Aquarium fishes are attractive colorful fishes of various characteristics, which are kept as pets in the confined space of an aquarium or a garden pool for fun and fancy [1]. These living jewels need not always have bright colors; as sometimes their peculiar characteristics such as body color, morphology, mode of taking food, etc. may also add to their attractiveness [2].
An aquarium is an enclosed body of water containing a mixture of selected and unselected captive living aquatic organism which is essentially unstable and to obtain stability must be carefully designed and managed [3]. Aquarium keeping is amongst the most popular of hobbies with millions of enthusiasts worldwide [4]. It was projected that 150 million ornamental fish both marine and freshwater were sold each year worldwide and the trade and its associated aquarium accessories were worth over US$7 billion annually, in the late 1980s [5].
Since 1985 the value of international trade in exports of ornamentals has increased at an average growth rate of approximately 14 percent per year [6]. More than 100 countries are involved in the ornamental fish trade and approximately one billion fish have moved annually between the trading blocks [7].
[8]. Reported that two common ideas of pet business in ornamental fisher are-either breeding fish or starting an aquarium maintenance service. Globally ornamental fish keeping treats as an industry due to its high market demand and profitability as well as it is a hobby that has been rated as the second most popular and most popular type of pet in the industrialized country [9]. Pet industry surveys have estimated the aquarium industry worth over $1,000 million USD [10]. Singapore is currently the main exporter of ornamentals to the world [11]. The United States (US) is the single largest importer of ornamental fish in the world [12]. More recently, it was estimated that 1,471 marine ornamental fish [13]. And more than 4,000 species of ornamental freshwater fish were traded globally each year [14]. Both freshwater and marine water fish species are popular among hobbyists. But statistically, from commercial perspective freshwater species dominate 90-96% and are produced in commercial aquaculture facilities [10,15]. Although exact figures on the value and trade of the ornamental fish industry do not exist, the value of ornamental fish and invertebrates imported into different countries worldwide is approximately $278 million US dollars [12].
The approximate global import value of aquarium fishes is US$ 321 million [16]. And among them, only US$ 21-48 million is belong to the marine aquarium fish trade [17]. The business of ornamental fish is now very popular in many countries of the world and a rapidly growing venture in Bangladesh [18]. Nowadays farmers and investors are very much interested to move their business to more diversified fields such as crocodile culture, pearl culture, aquarium fish trades, etc. [19]. The study area was selected in Dhaka city because it is considered the hub of the aquarium fish trade in Bangladesh. The present study was conducted following some specific objectives- to know the types, price, popularity, and trade chain of ornamental aquarium species in Bangladesh. Knowing the ornamental organism’s business chain, which will help us to know the economic potential and contribution in Bangladesh.
Materials and methods
The study was conducted at Katabon aquarium fish market, Tajmahal Road, Mohammadpur, Hatipool road, and Kachukhet, Mirpur in Dhaka city for a period of twelve (12) months from March 2018 to February 2019. Frequent field visits were made during the study period to the study area for the collection of primary data. The primary data were collected by the survey which was divided into their sub-divisions such as eye observation, farm walk, and interview with the help of a questionnaire. Forty different aquarium shops and 40 respondents of aquarium shopkeepers, 20 respondents of aquarium hobbyists, and 5 respondents of aquarium fish breeders were interviewed during the survey.
Primary data, the identification of the fish species, and other aquarium organisms for creating the checklist were cross-checked with help of secondary data such as journals, books, authentic online databases, online ornamental fish shops, and other published documents. A taxonomic study was used to prepare the checklist of aquarium fish. The availability of ornamental aquarium fish was determined by counting the numbers of individual species and varieties. Numeric data were analyzed by using Microsoft Excel 2016.
Result and discussion
The present study consists of 270 aquarium fish varieties under 149 species which are belong to-115 genera, excluding 6 crossbreeds varieties under 1 species.
On the other hand, previous studies recorded the number of aquarium fish species were 78 varieties under 45 species, 41 genera and 2 cross-breeds by [18]. 25 species by [20]. In Dhaka Katabon, 26 species by [21]. In Dhaka katabon, 12 species by Mohsin, et al. [22]. In Rajshahi city, 22 species by Arif, et al. [23]. At Sylhet Sadar Upazila, 29 varieties by Alam, et al. [24]. In Barisal division and 30 species by [19]. In Khulna district. The number of aquarium fish species recorded in the present study is higher than in previous studies. Except for the present study, no marine and brackish water aquarium fish and other fisheries items were recorded in the previous studies Tables 1,2, Figure 1
Figure 1: Number of aquarium fish species in the order.
Table 1: Checklist of aquarium fish in Bangladesh, with scientific name, common name, and price. |
Common name |
Scientific name |
Price range (BDT/pair) |
Black ghost knife fish |
Apteronotus albifrons |
850-1100 |
Silver shark |
Balantiocheilos melanopterus |
150-250 |
Green tiger barb |
Puntigrus tetrazona |
220-260 |
Tiger barb |
Puntigrus tetrazona |
60-120 |
Golden tiger barb |
Puntigrus tetrazona |
150-220 |
Albino tiger barb |
Puntigrus tetrazona |
180-250 |
Denison barb |
Sahyadria denisonii |
1100-1300 |
Tinfoil barb |
Barbonymus schwanenfeldii |
220-380 |
Ruby barb |
Pethia nigrofasciata |
400-450 |
Cherry barb |
Puntius titteya |
160-180 |
Rosy barb |
Pethia conchonius |
120-180 |
Zebra danio |
Danio rerio |
80-120 |
Fireline devario |
Devario sondhii |
350-400 |
Spotted danio |
Danio nigrofasciatus |
90-120 |
Blackmoor |
Carassius auratus |
80-450 |
Bubble eye |
Carassius auratus |
400-2000 |
Calico |
Carassius auratus |
80-300 |
Celestine Eye |
Carassius auratus |
120-450 |
Comet |
Carassius auratus |
80-350 |
Fantail |
Carassius auratus |
80-750 |
Veiltail |
Carassius auratus |
180-450 |
Lionhead |
Carassius auratus |
120-550 |
Oranda |
Carassius auratus |
200-450 |
Redcap |
Carassius auratus |
150-450 |
Ryukin |
Carassius auratus |
250-650 |
Pearl scale |
Carassius auratus |
600-1500 |
Shubunkin |
Carassius auratus |
180-500 |
Assorted koi carp |
Cyprinus carpio |
120-5000 |
Tiger koi carp |
Cyprinus carpio |
120-2000 |
Harlequinr rasbora |
Trigonostigma heteromorpha |
250-450 |
Common name |
Scientific name |
Price range (BDT/pair) |
Galaxy rasbora |
Danio margaritatus |
800-1200 |
Glowlight rasbora |
Trigonostigma hengeli |
250-450 |
Albino shark |
Epalzeorhynchos frenatus |
180-220 |
Rainbow shark |
Epalzeorhynchos frenatus |
120-140 |
High fin shark |
Myxocyprinus asiaticus |
3000-3500 |
Roseline shark |
Puntius denison |
800-1200 |
Horse-face loach |
Acantopsis choirorhynchos |
250-450 |
Clown loach |
Chromobotia macracanthus |
600-650 |
Y-loach |
Botia lohachata |
180-350 |
Burmese Border loach |
Botia kubotai |
250-550 |
Bengal loach |
Botia dario |
120-220 |
Cory cat |
Corydoras aeneus |
400-450 |
Panda corydoras |
Corydoras panda |
200-250 |
Leopard corydoras |
Corydoras julii |
250-350 |
Albino catfish |
Clarias batrachus |
120-150 |
Redtail catfish |
Phractocephalus hemioliopterus |
1800-5000 |
Tiger Shovelnose |
Pseudoplatystoma tigrinum |
800-1000 |
Suckermouth catfish |
Hypostomus plecostomus |
60-320 |
Dwarf suckers |
Otocinclus vittatus |
400-550 |
Tiger shark |
Pangasius hypophthalmus |
180-220 |
White tiger shark |
Pangasius hypophthalmus |
180-220 |
Glass catfish |
Kryptopterus bicirrh |
850-1600 |
Red-tailed catfish |
Phractocephalus hemioliopterus |
650-950 |
Bloodfin tetra |
Aphyocharax anisitsi |
450-650 |
Black skirt tetra |
Gymnocorymbus ternetzi |
160-250 |
Rummy nose tetra |
Hemigrammus bleheri |
200-220 |
Phantom tetra |
Hyphessobrycon megalopterus |
130-150 |
Rathbuni bloodfin tetra |
Aphyocharax rathbuni |
600-700 |
Neon tetra |
Paracheirodon innesi |
100-150 |
Congo tetra |
Phenacogrammus interruptus |
700-800 |
Columbian tetra |
Hyphessobrycon columbianus |
180-320 |
Ember tetra |
Hyphessobrycon amandae |
150-180 |
Red ember tetra |
Hyphessobrycon amandae |
160-250 |
Gold tetra |
Hemigrammus rodwayi |
80-120 |
Gold light tetra |
Hemigrammus rodwayi |
120-180 |
Lemon tetra |
Hyphessobrycon pulchripinnis |
90-120 |
Silver tip tetra |
Hasemania nana |
220-320 |
Cardinal tetra |
Paracheirodon axelrodi |
180-250 |
Red eye tetra |
Moenkhausia sanctaefilomenae |
150-180 |
Silver dollar |
Metynnis hypsauchen |
150-650 |
Marbled hatcher fish |
Carnegiella strigata |
450-680 |
Pirapitinga |
Piaractus brachypomus |
600-800 |
Red piranha |
Pygocentrus nattereri |
400-1600 |
Silver Arowana |
Osteoglossum bicirrhosum |
1500-8500 |
Golden or Asian Arowana |
Scleropages formosus |
20000-80000 |
Black Arowana |
Osteoglossum ferreirai |
18000-40000 |
Clown knife fish |
Chitala ornata |
650-850 |
Elephant nose |
Gnathonemus petersii |
950-2000 |
Dwarf rainbowfish |
Melanotaenia praecox |
1500-2100 |
Threadfin rainbowfish |
Iriatherina werneri |
1600-2200 |
Boeseman's rainbowfish |
Melanotaenia boesemani |
1300-2300 |
Spotted gar |
Lepisosteus oculatus |
500-800 |
Common name |
Scientific name |
Price range (BDT/pair) |
Alligator gar |
Atractosteus spatula |
250-600 |
Reedfish |
Erpetoichthys calabaricus |
650-800 |
Glassfish |
Parambassis ranga |
120-180 |
Veiltail betta |
Betta splendens |
350-400 |
Delta tail betta fish |
Betta splendens |
600-700 |
Yellow butterfly betta |
Betta splendens |
1400-1600 |
Feather tail betta |
Betta splenden |
1600-1800 |
Placket betta |
Betta splendens |
1100-1200 |
Comtail betta |
Betta splendens |
1300-1400 |
Rose-tail betta |
Betta splendens |
1250-1400 |
Double tail betta |
Betta splendens |
1000-1200 |
Half-tail betta |
Betta splendens |
1300-1400 |
Full-tail betta |
Betta splendens |
1000-1200 |
Half-moon tail betta |
Betta splendens |
1250-1350 |
Full-moon tail betta |
Betta splendens |
1100-1200 |
Crown tail betta |
Betta splendens |
450-550 |
Koi half-moon betta |
Betta splendens |
2200-2400 |
Spade betta |
Betta splendens |
1250-1400 |
Rainbow Snakehead |
Channa bleheri |
5500-6000 |
Scarlet badis |
Dario dario |
350-550 |
Blue acara |
Aequidens pulcher |
220-3500 |
Lombardoi mbuna cichlid |
Maylandia lombardoi |
600-800 |
Kenyi cichlid |
Maylandia lombardoi |
950-1450 |
Humphead cichlid |
Cyphotilapia frontosa |
600-1200 |
Yellow belly cichlid |
Trichromis salvini |
550-1250 |
Ram Cichlid |
Mikrogeophagus ramirezi |
950--1500 |
Bumblebee Mouth brooder |
Pseudotropheus crabro |
1000-1800 |
Demasoni |
Pseudotropheus demasoni |
1800-2500 |
Nyererei |
Haplochromis nyererei |
1500-2200 |
Electric blue cichlid |
Sciaenochromis ahli |
950-1250 |
Deepwater hap |
Placidochromis electra |
1500-2000 |
Super VC-10 hap |
Placidochromis milomo |
800-1500 |
Ice blue cichlid |
Maylandia greshakei |
1100-1900 |
Orange zebra cichlid |
Maylandia estherae |
400-1200 |
Venustus hap |
Nimbochromis venustus |
850-1150 |
Venustus cichlid |
Nimbochromis venustus |
750-1000 |
Blue dolphin cichlid |
Cyrtocara moorii |
1200-2000 |
Earth-eater |
Geophagus sp. |
1600-2000 |
Julies |
Julidochromis transcriptus |
1200-1800 |
Sunshine peacock |
Aulonocara sp. |
350-1250 |
Five color cichlid |
Labeotropheus fuelleborni |
350-850 |
Red spot severum |
Heros Efasciatus |
650-850 |
Golden oscar |
Astronotus ocellatus |
800-2500 |
Red oscar |
Astronotus ocellatus |
700-2000 |
Longfin oscar |
Astronotus ocellatus |
1200-4000 |
Albino tiger oscar |
Astronotus ocellatus |
700-2000 |
Albino red oscar |
Astronotus ocellatus |
700-2000 |
Albino oscar |
Astronotus ocellatus |
700-2000 |
Blue dolphin cichlid |
Boulenger moori |
1200-1800 |
Blood red parrot |
Cichlasoma citrinellum x C. synspilum |
650-3000 |
Green parrot |
Cichlasoma citrinellum x C. synspilum |
800-3600 |
Red heart shape parrot |
Cichlasoma citrinellum x C. synspilum |
1000-4000 |
Common name |
Scientific name |
Price range (BDT/pair) |
Red love parrot |
Cichlasoma citrinellum x C. synspilum |
450-2500 |
Yellow love parrot |
Cichlasoma citrinellum x C. synspilum |
450-2600 |
White parrot |
Cichlasoma citrinellum x C. synspilum |
550-2500 |
Golden mbuna |
Melanochromis auratus |
300-500 |
Black angel |
Pterophyllum scalare |
50-550 |
Marble angel |
Pterophyllum scalare |
50-550 |
Sunset angel |
Pterophyllum scalare |
80-750 |
Koi angel |
Pterophyllum scalare |
80-700 |
Leopard angel |
Pterophyllum scalare |
130-850 |
Veil-tail angel |
Pterophyllum scalare |
120-650 |
Blue angel |
Pterophyllum scalare |
180-850 |
Zebra angel |
Pterophyllum scalare |
60-600 |
Gold angel |
Pterophyllum scalare |
100-800 |
Altum angel |
Pterophyllum scalare |
120-750 |
Silver angel |
Pterophyllum scalare |
80-650 |
Albino angel |
Pterophyllum scalare |
100-700 |
Brown discus |
Symphysodon discus |
1500-6000 |
Turquoise blue discus |
Symphysodon discus |
2200-4800 |
Blue diamond discus |
Symphysodon discus |
1500-4500 |
Red Marlboro discus |
Symphysodon discus |
1500-5000 |
Brilliant blue discus |
Symphysodon discus |
2200-4800 |
Red eagle discus |
Symphysodon discus |
1800-5000 |
Ghost discus |
Symphysodon discus |
2500-6000 |
Pigeon blood discus |
Symphysodon discus |
2200-4500 |
Red turquoise discus |
Symphysodon discus |
2500-5000 |
Marble discus |
Symphysodon discus |
1900-4200 |
Tomato discus |
Symphysodon discus |
1400-4000 |
Red snakeskin discus |
Symphysodon discus |
1500-4500 |
Golden pigeon discus |
Symphysodon discus |
900-3500 |
Red ruby discus |
Symphysodon discus |
1500-4000 |
Yellow Marlboro discus |
Symphysodon discus |
1800-5000 |
Red turquiose discus |
Symphysodon discus |
2000-4500 |
Red pearl pigeon discus |
Symphysodon discus |
1600-4500 |
Pigeon blood snakeskin discus |
Symphysodon discus |
1500-5500 |
Checkerboard discus |
Symphysodon discus |
750-3500 |
Golden pearl discus |
Symphysodon discus |
1300-4500 |
White scorpion discus |
Symphysodon discus |
1000-4000 |
Red-brown discus |
Symphysodon discus |
900-3500 |
White pigeon redline discus |
Symphysodon discus |
800-4000 |
Snow white discus |
Symphysodon discus |
1200-4500 |
Red white diamond |
Symphysodon discus |
1000-3500 |
Yellow-white diamond |
Symphysodon discus |
1500-4000 |
Red melon |
Symphysodon discus |
1200-4500 |
Bumblebee goby |
Brachygobius xanthozonu |
500-650 |
Kissing gourami |
Helostoma temmincki |
180-2000 |
Snakeskin gourami |
Trichogaster pectoralis |
80-2000 |
Dwarf gourami |
Colisa lalia |
200-220 |
Honey gourami |
Colisa sota |
120-140 |
Chocolate gourami |
Sphaerichthys osphronemoides |
1700-2200 |
Giant gourami |
Osphronemus goramy |
1500-3500 |
Pearl gourami |
Trichogaster leeri |
220-380 |
Blue gourami |
Trichogaster trichopterus |
180-260 |
Common name |
Scientific name |
Price range (BDT/pair) |
Golden gourami |
Trichogaster trichopterus |
180-280 |
Multicolor guppy |
Poecilia reticulata |
40-80 |
Sail fin guppy |
Poecilia reticulata |
200-300 |
Blue mosaic guppy |
Poecilia reticulate |
350-500 |
Tuxedo blue dragon half-moon guppy |
Poecilia reticulata |
100-200 |
Half black yellow guppy |
Poecilia reticulata |
180-220 |
Tuxedo white high dorsal guppy |
Poecilia reticulata |
250-300 |
Half black blue guppy |
Poecilia reticulata |
150-220 |
Albino blue tail guppy |
Poecilia reticulata |
160-200 |
Blue eagle guppy |
Poecilia reticulata |
400-500 |
Red lace guppy |
Poecilia reticulata |
1000-1200 |
Yellow platinum guppy |
Poecilia reticulata |
100-250 |
Yellow king cobra guppy |
Poecilia reticulata |
250-300 |
Elephant ear guppy |
Poecilia reticulata |
900-1000 |
Yellow galaxy guppy |
Poecilia reticulata |
250-300 |
Blue neon guppy |
Poecilia reticulata |
150-200 |
Full pink guppy |
Poecilia reticulata |
500-600 |
Purple mosaic guppy |
Poecilia reticulata |
350-500 |
Blue lace guppy |
Poecilia reticulata |
150-220 |
Full black guppy |
Poecilia reticulata |
200-250 |
Platinum half red sakura guppy |
Poecilia reticulata |
180-300 |
Full red guppy |
Poecilia reticulata |
300-400 |
Moscow guppy |
Poecilia reticulata |
80-160 |
Balloon molly (Golden) |
Poecilia sphenops |
120-140 |
Balloon molly (White) |
Poecilia sphenops |
120-140 |
Black molly |
Poecilia sphenops |
120-130 |
Orange sailfin molly |
Poecilia sphenops |
100-160 |
Golden calico sailfin molly |
Poecilia sphenops |
120-180 |
Golden dust molly |
Poecilia sphenops |
200-300 |
Silver sailfin molly |
Poecilia sphenops |
120-180 |
Mixed color molly |
Poecilia sphenops |
120-130 |
Lyre-tail molly |
Poecilia sphenops |
60-80 |
White molly |
Poecilia sphenops |
80-200 |
Mickey mouse swordtail |
Xiphophorus helleri |
120-180 |
Koi swordtail |
Xiphophorus helleri |
100-160 |
Double tail swordtail |
Xiphophorus helleri |
180-250 |
Hi-fin swordtail |
Xiphophorus helleri |
120-220 |
Bumble bee platy |
Xiphophorus maculatus |
80-180 |
Hi-fin platy |
Xiphophorus maculatus |
120-200 |
Wag tail platy |
Xiphophorus maculatus |
120-150 |
Tuxedo platy |
Xiphophorus maculatus |
90-160 |
Sunset platy |
Xiphophorus maculatus |
120-180 |
Ocellate river stingray |
Potamotrygon motoro |
15000-25000 |
Golden or Asian Arowana |
Scleropages formosus |
20000-80000 |
Black Arowana |
Osteoglossum ferreirai |
18000-40000 |
Clown knife fish |
Chitala ornata |
650-850 |
Elephant nose |
Gnathonemus petersii |
950-2000 |
Dwarf rainbowfish |
Melanotaenia praecox |
1500-2100 |
Threadfin rainbowfish |
Iriatherina werneri |
1600-2200 |
Boeseman's rainbowfish |
Melanotaenia boesemani |
1300-2300 |
Spotted gar |
Lepisosteus oculatus |
500-800 |
Common name |
Scientific name |
Price range (BDT/pair) |
Alligator gar |
Atractosteus spatula |
250-600 |
Reedfish |
Erpetoichthys calabaricus |
650-800 |
Glassfish |
Parambassis ranga |
120-180 |
Veiltail betta |
Betta splendens |
350-400 |
Delta tail betta fish |
Betta splendens |
600-700 |
Yellow butterfly betta |
Betta splendens |
1400-1600 |
Feather tail betta |
Betta splenden |
1600-1800 |
Placket betta |
Betta splendens |
1100-1200 |
Comtail betta |
Betta splendens |
1300-1400 |
Rose-tail betta |
Betta splendens |
1250-1400 |
Double tail betta |
Betta splendens |
1000-1200 |
Half-tail betta |
Betta splendens |
1300-1400 |
Full-tail betta |
Betta splendens |
1000-1200 |
Half-moon tail betta |
Betta splendens |
1250-1350 |
Full-moon tail betta |
Betta splendens |
1100-1200 |
Crown tail betta |
Betta splendens |
450-550 |
Koi half-moon betta |
Betta splendens |
2200-2400 |
Spade betta |
Betta splendens |
1250-1400 |
Rainbow Snakehead |
Channa bleheri |
5500-6000 |
Scarlet badis |
Dario dario |
350-550 |
Blue acara |
Aequidens pulcher |
220-3500 |
Lombardoi mbuna cichlid |
Maylandia lombardoi |
600-800 |
Kenyi cichlid |
Maylandia lombardoi |
950-1450 |
Humphead cichlid |
Cyphotilapia frontosa |
600-1200 |
Yellow belly cichlid |
Trichromis salvini |
550-1250 |
Ram Cichlid |
Mikrogeophagus ramirezi |
950--1500 |
Bumblebee Mouth brooder |
Pseudotropheus crabro |
1000-1800 |
Demasoni |
Pseudotropheus demasoni |
1800-2500 |
Nyererei |
Haplochromis nyererei |
1500-2200 |
Electric blue cichlid |
Sciaenochromis ahli |
950-1250 |
Deepwater hap |
Placidochromis electra |
1500-2000 |
Super VC-10 hap |
Placidochromis milomo |
800-1500 |
Ice blue cichlid |
Maylandia greshakei |
1100-1900 |
Orange zebra cichlid |
Maylandia estherae |
400-1200 |
Venustus hap |
Nimbochromis venustus |
850-1150 |
Venustus cichlid |
Nimbochromis venustus |
750-1000 |
Blue dolphin cichlid |
Cyrtocara moorii |
1200-2000 |
Earth-eater |
Geophagus sp. |
1600-2000 |
Julies |
Julidochromis transcriptus |
1200-1800 |
Sunshine peacock |
Aulonocara sp. |
350-1250 |
Five color cichlid |
Labeotropheus fuelleborni |
350-850 |
Red spot severum |
Heros Efasciatus |
650-850 |
Golden oscar |
Astronotus ocellatus |
800-2500 |
Red oscar |
Astronotus ocellatus |
700-2000 |
Longfin oscar |
Astronotus ocellatus |
1200-4000 |
Albino tiger oscar |
Astronotus ocellatus |
700-2000 |
Albino red oscar |
Astronotus ocellatus |
700-2000 |
Albino oscar |
Astronotus ocellatus |
700-2000 |
Blue dolphin cichlid |
Boulenger moori |
1200-1800 |
Blood red parrot |
Cichlasoma citrinellum x C. synspilum |
650-3000 |
Green parrot |
Cichlasoma citrinellum x C. synspilum |
800-3600 |
Red heart shape parrot |
Cichlasoma citrinellum x C. synspilum |
1000-4000 |
Common name |
Scientific name |
Price range (BDT/pair) |
Red love parrot |
Cichlasoma citrinellum x C. synspilum |
450-2500 |
Yellow love parrot |
Cichlasoma citrinellum x C. synspilum |
450-2600 |
White parrot |
Cichlasoma citrinellum x C. synspilum |
550-2500 |
Golden mbuna |
Melanochromis auratus |
300-500 |
Black angel |
Pterophyllum scalare |
50-550 |
Marble angel |
Pterophyllum scalare |
50-550 |
Sunset angel |
Pterophyllum scalare |
80-750 |
Koi angel |
Pterophyllum scalare |
80-700 |
Leopard angel |
Pterophyllum scalare |
130-850 |
Veil-tail angel |
Pterophyllum scalare |
120-650 |
Blue angel |
Pterophyllum scalare |
180-850 |
Zebra angel |
Pterophyllum scalare |
60-600 |
Gold angel |
Pterophyllum scalare |
100-800 |
Altum angel |
Pterophyllum scalare |
120-750 |
Silver angel |
Pterophyllum scalare |
80-650 |
Albino angel |
Pterophyllum scalare |
100-700 |
Brown discus |
Symphysodon discus |
1500-6000 |
Turquoise blue discus |
Symphysodon discus |
2200-4800 |
Blue diamond discus |
Symphysodon discus |
1500-4500 |
Red Marlboro discus |
Symphysodon discus |
1500-5000 |
Brilliant blue discus |
Symphysodon discus |
2200-4800 |
Red eagle discus |
Symphysodon discus |
1800-5000 |
Ghost discus |
Symphysodon discus |
2500-6000 |
Pigeon blood discus |
Symphysodon discus |
2200-4500 |
Red turquoise discus |
Symphysodon discus |
2500-5000 |
Marble discus |
Symphysodon discus |
1900-4200 |
Tomato discus |
Symphysodon discus |
1400-4000 |
Red snakeskin discus |
Symphysodon discus |
1500-4500 |
Golden pigeon discus |
Symphysodon discus |
900-3500 |
Red ruby discus |
Symphysodon discus |
1500-4000 |
Yellow Marlboro discus |
Symphysodon discus |
1800-5000 |
Red turquiose discus |
Symphysodon discus |
2000-4500 |
Red pearl pigeon discus |
Symphysodon discus |
1600-4500 |
Pigeon blood snakeskin discus |
Symphysodon discus |
1500-5500 |
Checkerboard discus |
Symphysodon discus |
750-3500 |
Golden pearl discus |
Symphysodon discus |
1300-4500 |
White scorpion discus |
Symphysodon discus |
1000-4000 |
Red-brown discus |
Symphysodon discus |
900-3500 |
White pigeon redline discus |
Symphysodon discus |
800-4000 |
Snow white discus |
Symphysodon discus |
1200-4500 |
Red white diamond |
Symphysodon discus |
1000-3500 |
Yellow-white diamond |
Symphysodon discus |
1500-4000 |
Red melon |
Symphysodon discus |
1200-4500 |
Bumblebee goby |
Brachygobius xanthozonu |
500-650 |
Kissing gourami |
Helostoma temmincki |
180-2000 |
Snakeskin gourami |
Trichogaster pectoralis |
80-2000 |
Dwarf gourami |
Colisa lalia |
200-220 |
Honey gourami |
Colisa sota |
120-140 |
Chocolate gourami |
Sphaerichthys osphronemoides |
1700-2200 |
Giant gourami |
Osphronemus goramy |
1500-3500 |
Pearl gourami |
Trichogaster leeri |
220-380 |
Blue gourami |
Trichogaster trichopterus |
180-260 |
Common name |
Scientific name |
Price range (BDT/pair) |
Golden gourami |
Trichogaster trichopterus |
180-280 |
Multicolor guppy |
Poecilia reticulata |
40-80 |
Sail fin guppy |
Poecilia reticulata |
200-300 |
Blue mosaic guppy |
Poecilia reticulate |
350-500 |
Tuxedo blue dragon half-moon guppy |
Poecilia reticulata |
100-200 |
Half black yellow guppy |
Poecilia reticulata |
180-220 |
Tuxedo white high dorsal guppy |
Poecilia reticulata |
250-300 |
Half black blue guppy |
Poecilia reticulata |
150-220 |
Albino blue tail guppy |
Poecilia reticulata |
160-200 |
Blue eagle guppy |
Poecilia reticulata |
400-500 |
Red lace guppy |
Poecilia reticulata |
1000-1200 |
Yellow platinum guppy |
Poecilia reticulata |
100-250 |
Yellow king cobra guppy |
Poecilia reticulata |
250-300 |
Elephant ear guppy |
Poecilia reticulata |
900-1000 |
Yellow galaxy guppy |
Poecilia reticulata |
250-300 |
Blue neon guppy |
Poecilia reticulata |
150-200 |
Full pink guppy |
Poecilia reticulata |
500-600 |
Purple mosaic guppy |
Poecilia reticulata |
350-500 |
Blue lace guppy |
Poecilia reticulata |
150-220 |
Full black guppy |
Poecilia reticulata |
200-250 |
Platinum half red sakura guppy |
Poecilia reticulata |
180-300 |
Full red guppy |
Poecilia reticulata |
300-400 |
Moscow guppy |
Poecilia reticulata |
80-160 |
Balloon molly (Golden) |
Poecilia sphenops |
120-140 |
Balloon molly (White) |
Poecilia sphenops |
120-140 |
Black molly |
Poecilia sphenops |
120-130 |
Orange sailfin molly |
Poecilia sphenops |
100-160 |
Golden calico sailfin molly |
Poecilia sphenops |
120-180 |
Golden dust molly |
Poecilia sphenops |
200-300 |
Silver sailfin molly |
Poecilia sphenops |
120-180 |
Mixed color molly |
Poecilia sphenops |
120-130 |
Lyre-tail molly |
Poecilia sphenops |
60-80 |
White molly |
Poecilia sphenops |
80-200 |
Mickey mouse swordtail |
Xiphophorus helleri |
120-180 |
Koi swordtail |
Xiphophorus helleri |
100-160 |
Double tail swordtail |
Xiphophorus helleri |
180-250 |
Hi-fin swordtail |
Xiphophorus helleri |
120-220 |
Bumble bee platy |
Xiphophorus maculatus |
80-180 |
Hi-fin platy |
Xiphophorus maculatus |
120-200 |
Wag tail platy |
Xiphophorus maculatus |
120-150 |
Tuxedo platy |
Xiphophorus maculatus |
90-160 |
Sunset platy |
Xiphophorus maculatus |
120-180 |
Ocellate river stingray |
Potamotrygon motoro |
15000-25000 |
Table 2: List of aquarium non-piscine fisheries items in Dhaka. |
Non-piscine species |
Scientific name |
Common name |
Price range (per piece) |
Turtle |
Trachemys scripta |
Red-eared slider |
380-650 |
Geoclemys hamiltonii |
Black pond turtle |
450-850 |
Snail |
Clea helena |
Assassin Snail |
60-80 |
Engina mendicaria |
Bumble Bee Snail |
250-300 |
Conasprella pagoda |
Pagoda snail |
130-150 |
Neritina natalensis |
Zebra Snail |
180-200 |
Taia naticoides |
Piano Snail |
120-160 |
Pomacea bridgesii |
Apple Snail |
40-60 |
Shrimp |
Caridina cf. cantonensis var. blue tiger |
Blue tiger shrimp |
650-700 |
Neocaridina davidi |
Fire Red Shrimp |
150-200 |
Neocaridina cf. zhangjiajiensis var. white |
Snowball Shrimp |
500-600 |
Neocaridina davidi var. Yellow |
Yellow Shrimp |
400-450 |
Neocaridina heteropoda Var. |
Chocolate Shrimp |
500-600 |
Neocaridina heteropoda var. Orange |
Orange Sakura Shrimp |
150-180 |
Caridina multidentata |
Amano Shrimp |
280-350 |
Neocaridina davidi var. rili |
Red rilli Shrimp |
250-300 |
Procambarus clarkia |
Snow White Crayfish |
900-1100 |
Cambarellus patzcuarensis |
Mexican Dwarf Orange Crayfish |
500-650 |
Amphibian |
Ambystoma mexicanum |
Mexican walking fish |
650-800 |
Crab |
Pagurus bernhardus |
Hermit Crab |
1600-1800 |
Coral, mushroom, and polyps |
Sinularia notanda |
Finger leather coral |
4500-6500 |
Actinodiscus cardinalis |
Red mushroom |
5000-5500 |
Protopalythoa mutuki |
Green button polyps |
2500-6000 |
Aquarium plant |
Anubias afzelii |
Anubias Afzelii |
(PB) |
Anubias barteri var. glabra |
Water aspidistra |
300-350 (PB) |
Anubias hastifolia |
Anubias hastifolia |
350 (PB) |
Anubias heterophylla |
Congo anubias |
300-350 (PB) |
Cryptocoryne balansae |
Balansae plant |
250 (PP) |
Cryptocoryne parva |
Dwarf crypt plant |
250 (PP) |
Cryptocoryne undulates |
Cryptocoryne undutalus |
250 (PP) |
Cryptocoryne wendtii |
Water trumpet |
250 (PP) |
Echinodorus tenellus |
Mud babies |
200 (PB) |
Blyxa japonica |
Bamboo plant |
200 (PB) |
Cardamine lyrata |
Japanese cress |
200 (PB) |
Alternanthera reineckii |
Roseafolia |
200 (PB) |
Aegagropila linnaei |
Moss ball |
200 (PB) |
Vesicularia montagnei |
Christmas moss |
250 (PB) |
Taxiphyllum Barbieri |
Java moss |
200 (PB) |
Echinodorus bleheri |
Broadleaf Amazon Sword |
200 (PB) |
Bacopa caroliniana |
Blue water hyssop |
200 (PB) |
Limnophila aquatic |
Giant ambulia |
200 (PB) |
Bacopa myriophylloides |
Water hyssop |
200 (PB) |
Hygrophila difformis |
Water wisteria |
200 (PB) |
Hygrophila polysperma |
Indian swamp weed |
250 (PP) |
Hygrophila pinnatifida |
Miramar weed |
200 (PB) |
Hygrophila corymbosa |
Giant hygo |
250-300(PP) |
Pogostemon helferi |
Downoi |
200 (PB) |
Pogostemon erectus |
Erectus plant |
250 (PP) |
Glossostigma elatinoides |
Glosso |
250 (PP) |
Hemianthus callitrichoides |
Cuba |
200 (PB) |
Ludwigia ovalis |
Oval ludwigia |
200 (PB) |
Ludwigia palustris |
Marsh seed box |
200 (PB) |
Ludwigia peruensis |
Red Star Ludwigia |
200 (PB) |
Ludwigia repens |
Creeping primrose-willow |
200 (PB) |
Ludwigia arcuata |
Piedmont primrose-willow |
200 (PB) |
Rotala Indica |
Indian tooth cup |
250 (PB) |
Rotala wallichii |
Red wallichii plant |
200 (PB) |
Rotala macrandra |
Giant red rotala |
200 (PB) |
Riccia fluitans |
Floating crystalwort |
200 (PB) |
Nymphaea zenkeri |
Tiger lotus red |
250 (PB) |
Corynephorus canescens |
Hair grass |
250 (PB) |
Mayaca fluviatillis |
Bog moss |
200 (PB) |
Microsorum Pteropus |
Fern |
200 (PB) |
Micranthemum umbrosum |
Shade mud flower |
250 (PP) |
Myriophyllum aquaticum |
Parrot feather watermilfoil |
200 (PB) |
(PP: Per Pot; PB: Per Bundle) |
During the study most popular and highly contributed species in the surveyed shops were guppy (13.16%) followed by goldfish (12.39%), molly (8.54%), tetra (6.54%), angelfish (6.23%), platy (5.93%), gourami (5.48%), swordtail (4.41%), koi carp (3.79%), zebrafish (3.31%), barb (2.83%), suckermouth catfish (2.46%). In a previous study according to consumer demand the most demandable aquarium fish species were goldfish, comet fish, koi carp, angle fish, platy, guppy, fighter fish, parrotfish, and discus by Faruk, et al. [21], Figure 2.
Figure 2: Top twelve popular (common) aquarium fish species.
The number of aquarium fish species, aquarium shops, aquarium fish breeders, and hobbits has increased immensely due to the profitability for traders and acceptability by the aquarists.
During the study period, 149 aquarium fish species are recorded which is 5.96 times in the last 15 years [20]. (25 species) And 3.31 times in the last 10 years [18]. (45 species) (Figure 3).
Figure 3: Increasing tendency of number of aquarium fish species over the years.
During the study, it was recorded that 76 varieties of aquarium fish under 23 orders were bred by local aquarium breeders and farms (Figure 4).
Figure 4: Increasing number of locally breed aquarium fish varieties over the
On the other hand, according to Galib [18]. Artificial breeding techniques of at least 17 varieties of exotic ornamental fishes have been developed by amateur fish breeders. According to present findings, it is clearly indicated that the number of varieties as well species of native and non-native ornamental aquarium fish is highly increased rapidly.
Moreover, the diversity of the habitat and number of locally bred non-native species are raised as well. It is concluded that the native and non-native ornamental aquarium fish breeding and keeping practice (hobby and business) is becoming a potential sector in Bangladesh.
Trade chain of aquarium fish and aquarium other fisheries items
During the present study, it was observed that people of different categories were connected to each other in the aquarium fish marketing channel in Bangladesh. Detailed information of import of exotic was not maintained systematically in Bangladesh [19,20].
In the present study, the access pathway, the distribution, and the marketing channel of aquarium fishes and other fisheries organisms are shown in (Figure 5). It was found that most of the imported aquarium fish and other fisheries items were introduced from Thailand, Singapore, Indonesia, India, Malaysia, Japan, etc.
Figure 5: Access pathway, various distribution and marketing channel of aquarium fish and other fisheries items in Bangladesh.
The goldfish was introduced from Pakistan former West Pakistan in 1953 [25]. And the tiger shovelnose catfish was introduced from Australia in 2009. Mainly aquarium fishes and other fisheries organisms were imported by aquarium fish importers of Bangladesh, located in Katabon area of Dhaka city [26-31].
Aquarist sometimes personally import their products but it is very rare. Various online agencies are importing aquarium items and trading through online platforms such as websites, Facebook. Breeding techniques of many aquarium fishes and other fisheries organisms are discovered by local breeders online.
Local breeding organisms are also distributed through Katabon and local aquarium shops. Aquarium fish farms are commercially breeding and cultivating aquarium fishes and other fisheries organisms and creating new possibilities in the aquarium business.
(Kohls and Uhl, 1980) stated that the marketing channel may be short or long for a particular commodity depending on the quality of the marketed products, nature, and size of the consumers and producers.
During the study, it was found that the price of aquarium fish is much higher than food fish. The proportion between the space required for aquarium fishes and culture fishes is very significant. Aquarium fishes need a little amount of space to maintain, breed and the management cost is very low compared to the price.
The top 3 highly-priced aquarium fishes were found as- Golden Arowana (20000-80000 BDT/pair), Black Arowana (18000-45000 BDT/pair), and Ocellate River Stingray (15000-25000 BDT/pair) (Table 3)
Table 3: Top ten highly-priced aquarium fish species. |
SL |
Species name |
Habitat |
Price range according to size (BDT/pair) |
1 |
Golden or Asian Arowana |
Freshwater |
20000-80000 |
2 |
Black Arowana |
Freshwater |
18000-45000 |
3 |
Ocellate River Stingray |
Brackish water |
15000-25000 |
4 |
Silver Arowana |
Freshwater |
7000-18000 |
5 |
Emperor angelfish |
Marine water |
7000-15000 |
6 |
Sailfin tang |
Marine water |
7000-14000 |
7 |
Foxface |
Marine water |
6000-12000 |
8 |
Bluegirdled angelfish |
Marine water |
6000-12000 |
9 |
Blacktail angelfish |
Marine water |
5500-12000 |
10 |
Spotted surgeonfish |
Marine water |
6500-10500 |
[18]. Recorded silver Arowana as the most expensive species (30000 BDT/pair), Koi carp (12000 BDT/pair), and Tiger shovelnose (4000 BDT/pair). Rahman, et al. [19]. Found red parrot as the most expensive species (1000-1500 BDT/pair), in their study followed by discus (800-1000 BDT/pair) and oscar (400-600 BDT/pair). Arif, et al. [23]. Mentioned discus as the most expensive species (1500 BDT/pair), parrotfish (1000 BDT/pair), and oscar (650 BDT/pair) Table 4.
Table 4: Top ten cheap aquarium fish species. |
SL |
Species name |
Habitat |
Price range according to size (BDT/pair) |
1 |
Multi-color Guppy |
Freshwater |
40-60 |
2 |
Black Molly |
Freshwater |
50-80 |
3 |
Tiger barb |
Freshwater |
60-80 |
4 |
Zebra danio |
Freshwater |
60-80 |
5 |
Tuxedo Platy |
Freshwater |
60-80 |
6 |
Mickey mouse sword tail |
Freshwater |
80-120 |
7 |
Rosy barb |
Freshwater |
80-120 |
8 |
Blue gourami |
Freshwater |
80-120 |
9 |
Rainbow shark |
Freshwater |
120-140 |
10 |
Marble angelfish |
Freshwater |
40-450 |
During the study, it was recorded that 76 varieties of aquarium fish under 23 orders were bred by local aquarium breeders and farms. Artificial breeding techniques of at least 17 varieties of exotic ornamental fishes have been developed by amateur fish breeders [18].
Mostafizur, et al. [19]. Reported that 12 shops and 7 breeders have been found in the Khulna district where 29 different aquarium fish species were marketed of which 12 species were bred for fry production Figure 6.
Figure 6: Access pathway, various distribution and marketing channel of aquarium fish and other fisheries items in Bangladesh.
Rahman [20]. Recorded 25 aquarium shops in the Katabon pet market and in the present study the number had increased to 34 due to the popularity and demand of the business. The majority of the shops of aquarium fish are located in Dhaka city [18].
Another study [18]. Stated that there are only 2 shops in Rajshahi city, while 12 shops are found in Khulna city.
[18]. Found that at least 30 aquarium shops are available in the Katabon market of Dhaka city where all kinds of aquarium products can be found.
Aquarium fish price depends on varieties, species, size, and breeding status (local or imported). Considering the price of cheap species, it can be said that aquarium hobby is not only for elite society people but also for common people as well. Due to the demand and profitability, this business spread drastically. So, aquarium fishes and other fisheries items are and will be of great potential judging by the circumstance in our country.
Aquarium and aquarium accessories
Aquarium accessories also play a vital role in the trade. Beyond sales of the aquarium, air pumps, food, medications and other supplies, the primary product of the aquarium industry is fish [7]. Katabon market, the most common and popular market in Dhaka city for aquariums and other aquarium products like aquarium fishes, aquarium foods, chemicals, toys, plants, etc.
There are various types of aquariums according to their shape and size. Some are suitable for fish keeping, breeding and others are for ornamentation. Price differs due to the size, shape as well as thickness of glass or aquarium building material Tables 5,6.
Table 5: General types of aquariums with their shape, size, and price. |
Building material |
Aquarium thickness (mm) |
Aquarium shape |
Aquarium size (length × width × height) feet |
Price (BDT/ per set) |
Glass |
5mm |
Rectangle |
1.5×1×1 (feet) |
1500-2000 |
Glass |
5mm |
Rectangle |
2×1×1 (feet) |
3000-3500 |
Glass |
5mm |
Rectangle |
3×1×1 (feet) |
6000-6500 |
Glass |
5mm |
Rectangle |
3×1×1.5 (feet) |
7000-8000 |
Glass |
5mm |
Ball jar |
Small |
150-180 |
Glass |
5mm |
Ball jar |
Medium |
250-280 |
Glass |
5mm |
Ball jar |
Large |
360-480 |
Crystal glass |
5mm |
Rectangle |
2×1×1 (feet) |
5000-6000 |
Crystal glass |
5mm |
Rectangle |
3×1×1 (feet) |
10000-12000 |
Crystal glass |
8mm |
Rectangle |
6×2×3 (feet) |
40000-42000 |
Table 6: Exceptional types of aquariums and their price. |
Types of aquariums |
Price (BDT/ per set) |
USB desktop aquarium |
3000 |
Mini Desktop Aquarium (full set-Black) |
3300 |
Wall hanging acrylic fish tank flowers vase 22cm mirror back |
2800 |
Glass Vase and Aquarium - Transparent |
950 |
Glass Vase and Aquarium |
1100 |
SOBO Mini Fish Aquarium (Blue) |
5500 |
All in One Smart Aquarium (LAT-40) |
11000 |
Betta Tank- DoPhin BT 104 |
1000 |
Betta Flora Tank (Blue) |
2500 |
Aquarium decoration toys are mainly used to enhance the beauty and appearance of an aquarium. Such as plastic plants, artificial streams, water flow, etc. Aquarists can add various decorative stuff which can be beneficial for fish as well Figure 7.
Figure 7: Percentage of aquarium shapes according to the hobbyist preference.
During the study it was found that 70% of hobbyists were having rectangular shape aquariums, 25% ball shape and 5% were having other shapes (hexagonal, cube). Mohsin, et al. [22]. Described preferences for rectangular shape 69% and ball shape jar 29% in Rajshahi city, Bangladesh. Arif, et al. [23]. Found that 80% of the hobbyists were having rectangular shape aquariums and 20% had round shape aquariums in Sylhet Sadar Upazila, Bangladesh.
Foods used in aquarium
On the basis of the diet, there are different types of aquarium fishes having different preferable aquarium fish food. Some species are carnivores, some are herbivores, and others other omnivores. According to the different life stages also varies as well Table 7.
Table 7: List of aquarium fish food items. |
Fish food types |
Sub food types |
Commercial brands |
Amount (gm) |
Price (BDT/ per packet) |
Dry foods |
Flakes |
Tetra bits flakes |
200g |
700 |
Taiyo tropical flakes |
93g |
250 |
Prime reef flakes |
34g |
800 |
Pellets |
Nova |
100 |
80 |
Osaka green-1 |
100 |
100 |
Optimum |
100 |
85 |
Optimum micro pellet |
50 |
120 |
Osaka-2000 |
100 |
80 |
Optimum cichlid pellet |
300g |
350 |
Ultima |
100 |
100 |
Ultima betta food |
20g |
80 |
Ultima micro pellet |
50g |
100 |
Taiyo |
100g |
60 |
Taiyo hi-red |
100g |
150 |
Taiyo cichlids |
100 |
190 |
Hikari micro pellets |
22g |
400 |
DR. Fish economy fish food |
100 |
450 |
Fish food types |
Sub food types |
Commercial brands |
Amount (gm) |
Price (BDT/ per packet) |
Hong Shi Mei- Betta food |
50g |
120 |
Hikari Marine S |
50g |
750 |
Cripes |
Tetra bits complete fish food |
375g |
1150 |
Taiyo bits complete fish food |
120g |
350 |
Blood worms |
Taiyo blood worms |
320g |
950 |
Tubifex |
Taiyo tubifix |
10g |
120 |
Siso tubifex worm |
80g |
1250 |
Dried Shrimp |
Taiyo dried fresh shrimp |
25g |
400 |
Spirulina |
Tetra spirulina |
Food sticks |
Hikari tropical food sticks |
57g |
550 |
Taiyo cichlids sticks |
50g |
190 |
Seaweed |
Hikari seaweed extreme |
90g |
1500 |
Turtle food
Table 8.
Table 8: List of aquarium turtle food items. |
Food types |
Commercial brands |
Amount (gm) |
Price (BDT/ per packet) |
Dry food |
Taiyo turtle food |
1000g |
400 |
Hello pets |
100g |
80 |
Inch-gold |
40g |
100 |
Aquarium air pumps or aerators
Aquarium air pumps or aerators’ main purpose is to produce Oxygen by creating water flow. It is vital to have a sufficient amount of oxygen in the aquarium water to keep fish healthy and alive. Numerous types of aerators were observed during the study Table 9.
Table 9: List of aquarium air pumps. |
Air pump |
Price (BDT/per piece) |
Aquarium air pump SOBO SB -248A |
250 |
Aquarium air pump SOBO SB- 350A |
350 |
SOBO 360-degree aquarium super wavemaker |
3000 |
Solar oxygenator |
1480 |
Atman air pump |
1600 |
Aquarium filters and gravels
Aquarium filters are used to keep the aquarium water clean by removing pollutants (fish waste, degraded food, ammonia, and toxic materials). There were various types of gravels found among the most commonly used were black and white crust gravels. Gravel is mainly used for the sedimentation of water products and keeps the water clean. Gravel prices generally range from 20-40 (BDT/kg) Table 10.
Table 10: List of aquarium filters. |
Aquarium filter |
Price (BDT/per piece) |
Aquarium internal filter SOBO WP -320F |
350 |
Aquarium internal filter SOBO WP -1200F |
500 |
Aquarium internal filter SOBO WP -3000F |
1200 |
Aquarium internal filter SOBO WP -320F |
400 |
Aquarium internal filter Xinyou XY -2835 |
150 |
Aquarium top filter SOBO WP -1880F |
1550 |
External filter- Resun cyclone CY20 |
2500 |
External hang on filter -330L/h |
7200 |
Aquarium water heaters
Aquarium heaters are used to maintain the optimum water temperature in the aquarium. Especially in the winter water temperature drops to a critical level which is detrimental for fish health and may lead them to death. Popular heaters are used by the aquarists in Bangladesh Table 11.
Table 11: List of aquarium heaters. |
Aquarium heaters |
Price (BDT/per piece) |
Sobo aquarium heater 50W |
500 |
Sobo aquarium heater 150W |
700 |
Sobo aquarium heater 200W |
550 |
RS electrical 300 watts aquarium heater |
550 |
Aqua heater- Periha |
1000 |
Periha Aqua heater HB-200 |
1500 |
Periha Aqua heater T-300W |
1200 |
Shanda glass heater (SGH-318) |
400 |
Aquarium medicines
Aquarium medicines are used for the treatment of contaminated organisms and aquarium water. Some medicines were listed during the study period such as Table 12.
Table 12: List of aquarium medicines. |
Medicine name |
Amount |
Price |
Aqua grow plant nutrition |
100 ml |
450 |
Herbtana reef and marine |
473 ml |
3000 |
Aqua grow + Plant nutrition |
100 ml |
250 |
Aqua grow + Plant nutrition |
250 ml |
300 |
Aquaguard anti chlorine by porpoise |
150 ml |
350 |
Aquarium Additive (Super 4) by ADA |
100 ml |
400 |
Bonuses-Concentrated Nitrifying Bacteria |
150 ml |
300 |
Coral Pro Salt |
22 kg |
9000 |
Coral Pro Salt |
7 kg |
3000 |
Dr. Aqua- Anti Fungus Special |
120 ml |
110 |
Medicine name |
Amount |
Price |
Dr. Aqua- Anti White Spot |
120 ml |
110 |
Dr. Aqua- Antichlor Special |
120 ml |
110 |
Dr. Aqua- Antirot Special |
120 ml |
110 |
Esy Clo( antichlorine) |
100 ml |
300 |
Green Bacter- ADA Nature Aquarium |
100 ml |
2000 |
Leecom Antichlor-Medicine |
120 ml |
250 |
Plant Plus- Natural Plant Food by White Crane |
25 ml |
350 |
Bonuses Aquaguard (anti-chlorine) |
150 ml |
350 |
Shanda- Saltwater Microelement Phosphorus |
120 ml |
550 |
Shanda- Bacterial Killer |
120 ml |
500 |
Sera- Crystal clear aquarium water |
250 ml |
500 |
Star- Aquarium salt |
10 gm |
30 |
Star- Methylene blue |
20 ml |
30 |
Star- Water cleaner |
20 ml |
30 |
Economic importance of aquarium fishes
During the study, it was found that the price of aquarium fish is much higher than culture fish which is taken as food. The proportion between the space required for aquarium fishes and culture fishes is very significant. Aquarium fishes need a little amount of space to maintain, breed and the management cost is very low compared to the price.
On the other hand, culture fish species need a lot of space, maintenance costs, and comparing to the price. For example, the price of Thai pangasius (Pangasius hypophthalmus) is 90-120 BDT/kg but the same species are known as tiger sharks keep in the aquarium an 80-360 per pair which is a much higher price than its cultural value.
The top 3 highly-priced aquarium fishes were found as- Golden Arowana (20000-80000 BDT/pair), Black Arowana (18000-45000 BDT/pair), and Ocellate River Stingray (15000-25000 BDT/pair) Table 13.
Table 13: Top ten highly-priced aquarium fish species. |
SL |
Species name |
Habitat |
Price range according to size (BDT/pair) |
1 |
Golden or Asian Arowana |
Freshwater |
20000-80000 |
2 |
Black Arowana |
Freshwater |
18000-45000 |
3 |
Ocellate River Stingray |
Brackish water |
15000-25000 |
4 |
Silver Arowana |
Freshwater |
7000-18000 |
5 |
Emperor angelfish |
Marine water |
7000-15000 |
6 |
Sailfin tang |
Marine water |
7000-14000 |
7 |
Foxface |
Marine water |
6000-12000 |
8 |
Bluegirdled angelfish |
Marine water |
6000-12000 |
9 |
Blacktail angelfish |
Marine water |
5500-12000 |
10 |
Spotted surgeonfish |
Marine water |
6500-10500 |
[18]. Recorded silver Arowana as the most expensive species (30000 BDT/pair), Koi carp (12000 BDT/pair), and Tiger shovelnose (4000 BDT/pair).
Rahman, et al. [19]. Found red parrot as the most expensive species (1000-1500 BDT/pair), in their study followed by discus (800-1000 BDT/pair) and oscar (400-600 BDT/pair).
Arif, et al. [23]. Mentioned discus as the most expensive species (1500 BDT/pair), parrotfish (1000 BDT/pair), and oscar (650 BDT/pair) Table 14.
Table 14: Top ten cheap aquarium fish species. |
SL |
Species name |
Habitat |
Price range according to size (BDT/pair) |
1 |
Multi-color Guppy |
Freshwater |
40-60 |
2 |
Black Molly |
Freshwater |
50-80 |
3 |
Tiger barb |
Freshwater |
60-80 |
4 |
Zebra danio |
Freshwater |
60-80 |
SL |
Species name |
Habitat |
Price range according to size (BDT/pair) |
5 |
Tuxedo Platy |
Freshwater |
60-80 |
6 |
Mickey mouse sword tail |
Freshwater |
80-120 |
7 |
Rosy barb |
Freshwater |
80-120 |
8 |
Blue gourami |
Freshwater |
80-120 |
9 |
Rainbow shark |
Freshwater |
120-140 |
10 |
Marble angelfish |
Freshwater |
40-450 |
Considering the present study, it was very much clear that the current situation of the aquarium business had become a potential commercial sector in our country. Connecting the past and present studies observation it can be stated that the popularity, diversity of aquarium fisheries products, and the number of shops had drastically increased. In the past, most of the aquarium fishes were imported from foreign countries but according to the current study 23 species under 76 varieties were locally bred by our hatcheries and local breeders. Marketing had become more flexible; customers can purchase aquarium fish and other products by ordering them in online shops as well as by going to the shops. Aquarium fish cost, management, and space are much less than culture fish. Due to the immense potentiality, the sector is not contributing to national GDP. If we raise our concern and realize the value of the sector and properly nurture it will become one of the remarkable foreign currency income sources in the near future.