Global Journal of Ecology Submit Manuscript

    Editorial Board

    Syed Faisal Shah
    Adjunct Faculty
    Department of Business and Law
    De Montfort University, Dubai – United Arab Emirates (UK based University)
    United Arab Emirates

    Dr. Syed Faisal Shah, an adjunct faculty member in the Department of Business and Law at De Montfort University, Dubai. He also worked a researcher at the University of Sharjah, holds a Doctor of Business Administration recently conferred by the University of Sharjah, United Arab Emirates. He is also a holder of a Master of Business Administration and a Bachelor of Finance from the same university. Dr. Shah's expertise spans finance, accounting, behavioral finance, sustainability, economics, and management. With over 11 years of industrial and academic experience, he has demonstrated his proficiency as a finance professional in multinational firms based in the U.A.E.

    Research Interest: Corporate Finance, Behavioral Finance, Accounting, Financial Stability, FinTech, Emerging Market, Psychology, Sustainability, Ecology, Renewable energy, Islamic Finance, Financial Market, Political Economics and Circular Economics.

    More Info.
    Xingjia Xiang
    Department of Ecological Sciences
    Anhui University

    Academic Training

    2007-2011, School of Life Science, Anhui University

             BSc with the first class honors in Biological Engineering

    2011-2017, Institute of Soil Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences – Ph.D.

             Research topic focused on “soil microbial community and function”

    Academic Appointments

    2017-2020, Assistant Professor, Department of Ecological Sciences, Anhui University

    2018-Present, Academic Secretary, Key Laboratory of Wetland Ecosystem Protection

    2019-Present, Research Group Leader, Department of Ecological Sciences, Anhui University

    2020-Present, Associate Professor, Department of Ecological Sciences, Anhui University

    2021-Present, Specialist, Department of Ecology and Environment of Anhui Province


    2016, National Scholarship for Postgraduate Students

    2017, Outstanding Young Scientist of Anhui University

    2018, First Prize of Teaching Competition of Anhui University

    2020, Teaching Excellence Award for undergraduate of Anhui University

    2021, First prize of Science and Technology Progress of Chinese Soil Society

    Research Interest: Microbial Ecology



    1). PI: Xingjia Xiang. National Natural Science Foundation of China (2018-2021). Total direct costs: ¥ 230K.
    2). PI: Xingjia Xiang. Natural Science Foundation of Department of Education of Anhui Province (2018-2020). Total direct costs: ¥ 60K.
    3). PI: Xingjia Xiang. Funds for high-level talents of Anhui University (2017-2022). Total direct costs: ¥ 120K.
    4). PI: Xingjia Xiang. Commissioned research projects from Anhui Academy of Hydraulic Sciences (2021-2022). Total direct costs: ¥ 300K.
    5). PI: Xingjia Xiang. Commissioned research projects from Jiangxi Academy of Agricultural Sciences (2019-2022). Total direct costs: ¥ 200K.
    6). PI: Xingjia Xiang. Commissioned research projects from Nanjing Academy of Environmental Sciences (2019-2021). Total direct costs: ¥ 250K.
    7). PI: Xingjia Xiang. Commissioned research projects from County Government (2021-2023). Total direct costs: ¥ 330K.
    8). PI: Xingjia Xiang. Commissioned research projects from Hemei Environmental Protection Co., LTD (2021-2024). Total direct costs: ¥320K.

    List of Publications:

    *: Corresponding author; #: Contributed equally
    1). Jiangjian Kong, Xingjia Xiang, Jian Yang. 2021. Wildfire alters the linkage between total and available soil C:N:P ratios and the stoichiometric effects on fine root growth in a Chinese boreal larch forest. Plant and Soil, in press.
    2). Xingjia Xiang, Lele Jin, Zhuoqing Yang, Nazhong Zhang, Feng Zhang. 2021. Dramatic shifts in intestinal fungal community between wintering Hooded Crane and Domestic Goose. Avian Research, 12:1.
    3). Decheng Gu, Xingjia Xiang, Yucheng Wu, Jun Zeng, Xiangui Lin. 2021. Synergy between fungi and bacteria promotes polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon cometabolism in lignin-amended soil. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 425:127958.
    4). Lele Jin, Xingjia Xiang*, Jinyi Zhang, Jie Zhang, Ming Liu, Wenjing Qin, Jingrui Chen, Xiaofen Chen, Changxu Xu, Jia Liu. 2021. Dramatic shifts in fungal communities following application of hairy vetch (Vicia villosa Roth L.) in upland of Ultisol. European Journal of Soil Biology, 106:103349.
    5). Yuying Ma, Huanchao Zhang, Daozhong Wang, Xisheng Guo, Teng Yang, Xingjia Xiang, Florian Walder, Haiyan Chu. 2021. Differential Responses of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungal Communities to Long-Term Fertilization in the Wheat Rhizosphere and Root Endosphere. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 87:17.
    6). Xingjia Xiang, Jonathan Adams, Caifei Qiu, Wenjing Qin, Jingrui Chen, Lele Jin, Changxu Xu, Jia Liu. 2021. Nutrient improvement and soil acidification inducing contrary effects on bacterial community structure following application of hairy vetch (Vicia villosa Roth L.) in Ultisol. Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment, 312:107348.

    7). Binghua Sun, Xiaojuan Xu, Yingna Xia, Yumei Cheng, Shuxin Mao, Xinagjia Xiang, Dongpo Xia, Xi Wang, Jinhua Li. 2020. Variation of Gut Microbiome in Free-Ranging Female Tibetan Macaques (Macaca Thibetana) across Different Reproductive States. Animals, 11:1.
    8). Qian Li#, Xingjia Xiang#, Yikang Li, Li Lin, Fawei Zhang, Guangmin Cao. 2020. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal community structure following different grazing intensities in alpine grassland. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 85: 1620-1633
    9). Xia Wan, Yu Jiang, Yuyan Cao, Binghua Sun, Xingjia Xiang*. 2020. Divergence in Gut Bacterial Community Structure between Male and Female Stag Beetles Odontolabis fallaciosa (Coleoptera, Lucanidae). Animals, 10(12): 2352.
    10). Rong Fu, Xingjia Xiang, Yuanqiu Dong, Lei Chen, Lizhi Zhou. 2020. Comparing the intestinal bacterial communies of sympatric wintering Hooded Crane (Grus monacha) and Domestic Goose (Anser anser domesticus). Avian Research,11: 13.
    11). Miaomiao Wang#, Xingjia Xiang#, Xia Wan. 2020. Divergence in Gut Bacterial Community Among Life Stages of the Rainbow Stag Beetle Phalacrognathus muelleri (Coleptera: Lucanidae). Insects, 11(10):719.
    12). Fenglin Zhang, Xingjia Xiang, Yuanqiu Dong, Lizhi Zhou. 2020. Significant Differences in the Gut Bacterial Communities of Hooded Crane (Grus monacha) in Different Seasons at a Stopover Site on the Flyway. Animals,10(4):701.
    13). Xingjia Xiang, Jia Liu, Jie Zhang, Daming Li, Changxu Xu, Yakov Kuzyakov. 2020. Divergence in fungal abundance and community structure between soils under long-term mineral and organic fertilization. Soil and Tillage Research, 196: 104491.
    14). Jia Liu, Daming Li, Changxu Xu, Xingjia Xiang*. 2020. Differential responses of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal communities to mineral and organic fertilization. MicrobiologyOpen,  9(1): e00920.

    15). Xingjia Xiang, Sean Gibbons, He Li, Haihua Shen, Haiyan Chu. 2020. Proximate grassland and shrub-encroached sites show dramatic restructuring of soil bacterial communities. PeerJ, 7:e7304.
    16). Yuanqiu Dong, Xingjia Xiang, Guanghong Zhao, Lizhi Zhou. 2019. Variations in gut bacterial communities of hooded crane (Grus monacha) over spatial-temporal scales. PeerJ, 7:e7045.
    17). Xingjia Xiang, Fengling Zhang, Rong Fu, Shaofei Yan, Lizhi Zhou. 2019. Significant Differences in Bacterial and Potentially Pathogenic Communities Between Sympatric Hooded Crane and Greater White-Fronted Goose. Frontiers in Microbiology, 10:163.

    18). Xingjia Xiang, Sean Gibbons, He Li, Haihua Shen, Jing Yun Fang, Haiyan Chu. 2018. Shrub encroachment is associated with changes in soil bacterial community composition in a temperate grassland ecosystem. Plant and Soil, 425(1):1-13.
    19). Yu Shi, Yuntao Li, Xingjia Xiang, Ruibo Sun, Teng Yang, Dan He, Yingying Ni, Yongguan Zhu, Jonathan Adams, Haiyan Chu. 2018. Spatial scale affects the relative role of stochasticity versus determinism in soil bacterial communities in wheat fields across the North China Plain. Microbiome, 6: 27.

    20). Kunkun Fan, Cesar Cardona, Yuntao Li, Yu Shi, Xingjia Xiang, Congcong Shen, Hongfei Wang, Gilbert Jack, Haiyan Chu. 2017. Rhizosphere-associated bacterial network structure and spatial distribution differ significantly from bulk soil in wheat crop fields. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 113: 275-284
    21). Xingjia Xiang, Dan He, Jinsheng He, 2017. Ammonia-oxidizing bacteria rather than archaea respond to short-term urea amendment in an alpine grassland. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 107: 218-225.

    22). Dan He, Xingjia Xiang, Jinsheng He, 2016. Composition of soil fungal community is more sensitive to phosphorus than nitrogen addition in alpine meadow on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 52: 1059-1072.
    23). Xingjia Xiang, Sean Gibbons, Jinsheng He, Haiyan Chu. 2016. Rapid response of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal communities to short-term fertilization in an alpine grassland on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. PeerJ
    24). Haiyan Chu, Xingjia Xiang*, Jian Yang, 2016. Effects of Slope Aspects on Soil Bacterial and Arbuscular Fungal Communities in a Boreal Forest in China. Pedosphere, 26: 226-234.

    25). Xingjia Xiang, Sean Gibbons, Jian Yang, Haiyan Chu. 2015. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal communities show low resistance and high resilience to wildfire disturbance. Plant and Soil, 397: 347-356
    26). Jianjian Kong, Jian Yang, Haiyan Chu, Xingjia Xiang. 2015. Effects of wildfire and topography on soil nitrogen availability in a boreal larch forest of northeastern China. International Journal of Wildland Fire, 24: 433-442.
    27). Yu Shi#, Xingjia Xiang#, Congcong Shen, Haiyan Chu, et al. 2015. Vegetation-Associated Impacts on Arctic Tundra Bacterial and Microeukaryotic Communities. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 81: 492-501.

    28). Xingjia Xiang, Yu Shi, Jian Yang, et al. 2014. Rapid recovery of soil bacterial communities after wildfire in a Chinese boreal forest. Scientific Reports, 4, 3829.

    More Info.
    Andrea Sulis
    Adjunct Professor
    Architecture, Design and Urbanism (DADU)

    Master Degree, Hydraulic Engineering, University of Cagliari (Laurea Magna cum Laude – 110/100 e Lode), Thesis: A water quality optimization modelling for complex water systems, November 2002.

    Ph.D., Water Resource Systems Analysis, University of Cagliari, Thesis: A mixed optimization - simulation approach for complex water resource systems analysis, February 2006.

    Research Interest: water system, water quality, reservoirs and lakes, coastal morphology.


    Grant funded by the Sardinian Regional Government for the research project on Development of a combined optimization-simulation approach for complex water system under drought conditions. 2007.
    Grant for appointment as Adjunct Assistant Professor funded by the Sardinian Regional Government under the Operative Programme of the European Social Fund (POR FSE Sardegna 2007-2013). 2010– 2012.
    Who’s Who in the World 2011 – 2012.
    Grants funded by the University of Cagliari based on teaching and research quality indicators. 2012 – 2015.


    Articles in Referred Journals:

    1. Sechi, G.M. and Sulis, A. (2007), Multi-reservoir system optimization using chlorophyll-a trophic indexes, Water Resources Management, 21(5), 849-860, ISSN 0920-4741.
    2. Sechi, G.M. and Sulis, A. (2009), Dynamic attribution of water quality indexes in a multi-reservoir optimization model, Desalination, 237(1), ISSN 0011-9164.
    3. Sulis, A. (2009), GRID computing approach for multireservoir operating rules with uncertainty, Environmental Modelling & Software, 24(7), 859-864, ISSN 1364-8152.
    Curriculum Vitae Dr Andrea Sulis, PhD iv
    4. Sechi, G.M. and Sulis, A. (2009), Water system management through a mixed optimization-simulation approach, Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 135(3), 160-170, ISSN 0733-9496.
    5. Atzeni, A., Pedone, C. and Sulis, A. (2009), Morfologia del Saliente di Is Morus – Pula (CA) e idrodinamica attorno allo scoglio antistante, Studi Costieri, 16, 73-88, ISSN 1129-8588 (In Italian).
    6. Sechi, G.M. and Sulis, A. (2010), Drought mitigation using operative indicators in complex water systems, Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, 35(3-5), 195-203, ISSN 1474-7065.
    7. Sulis, A., Buscarinu, P. and Sechi, G.M. (2011), Using reservoir trophic-state indexes in optimization modeling of water-resource systems, Environmental Modelling & Software, 26(6), 731-738, ISSN 1364-8152.
    8. McIntosh, B.S., Ascough, J.C., Twery, M., Chew, J., Elmahdi, A., Haase, D., Harou, J.J., Hepting, D., Cuddy, S., Jakeman, A.J., Chen, S., Kassahun, Lautenbach, A. S., Matthews, K., Merritt, W., Quinn, N.W.T., Rodriguez-Roda, I., Sieber, S., Stavenga, M., Sulis, A., Ticehurst, J., Volk, M., Wrobel, M., van Delden, H., El-Sawah, S., Rizzoli, A. and A. Voinov, (2011), Environmental decision support systems (EDSS) development – Challenges and best practices. Environmental Modelling & Software, 26 (12), 1389-1402, ISSN 1364-8152.
    9. Atzeni, A. and Sulis, A. (2012), Field measurements of tug waves in the Cagliari Harbor, Italy, Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering, 138(1), 72-76, ISSN 0733-950X.
    10. Sulis, A. and Sechi, G.M. (2013), Comparison of generic simulation models for water resource systems. Environmental Modelling & Software, 40, 214-225, ISSN 1364-8152.
    11. Sulis, A., Buscarinu, P., Soru, O. and Sechi, G.M. (2013), Trophic state and toxic cyanobacteria density in optimization modeling of multi-reservoir water resource systems. Toxins, 6(4), 1366-1384, ISSN 2072-6651.
    12. Sulis, A. and Annis, A. (2014). Morphological response of a sandy shoreline to a natural obstacle at Sa Mesa Longa beach, Italy. Coastal Engineering, 84, 10-22, ISSN 0378-3839.
    13. Sulis, A., (2016). An optimisation model for reservoir operation. Water Management. DOI: 10.1680/jwama.15.00048, ISSN 1741-7589.
    14. Sulis, A., Balzano, A., Cabras, C., and Atzeni, A. (2017). On the applicability of empirical formulas for natural salients to Sardinia (Italy) beaches. Geomorphology, 286, 1-13, ISSN 0169-555X.
    15. Sulis, A., Cozza, R., and Annis, A. (2017). Extreme wave analysis methods in the Gulf of Cagliari (South Sardinia, Italy). Ocean & Coastal Management, 140, 79-87, ISSN 0964-5691.
    16. Sulis, A., (2017). Improved Implicit Stochastic Optimization technique systems under drought conditions: the case study of Agri-Sinni water system. International Journal of River Basin Management. DOI: 10.1080/15715124.2017.1378225, ISSN: 1571-5124.
    17. Sulis, A., Frongia, S., Liberatore, S., Zucca, R. and Sechi, G.M. (2018). Combining water supply and flood control purposes in the Coghinas Basin (Sardinia, Italy). International Journal of River Basin Management. DOI: 10.1080/15715124.2018.1476366, ISSN: 1571-5124.
    18. Sulis, A., (2018). Minor structures for the improvement of wave disturbance in a small harbor. ACE – 9249407. Advances in Civil Engineering. ISSN: 1687-8094.

    Skype ID: andrea.sulis

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    Department of Health and Human Services
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    Carlo Carugi
    Senior Evaluation Officer
    Department of Global Environment
    Washington, DC

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    Department of Ecology
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     </xml> <style> /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"Table Normal"; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-priority:99; mso-style-parent:""; mso-padding-alt:0cm 5.4pt 0cm 5.4pt; mso-para-margin-top:0cm; mso-para-margin-right:0cm; mso-para-margin-bottom:8.0pt; mso-para-margin-left:0cm; line-height:107%; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:11.0pt; font-family:"Calibri","sans-serif"; mso-ascii-font-family:Calibri; mso-ascii-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-hansi-font-family:Calibri; mso-hansi-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-fareast-language:EN-US;} </style> Research Interest: Community ecology, biomonitoring and bioassessment, multiple environmental stressors, aquatic ecosystems, ecosystem function, trait-based approaches, integrated river basin management, aquatic organisms, etc.Biography: Naicheng Wu is a Marie Curie - Cofund Research Fellow with broad interest in community and metacommunity ecology in Aarhus Institute of Advanced Studies, Aarhus University, Denmark. He is interested in community ecology, biomonitoring and bioassessment, the impacts of multiple stressors on aquatic ecosystems and integrated river basin management.<!--[if gte mso 9]><xml> </xml><xml> Normal 0 false false false EN-IN ZH-CN X-NONE </xml><xml> </xml> <style> /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"Table Normal"; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-priority:99; mso-style-parent:""; mso-padding-alt:0cm 5.4pt 0cm 5.4pt; mso-para-margin-top:0cm; mso-para-margin-right:0cm; mso-para-margin-bottom:8.0pt; mso-para-margin-left:0cm; line-height:107%; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:11.0pt; font-family:"Calibri","sans-serif"; mso-ascii-font-family:Calibri; mso-ascii-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-hansi-font-family:Calibri; mso-hansi-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-fareast-language:EN-US;} </style>
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    Herminia Garcia Mozo
    University of Cordoba

    Research Interest: Aerobiology, Phenology, Quercus, Olea, Climate Change, Mediterranean Forest.

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    Francisco Torrens
    University of Valencia

    Research Interest: Theoretical Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Mathematical Chemistry, Computational Chemistry, Molecular Modelling, Simulation, and Design, Computer-Aided Drug Design and Development, Molecular Graphics and Representation of Molecular Properties.

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    MM Alguacil
    Department of Soil and Water Conservation
    Center for Soil Science and Applied Biology

    Research Interest: Revegetation, Mycorrhizas, Desertification Control, Soil Microbiology, Molecular Ecology, Biodiversity.

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    Jose Antonio Rodriguez Martin
    Department of Environment
    National Research Institute, Agricultural and Food Technology

    Research Interest: Environmental Pollution, Heavy Metals, Soil Pollution, Spatial Analysis, Geostatistics, Environmental Impact Assessment.

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    Quan-Xing Liu
    East China Normal University

    Research Interest: Theoretical Ecology, Spatial Ecology, Mathematical Modelling, Marine Ecology, Ecosystem Functioning, Plankton Dynamics.

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    Rohani Ahmad
    Infectious Disease Research Centre
    University of Malasiya

    Research Interest: Mosquitoes, Vector, Malaria, Filarial, Dengue Chikungunya.

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    El Alami Abderrazak
    Ecology and Education
    Ministry of National Education, Higher education, Scientific research and Vocational Training

    High school of Alkhawarizmi, Ministry of National Education, Higher education, Scientific research and Vocational Training of Morocco University of Caddy Ayyad, Faculty of Sciences Semlalia, Laboratory of Pharmacology, Neurobiology and Behaviour, Marrakech, Morocco.PhD degree (National Doctorate) 2014, at the University of Caddy Ayyad, Faculty of Sciences Semlalia, Laboratory of Pharmacology, Neurobiology and Behaviour, Marrakech, Morocco. Title: “Distribution, demography and behavior of the Barbary macaque (Macaca sylvanus) and their interactions with human local populations in the Central High Atlas of Morocco.

    Research Interest:  Ecology; Ethology; Zoology; Biodiversity and conservation; Evolutionary Biology; Wildlife Management; Endangered species.

    Grant Details: 2015  Saudi  Arabia's  Award  for  Environmental  Management. *2015 Appreciation Certificate:  awarded by the Minister Delegate to the Minister of  Higher Education, Scientific Research and Executive Training, Morocco.

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    Hector O Rubio
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    Autonomous University of Chihuahua

    Research Interest: Water and Soil Pollution, Experimental Statistics.

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    Fernando Diaz
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    CICESE University

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    Piotr Nowicki
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    Jagiellonian University

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    Driss Nachite
    UFR of Marine Sciences
    Abdelmalek Essaadi University

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