In this study, the effect of oxidative improvers such as glucose oxidase (10-30 mg/kg) and ascorbic acid (50–150 mg/kg) were compared on the rheological properties of two sets of flours with different extraction rates (75% and 82%). The optimized formulation via the response surface method revealed that the oxidative improvers have a different reaction in different types of flours. In flours with a 75% extraction rate, glucose oxidase played the main role, while in the flours with an 82% extraction rate, ascorbic acid was more effective. Also, this study showed that the effects of both improvers are dose-dependent, for the 75% extraction rate of flour, the optimal dose of glucose oxidase is 23 mg/kg, and for the 82% extraction rate of flour, the optimal dosage is 90 mg/kg of ascorbic acid. Finally, the effect of the optimal formulation was investigated on the bread properties and the results were compared with the control sample.
Published on: Jan 5, 2022 Pages: 1-10
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DOI: 10.17352/2455-815X.000137
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