pharmacology

    More Info.
    Poopal Ramakrishnan
    Associate Professor
    Department of Zoology
    Bharathiar University

    Research Interest: Toxicology – Research, Teaching and Manuscript Writing, Publication, Learning New Techniques.

    More Info.
    Dimitris Alexakis
    Associate Professor
    Laboratory of Geoenvironmental Science and Environmental Quality Assurance
    University of West Attica

    Research Interest: Geology, Geochemistry, Environmental Geochemistry, Aqueous Geochemistry, Drinking Water Quality, Trace elements, Inorganic contaminants, Water and Soil Quality, Groundwater Contamination, Environmental Impact Assessment, Soil-Water Interactions, Cation Exchange Processes in Hyporheic Sediments, Geochemical Modeling

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    Huan Yu
    Associate Professor
    School of Earth Sciences
    Chengdu University of Technology

    Research Interest: Intelligent Simulation of Landscape Changes; Remote Sensing Application.

    More Info.
    Nur Nadhirah Binti Mohamad Zain
    Senior Lecturer
    Department of Toxicology
    Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM)

    Dr. Nur Nadhirah Mohamad Zain is a senior lecturer at the Department of Toxicology, USM since 2015. She obtained her Doctor of Philosophy, PhD, in the Analytical Chemistry with specialization in separation science from University of Malaya in 2015. She has been actively involved in research includes the development of new green magnetic/non-magnetic materials for the application of separation techniques in separation and adsorption. She delivers her skills and expertise through scientific publications, student supervisions, and service consultation. She also involves in reputable publisher as a reviewer such as Elsevier journal. She has acquired professional training in Safety in the Use of Chemicals (NIOSH), ICOP CLASS 2014 Implementation for Chemical Classifier (MIHA), MS ISO/IEC 17025:2017 (MMIC) and Procedure of Method Validation and Verification (MMIC). Currently, her research interests are focusing on development of green materials based deep eutectic solvents as an alternative solvent in extraction techniques for monitoring pesticide and pharmaceutical residues in food and environmental matrices. She is a member of Royal Society Chemistry (MRSC) and Malaysian Institute of Chemistry (MMIC). Recently, she has been consulting the safety data sheet and involving as an internal auditor for ISO/IEC 17025: 2017.

     Research Interest: 

    Currently, her research is focused on the development of green materials based on deep eutectic solvents and supramolecular solvents which are trends in the field of the 12 Principles of Green Chemistry. She is particularly interested in their potential as alternative solvents/functional group materials, in extraction techniques for monitoring carcinogenic pollutants, pesticides, and pharmaceutical compounds in food and environmental matrice.

    List of Publications: 

    1. N.N.M. Zain, N.K. Abu Bakar, S. Mohamad, N.M. Saleh, Optimization of a greener method for removal phenol species by cloud point extraction and spectrophotometry, Spectrochim. Acta - Part A Mol. Biomol. Spectrosc. 118 (2014) 1121–1128.
    2. N.N.M. Zain, N.K. Abu Bakar, S. Mohamad, Study of removal of phenol species by adsorption on non-ionic silicon surfactant after cloud point extraction methodology, Desalin. Water Treat. 57 (2016) 3532–3543.
    3. N.N.M. Zain, N.K. Abu Bakar, S. Mohamad, Cloud point extraction of 2,4−dichlorophenol from aqueous samples employing β−cyclodextrin, Sep. Sci. Technol. 51 (2016) 653–663.
    4. N.N.M. Zain, M. Raoov, N.K. Abu Bakar, S. Mohamad, Cyclodextrin modified ionic liquid material as a modifier for cloud point extraction of phenolic compounds using spectrophotometry, J. Incl. Phenom. Macrocycl. Chem. 84 (2015) 137–152.
    5. N.I. Mohd, N.N.M. Zain, M. Raoov, S. Mohamad, Determination of carcinogenic herbicides in milk samples using green non-ionic silicone surfactant of cloud point extraction and spectrophotometry, R. Soc. Open Sci. 5 (2018).
    6. N.I. Mohd, M. Raoov, S. Mohamad, N.N.M. Zain, Performance evaluation of non-ionic silicone surfactants OFX 0309 and DC 193C as a new approach in cloud point extraction-spectrophotometry for determination of atrazine in water samples, RSC Adv. 8 (2018) 13556–13566.
    7. N.I. Mohd, K. Gopal, M. Raoov, S. Mohamad, N. Yahaya, V. Lim, N.N.M. Zain, Evaluation of a magnetic activated charcoal modified with non-ionic silicone surfactant as a new magnetic solid phase extraction sorbent with triazine herbicides as model compounds in selected milk and rice samples, Talanta. 196 (2019) 217–225.
    8. P. W. Ooi, M. Raaov, N. Yahaya, N.N.S.N.M. Kamal, K. Gopal, N.A. Husin, N.N.M. Zain, Removal of phthalates in aqueous samples using non-ionic silicone surfactant mediated cloud point extraction via spectrophotometry, Malaysian Journal of Analytical Sciences, (2019).
    9. K. Gopal, N.I. Mohd, M. Raoov, F.B.M. Suah, N. Yahaya, N.N.M. Zain, Development of a new efficient and economical magnetic sorbent silicone surfactant-based activated carbon for the removal of chloro- and nitro-group phenolic compounds from contaminated water samples, RSC Adv. 9 (2019) 36915–36930.
    10. K. Gopal, I. Al deeb, M. Raaov, F.B.M. Suah, N.A. Samad, N. Yahaya, V. Lim, N.N.M. Zain, Supramolecular solvent combined with dispersive solid phase extraction based magnetic silicone surfactant activated charcoal adsorbent for extraction of phenolic compounds from industrial wastewater, Microchem. J. 157 (2020) 105110.
    11. N.M. Badu Latip, K. Gopal, M. Suwaibatu, N.M. Hashim, N.Y. Rahim, M. Raoov, N. Yahaya, N.N. Mohamad Zain, Removal of 2,4-dichlorophenol from wastewater by an efficient adsorbent of magnetic activated carbon, Sep. Sci. Technol. 56 (2021) 252–265.
    12. N.A. Husin, N.M. Hashim, N. Yahaya, M. Miskam, M. Raoov, N.N.M. Zain, Exploring magnetic particle surface embedded with imidazole-based deep eutectic solvent for diclofenac removal from pharmaceutical wastewater samples, J. Mol. Liq. 332 (2021) 115809.
    13. N.A. Husin, M. Muhamad, N. Yahaya, M. Miskam, N.N. Syazni Nik Mohamed Kamal, S. Asman, M. Raoov, N.N. Mohamad Zain, Application of a new choline-imidazole based deep eutectic solvents in hybrid magnetic molecularly imprinted polymer for efficient and selective removal of naproxen from aqueous samples, Mater. Chem. Phys. 261 (2021) 124228.
    14. S. Mamman, F.B.M. Suah, M. Raaov, F.S. Mehamod, S. Asman, N.N.M. Zain, Removal of bisphenol A from aqueous media using a highly selective adsorbent of hybridization cyclodextrin with magnetic molecularly imprinted polymer, R. Soc. Open Sci. 8 (2022) 201604.
    15. V. Elencovan, J. Joseph, N. Yahaya, N. Abdul Samad, M. Raoov, V. Lim, N.N.M. Zain, Exploring a novel deep eutectic solvents combined with vortex assisted dispersive liquid–liquid microextraction and its toxicity for organophosphorus pesticides analysis from honey and fruit samples, Food Chem. 368 (2022) 130835.
    16. V. Elencovan, N. Yahaya, N.A. Samad, N.N.M. Zain, Evaluation of green silicone surfactantbased vortex assisted dispersive liquidliquid microextraction for sample preparation of organophosphorus pesticide residues in honey and fruit sample, J. Sep. Sci. 45 (2022) 2865–2876.
    17. V. Elencovan, N. Yahaya, M. Raoov, N. Nadhirah Mohamad Zain, Exploring a novel silicone surfactant-based deep eutectic solvent functionalized magnetic iron particles for the extraction of organophosphorus pesticides in vegetable samples, Food Chem. (2022) 133670.
    18. S. Mamman, S. Yaacob, M. Raoov, F.S. Mehamod, N.N.M. Zain, F.B.M. Suah, Exploring the performance of magnetic methacrylic acid-functionalized β-cyclodextrin adsorbent toward selected phenolic compounds, J. Anal. Sci. Technol. 14 (2023) 3.
    19. N.M. Hashim, M. Mohamad, N.N.S.N.M. Kamal, M.Y. Aziz, S. Mohamad, N. Yahaya, N.N.M. Zain, Revolutionizing Drug Removal: Green Magnetic Nanoparticles Functionalized with Hydrophobic Deep Eutectic Solvents for Anti-Inflammatory Drug Adsorption, J. Mol. Liq. (2023) 122082.
    20. N.I.M. Husaini, N.A.I.M.Hisham, N.M. Hashim, C.S.A. Lasu, N. Yahaya, M. Raoov, N.N.M. Zain, Magnetic Nanoparticle for Removing Sunset Yellow Dye: Taguchi Optimization, Malaysian Journal of Analytical Sciences, (2023).
    21. Green Metrics for Analytical Methodologies: Uncovering Sustainable Chromatography Approaches for Detecting Emerging Contaminants in Food and Environmental Water. 

    More Info.
    Associate professor
    Department of Biology
    University Putra Malaysia

    Dr. Chee Kong YAP is a Malaysian and is currently an Associate Professor at the Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, University Putra Malaysia (UPM). He obtained his Ph.D. degree in Ecotoxicology from University Putra Malaysia. As an academician for more than 12 years in UPM and 17 years as a researcher, he has been active in teaching and doing research since his first degree. Under his chairmanship, one PhD and six MS students have successfully graduated so far in UPM. In recognition of his expertise and research capabilities, he was awarded research grants as Principal Investigator and Researcher including from Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MOSTI, Malaysia), Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE, Malaysia) and University Putra Malaysia. He has been invited as a reviewer in various prominent Impact Factor Journals besides some non-cited journals. Until February 2015, he has reviewed [voluntarily] 190 citation-indexed and 63 non-citation –indexed journal articles, by invitation on ad hoc basis, which are submitted for consideration for publication in international journals worldwide. Dr. Yap has been active in publications as evidenced with his research outputs with more than 236 published in refereed academic journals, 2 books, 4 book chapters, 18 international conferences/ proceedings, 45 national conferences/ proceedings, 4 invited papers and 32 poster presentations. In addition, he has published 21 papers (8.60%) as single author of the paper. Until February 2015, 163 of them have now been indexed in Elsevier’s Scopus with an H-index of 18 (1185 citations) and 20 (1758 citations) based on Google Scholar. His single-authored book entitled ‘Mussel Watch in Malaysia: Past, Present and Future’ (UPM Press, 2012) is his significant output of his 17-year research endeavor. Most recently, Dr. Yap has won an international award for ‘Award for Excellence in Research 2014 (EET CRS)’, on 21 July 2014 from Bangalore, India.

    Research Interest:  Plant and Soil Sciences, Environmental pollution,

    Heavy Metal





    List of Publications

    1.   Yap, C.K., A.R. Bakhtiari and W.H. Cheng, 2017. Impacts of marine pollution and toxicology: A mussel watch experience in peninsular Malaysia. Aquatic pollution Malaysia. J. Aquat Pollut. Toxicol., 1: 1-4.

    2.    Yap, C.K., 2017. Essential minerals for good heath, but their overdose is not. EC Nur., 6: 109-112.

    3.    Wong, K.W., C.K. Yap, R. Nulit, M.S. Hamzah and S.K. Chen et al., 2017. Effects of anthropogenic activities on the heavy metal levels in the clams and sediments in a tropical river. Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res., 24: 116-134.

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    4.    Ong, G.H., C.K. Yap, M. Mahmood, S.G. Tan and M.S. Hamzah, 2017. Magnesium in local edible ulam (Centella asiatica) and its relation to their habitat soils in peninsular Malaysia. Pertanika J. Trop. Agric. Sci., 40: 1-18.

    5.    Ashraf, A., E. Saion, E. Gharibshahi, H.M. Kamari, C.K. Yap, M.S. Hamzah and M.S. Elias, 2017. Distribution of trace elements in core marine sediments of coastal east Malaysia by instrumental neutron activation analysis. Applied Radiation Isotopes, 122: 96-105.

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    6.    Yap, C.K., Y.J.E. Ng, F.B.E. Thomas, W.H. Cheng and G.H. Ong, 2016. The use of foot of the green-lipped mussel is perna viridis as an alternative method to reduce the gender effect on the bioaccumulation of Cu and Zn in the mussel. Open J. Oceanography, 1: 22-25.

    7.    Yap, C.K., W.H. Cheng, A. Karami and A. Ismail, 2016. Health risk assessments of heavy metal exposure via consumption of marine mussels collected from anthropogenic sites. Sci. Total Environ., 553: 285-296.

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    8.    Sharifinia, M., A. Mahmoudifard, J.I. Namin, Z. Ramezanpour and C.K. Yap, 2016. Pollution evaluation in the Shahrood River: Do physico-chemical and macroinvertebrate-based indices indicate same responses to anthropogenic activities? Chemosphere, 159: 584-594.

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    9.    Ong, G.H., L.S. Wong, A.L. Tan and C.K. Yap, 2016. Effects of metal-contaminated soils on the accumulation of heavy metals in gotu kola (Centella asiatica) and the potential health risks: A study in Peninsular Malaysia. Environ. Monitoring Assess., Vol. 188. 10.1007/s10661-015-5042-0.

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    10.    Karami, A., N. Romano, H. Hamzah, S.L. Simpson and C.K. Yap, 2016. Acute phenanthrene toxicity to juvenile diploid and triploid African catfish (Clarias gariepinus): Molecular, biochemical and histopathological alterations. Environ. Pollut., 212: 155-165.

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    11.    Karami, A., D. Omar, J.M. Lazorchak, C.K. Yap, Z. Hashim and S.C. Courtenay, 2016. A comparison of biomarker responses in juvenile diploid and triploid African catfish, Clarias gariepinus, exposed to the pesticide butachlor. Environ. Res., 151: 313-320.

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    12.    Ashraf, A., E. Saion, E. Gharibshahi, H.M. Kamari, C.K. Yap, M.S. Hamzah and M.S. Elias, 2016. Rare earth elements in core marine sediments of coastal East Malaysia by instrumental neutron activation analysis. Applied Radiat. Isotopes, 107: 17-23.

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    13.    Yap, C.K., A. Jusoh, W.J. Leong, A. Karami and G.H. Ong, 2015. Potential human health risk assessment of heavy metals via the consumption of tilapia Oreochromis mossambicus collected from contaminated and uncontaminated ponds. Environ. Monit. Assess., Vol. 187. 10.1007/s10661-015-4812-z.
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    14.    Yap, C.K., 2015. Comment on assessment of heavy metal contamination in Hindon River sediments: A chemometric and geochemical approach published in Chemosphere 87 (2012) 945-953. Chemosphere, 119: 1465-1466.

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    15.    Yap, C.K. and W.H. Cheng, 2015. Beryllium levels in the mangrove snail, Nerita lineata and surface sediments from Peninsular Malaysian Mangrove Area. Sains Malaysiana, 44: 965-971.

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    16.    Cheng, W.H., C.K. Yap, M.P. Zakaria, A.Z. Aris and S.G. Tan, 2015. Lithium levels in Peninsular Malaysian coastal areas: An assessment based on mangrove snail Nerita lineata and surface sediments. Pertanika J. Trop. Agric. Sci., 38: 93-101.

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    17.    Cheng, W.H. and C.K. Yap, 2015. Potential human health risks from toxic metals via mangrove snail consumption and their ecological risk assessments in the habitat sediment from Peninsular Malaysia. Chemosphere, 135: 156-165.

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    18.    Yap, C.K., F.B. Edward and S.G. Tan, 2014. Concentrations of heavy metals in different tissues of the bivalve Polymesoda erosa: Its potentials as a biomonitor and food safety concern. Pertanika J. Trop. Agric. Sci., 37: 19-38.

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    19.    Yap, C.K., 2014. Shells of Telescopium telescopium as biomonitoring materials of ni pollution in the tropical intertidal area. Int. J. Adv. Applied Sci., 3: 11-18.

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    20.    Yap, C.K., 2014. Elemental concentrations in the surface sediments collected from the straits of Malacca: 2004 sampling cruise. Int. J. Adv. Applied Sci., Vol. 3. .

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    21.    Yap, C.K., 2014. Contamination of heavy metals and other organic pollutants in Perna viridis from the coastal waters of Malaysia: A review based on 1998 data. J. Sci. Res. Rep., 3: 1-16.

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    More Info.
    Zhijun Peng
    School of Engineering
    University of Lincoln
    United Kingdom

    Biography (up to 500 words): Prof Jun Peng is currently the Chair Professor of Sustainable Energy Engineering in the University of Lincoln, UK. He is a member of the University’s Green Energy and Net Zero Steering Committee, Deputy Director in Research of School of Engineering, Head of Thermofluids Research Lab. Prof Peng obtained his PhD degree in mechanical engineering (thermodynamics/IC engine combustion) in 1996 from the National Engine Combustion Lab (China). He moved to Brunel University in 1998 as research fellow for five years.  After obtained two years industrial experience at Ford Motor Company (Product Development Europe) as a senior development engineer since 2003, he started working as a lecturer in mechanical engineering in University of Sussex since 2004 and was promoted to senior lecturer (associate professor) in 2007. He was appointed as Professor in Engineering in Faculty of Creative Arts, Technologies and Science, University of Bedfordshire in June 2017. Prof Peng’s research interest lies in flow dynamics and combustion with application on combustion engines, gas turbines, fuel cells and other sustainable power systems. Prof Peng is a fellow of IMechE (Institution of Mechanical Engineers) and committee members of Academic Assessment Committee, and an invited international fellow of JSPS (Japan Society for the Promotion of Science).  He is currently an associate editor of Electronics Letters (SCI Journal) and Editorial Board member of Johnson Matthey Technology Review (SCI Journal).

    Research Interest:

    Experimental investigation (including various laser diagnostics) and numerical simulation (including LES, DNS, etc.) on fluid dynamics, thermodynamics, heat transfer, combustion with application on flows and combustion of non-carbon fuels and other renewable fuels in combustion engines, fuel cells and other sustainable energy technologies (including exhaust energy recovery, solar energy, etc.) 

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    Miklas Scholz
    Civil Engineering Research Group
    University of Salford

    Research Interest: Agricultural Water Management; Agricultural and Environmental Engineering; Irrigation of Crops with Recycled (Treated) Wastewater.

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    Mohamed Nageeb Rashed
    Environmental Chemistry
    Aswan University

    Prof. Mohamed Nageeb Rashed is a Professor of Analytical and Environmental Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Aswan University, Egypt. He previously was a director of mining research centre at Nasser Lake Development Authority, Aswan, Egypt. His research interests have been water pollution monitoring, control and treatment; bioindicators for water pollution; advanced oxidation treatment, photocatalysis, nanocatalyst, nanocomposite and adsorption techniques in water and wastewater treatment. Prof. Rashed supervises several M.Sc. and Ph.D. thesis in the field of analytical and environmental chemistry. He published 75 scientific papers in international journals. He participated as invited speaker in 20 conferences around the world. Prof. Rashed acts as editor-in-chief and an editorial board member in several international journals in the fields of chemistry and environment. He awarded the Egyptian National Award for Environmental Researches for the year 2001.

    Research Interest:  Analytical Chemistry, Environmental Chemistry, Industrial chemistry, Nanocatalysis, Water quality, Photocatalysis, Adsorption, Ecotoxicology, Environmental Impact Assessment, Industrial Waste Recycling, Wastewater management.


    Grants: ORCID:

    Scoups ID: 7006151185

    List of Publications: 

    1- M.Nageeb Rashed, Mohamed E. Soltan, Mahasen M. Ahmed, Ahmed N. E. Abdou (2018) Heavy Metals Removal from Wastewater by Adsorption on Modified Physically Activated Sewage Sludge. Archives of Organic and Inorganic Chemical Sciences, 1(1), 1-8.
    2- Nageeb Rashed M, Eltaher MA, and Abdou ANA. (2018).Removal of Methyl Orange and Cd using Sewage Sludge Adsorbent Assisted Photo- Fenton UV /H2O2. Chem Eng Process Tech 4(1): 1051.
    3- M. Nageeb Rashed, A.A. Gad and A.M. AbdEldaiem.(2018). Preparation and characterization of green adsorbent from waste glass and its application for the removal of heavy metals from well water. Advances in Environmental Research, Vol. 7, No. 1 (2018) 53-71 .
    4- El-Sheikh S. M., Ahmed Shawky, Sabrin M. Abdo, Mohamed Nageeb Rashad, Thanaa I. El-
    Dosoqy. (2018). Preparation and characterization of nanokaolinite photocatalyst for removal of P-nitrophenol under UV irradiation. Int.J.Nanostructure. Accepted.
    5-Nageeb Rashed, Mohamed E. Soltan, Mahasen M. Ahmed, Ahmed N. E. Abdou (2017)
    Removal of Heavy Metals from Wastewater by New Adsorbents from Chemical Activation of Sewage Sludge. Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, Vol.16, No. 7, 1531-1542.
    6- M.Nageeb Rashed, A. Rashed Mohamed, M. Ahmed Awadallah (2017).Preparation of
    adsorbent from phosphate rock waste to be used for the removal of heavy metals from
    wastewater. Journal of Applied Chemistry Science International, Accepted, in press.
    7- G. M. Taha, M. N. Rashed, M. S Abd El-sadek, M. A. Moghazy (2017) Comparative Study on Three Different Methods for Synthesis of a Pure Nano Multiferroic BiFeO 3.Advanced Science, Engineering and Medicine, 9(6),461-468.
    8. S. M. El-Sheikh, Ahmed Shawky, Sabrin M. Abdo, Thanaa I. El Dosoqy, Mohamed Nageeb Rashad (2017) . A novel nanokaolinite photocatalyst for degradation of P-nitrophenol.
    Conference Paper published Aug 2017 in IEEE International Conference on Manipulation,
    Manufacturing and Measurement on the Nanoscale (3M-NANO).
    9- M. Nageeb Rashed, M. A. Eltherr and A. N. A. Abdou (2016 ).Synthesis of TiO2@ Activated Bagasse Fly Ash Nanocomposite as a Photocatalyst for Removal of Dyes and Heavy Metals from Wastewater. International Research Journal of Pure & Applied Chemistry 11(4): 1-13.
    10- M. Nageeb Rashed, M. A. Eltherr and A. N. A. Abdou (2016 ) Coupled Adsorption and
    Photocatalysis of Cadmium and Methyl Orange from Aqueous Solution using anocomposite
    (TiO2/ Sewage Sludge Based Activated Carbon) .In publishing, J. Environmental Technology & Innovation.
    11- Said M. El-Sheikh, Mohamed N. Rashed, Ahmed Shawky, Sabrine M. Abdou, Thanaa I. El-Dossoqy (2016) Preparation of 2D Nanostructured Kaolinite as Enhanced Photocatalyst for Degradation of Rhodamine B Dye under UV Light. NT16- Seventeenth International
    Conference of Science and Applications of Nanotubes and Low Dimensional materials,
    University of Vienna, Austria (7-13th Aug. 2016) / (GSS16- 7thGraphene and 2D Materials
    Satellite Symposium, faculty of Physics, University of Vienna, Austria (13th Aug. 2016).
    12-M. Nageeb Rashed, M. A. El-Daim El Taher and Somaya M. M. Fadlalla (2016).Adsorption of methylene blue using modified adsorbents from drinking water treatment sludge. Water Science & Technology, 74 (8), 1885-1889.
    13-M.Nageeb Rashed, M.A.El-Daim El Taher, S. M. M. Fadlalla (2016) Adsorption Kinects and Isotherms for Removal of Rhodamine B (dye) using Adsorbents prepared from drinking water treatment sludge. American Journal of Scientific Research and Essays, Vol. 1(1): 13-30
    14- M.N. Rashed, A. Rashed Mohamed, M. Ahmed Awadallah (2015) Chemically Activated
    Phosphate Slime as Adsorbent for Heavy Metals Removal from Polluted Water. International
    Journal of Environment and Waste Management. Int. J. Environment and Waste Management, Vol. 16, No. 2.145-165.
    15- M. N. Rashed, M. A. Eltherr, A. N. A.Abdou (2016) Enhancement the efficiency of methyl orange and cadmium simultaneous removal using activated sewage sludge supported by photo - Fenton system. In publishing.
    16-M.N.Rashed, M. E. Soltan, , M.M. Ahmed, A. N. A. Abdou (2014) Removal of Heavy Metals from Wastewater by New Adsorbents from Chemical Activation of Sewage Sludge .Journal Environmental Engineering and Management, Accepted and in Press.
    17-M.N. Rashed, M.A.El-Taher, E.M.Fawezy and S.M. N. Moalla (2013) Photocatalytic
    Degradation of Methyl Orange under Sunlight Irradiation and Nanosized TiO2 Catalyst
    Modified Concrete Materials (recycled glass cullet as aggregate). 11th International Conference on Chemistry and its Role in Development (ICCRD'11) Mansoura - Sharm El-Sheikh March 11-15, 2013

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    Key Laboratory of Vegetation Restoration and Management of Degraded Ecosystems
    University of Chinese Academy of Sciences

    Dr. Muhammad Sadiq Khan, a dedicated and accomplished Ph.D. in Ecology from the Research Center For Eco-Environmental Sciences, UCAS, is a leading expert in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and remote sensing. With a profound passion for environmental sciences, he has spent seven years unraveling the intricate relationships between ecosystems and human activities using cutting-edge geospatial technology. Their academic journey began with a solid urban and regional ecology foundation, leading to extensive GIS and remote sensing application research. Driven by a commitment to environmental conservation, they have significantly contributed to developing sustainable practices and informed decision-making.

    As a visionary scientist, Dr. Muhammad Sadiq Khan continues working as a Postdoc Researcher from 2022 at South China Botanical Garden, UCAS China, pushing ecological research boundaries, using GIS and remote sensing to address complex environmental challenges and promote a healthier planet.

    Research Interest(s): 

    Main research interests are earth system dynamics, including climate monitoring, land-use land cover changes, landscape spatial analysis, and natural resources monitoring, specifically through the potential use of GIS and remote sensing.

    Publications list:

    1. Khan. M.S et al. (2023). Comparative study and effects of urban greenscape on land surface temperature of a big metropolis and green city (Revision submitted in Heliyon journal)
    2. Khan. M.S et al. (2023). Khan, M. S., Ullah, S., & Chen, L. (2023). Variations in Surface Urban Heat Island and Urban Cool Island Intensity: A Review Across Major Climate Zones. Chinese Geographical Science, 1-18.
    3. Khan, M. S., Ullah, S., & Chen, L. (2021). Comparison on land-use/land-cover indices in explaining land surface temperature variations in the city of Beijing, China. Land, 10(10), 1018. https://doi:10.3390/land10101018
    4. Khan, M.S, Ullah, S., Sun, T., Rehman, A. U., & Chen, L. (2020). Land-use/land-cover changes and its contribution to urban heat Island: A case study of Islamabad, Pakistan. Sustainability, 12(9), 3861. 1
    5. Ullah, S, Dees, M, Datta, P; Adler, Tahir Saeed, Khan, M.S; Koch, B. Comparing the potential of stereo aerial photographs, stereo very high-resolution satellite images, and TanDEM-X for estimating forest height. International Journal of Remote Sensing 2019, 8, 215.
    6. Sun, T., Sun, R., Khan, M. S., & Chen, L. (2021). Urbanization increased annual precipitation in temperate climate zone: A case in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region of North China. Ecological Indicators, 126,107621. https://doi:10.1016/J.ECOLIND.2021.107621
    7. Rehman, A., Qin, J., Shafi, S., Khan, M. S., Ullah, S., Ahmad, K., Faheem, M. (2022). Modelling of Land Use/Cover and LST Variations by Using GIS and Remote Sensing: A Case Study of the Northern Pakhtunkhwa Mountainous Region, Pakistan. Sensors, 22(13), 4965.
    8. Rehman, A., Qin, J., Pervez, A., Khan, M. S., Ullah, S., Ahmad, K., and Rehman, N. U. (2022). Land-use/land cover changes contribute to land surface temperature: a case study of the Upper Indus Basin of Pakistan. Sustainability, 14(2), 934.
    9. Ur Rehman, A. U., Ullah, S., Liu, Q., & Khan, M. S. (2021). Comparing different space-borne sensors and methods for the retrieval of land surface temperature. Earth Science Informatics, 1-11.
    10. Ur Rehman, A., Ullah, S., Shafique, M., Khan, M. S., Badshah, M. T., & Liu, Q. J. (2021). Combining Landsat-8 spectral bands with ancillary variables for land cover classification in mountainous terrains of northern Pakistan. Journal of Mountain Science, 18(9), 2388-2401. 020-6548-7
    11. Feng, S., Chen, L., Sun, R., Feng, Z., Li, J., Khan, M. S., & Jing, Y. (2019). The distribution and accessibility of urban parks in Beijing, China: Implications of social equity. International journal of environmental research and public health, 16(24), 4894.
    12. Khan et al., 2023, Assessment of Vegetation Success Concerning Climate-Topography for Effective Ecological Protection and Management (Under Review in Environmental Research Letter)
    13. Khan et al., 2023,  Understanding Vegetation Dynamics of the World's Largest Mangrove Forest under Climate Crises: A Comprehensive Analysis (Under Review in Ecological Indicators)
    14. Khan, M. S., Hussain, A., Saeed, M., Latif, M., Khan, S. M., Shah, W., ... & Ali, G. (2016). Impact assessment of forest resources on the fauna and socio economic conditions of local community.
    15. Khan, M. S., Khan, S., Shah, W., Hussain, A., & Masaud, S. (2016). Height growth, diameter increment and age relationship response to sustainable volume of subtropical Chir pine (Pinus roxburghii) forest of Karaker Barikot forest. Pure and Applied Biology, 5(4), 1. DOI:10.19045/bspab.2016.50095    
    16. Khan, M. S., Shah, W. I. S. A. L., Hussain, A. H. M. A. D., Naz, A. L. I. A., & Masaud, S. H. A. H. (2015). Predicting the present growing stock for the next ten years keeping in view the dependency of local community in karaker forest swat. J. Sci. Technol. Univ. Peshawar, 39, 37-55.
    17. Yaseen, M., Saad, M., Salim, M., Saeed, M., Suliman, M., Khan, S., ... & Amir, H. H. (2018). Impact of joint forest management on the insect population and socio-economics of local communities of village miandam district swat, Pakistan.

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    Bamdad Riahi-Zanjani
    Assistant Professor
    Department of Medical Toxicology
    Mashhad University of Medical Sciences

    Research Interest: Environmental Toxicology, Basic and Clinical Toxicology, Immunotoxicology.

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    Mounim Lebrini
    Professor at the University
    Faculty of Science, Technology, and Environment
    University of the Antilles
    Martinique; France

    Mounim Lebrini is a Professor at the University of the Antilles. He holds a Habilitation to Direct Research (HDR) from the University of the Antilles France, obtained in 2017, as well as a Ph.D. from the University of Sciences and Technologies of Lille France, obtained in 2005.

    As a physicochemist, his research focuses on surface treatment, utilizing a multidisciplinary approach that combines electrochemistry and physico-chemical surface analysis. His specific expertise lies in inhibiting metal corrosion using natural organic inhibitors and green extraction methods.

    Within the University of the Antilles, Professor Lebrini holds several important roles. He is the head of the internal team "Interaction Materials/Molecules of Interest" at the Laboratory of Materials and Molecules in Aggressive Environments. Additionally, he supervises a post-doctoral researcher and nine doctoral candidates, and leads four research projects.

    In addition to his research activities, Professor Lebrini plays an active role in university governance. He is a member of several commissions and councils, including the Research Commission, the administrative council of the doctoral school, and the administrative council of the Faculty of Sciences, Technologies, and Environments. He is also responsible for the Physics-Chemistry license and chairs the diploma jury for this discipline at the University of the Antilles.

    His impressive scientific output includes 54 publications, 11 conference proceedings, and 38 communications. His work has been widely cited in the academic community, with 4871 citations across 6014 documents and an h-index of 28.


    Research Interest: Corrosion under Acidic and Alkaline Conditions, Extraction, Natural and Synthetic Organic Corrosion Inhibitors

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