This article submits the analysis of the study of the climate change and its influence on dynamics of the number of saigas in Kazakhstan, which appeared 20 thousand years ago as a mammoth and a rhinoceros. The analysis concentrates on the study of the climate change influencing the mass murrain of antelopes (saigas) from the beginning of a new century.
Since the beginning of a new century their quantity has decreased by 3-10 times owing to two factors: epizooty pasteurellosis caused by the climate change and sharp reduction of a genetic variety. The environmental disaster connected with the mass murrain of saigas is caused by full insufficiency of information about the field of the wind (shifts) in the lower layers of the atmosphere.
It is necessary to bring the Doppler-radar installation in the obligatory list of meteorological devices by the expeditious definition of distribution of the field of the wind (wind shears) in the lower layers of the atmosphere. Especially it concerns the regions of the way of migration of the population of saigas. Otherwise, environmental disasters due to the dangerous external influence of the environment - fields of the wind (shifts) will continue.
In epizooty, the zone during one week had 3-4 norms of a monthly deposit, caused by the change of the western cyclone into the northern one.
High humidity, the main factor of the murrain of saigas, causes anaerobic enterotoxemia and pasteurellosis.
Published on: Dec 9, 2020 Pages: 146-153
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DOI: 10.17352/gje.000034
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