Associate professor
Department of Biology
University Putra Malaysia
Journal Associated: Annals of Environmental Science and Toxicology Biography:

Dr. Chee Kong YAP is a Malaysian and is currently an Associate Professor at the Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, University Putra Malaysia (UPM). He obtained his Ph.D. degree in Ecotoxicology from University Putra Malaysia. As an academician for more than 12 years in UPM and 17 years as a researcher, he has been active in teaching and doing research since his first degree. Under his chairmanship, one PhD and six MS students have successfully graduated so far in UPM. In recognition of his expertise and research capabilities, he was awarded research grants as Principal Investigator and Researcher including from Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MOSTI, Malaysia), Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE, Malaysia) and University Putra Malaysia. He has been invited as a reviewer in various prominent Impact Factor Journals besides some non-cited journals. Until February 2015, he has reviewed [voluntarily] 190 citation-indexed and 63 non-citation –indexed journal articles, by invitation on ad hoc basis, which are submitted for consideration for publication in international journals worldwide. Dr. Yap has been active in publications as evidenced with his research outputs with more than 236 published in refereed academic journals, 2 books, 4 book chapters, 18 international conferences/ proceedings, 45 national conferences/ proceedings, 4 invited papers and 32 poster presentations. In addition, he has published 21 papers (8.60%) as single author of the paper. Until February 2015, 163 of them have now been indexed in Elsevier’s Scopus with an H-index of 18 (1185 citations) and 20 (1758 citations) based on Google Scholar. His single-authored book entitled ‘Mussel Watch in Malaysia: Past, Present and Future’ (UPM Press, 2012) is his significant output of his 17-year research endeavor. Most recently, Dr. Yap has won an international award for ‘Award for Excellence in Research 2014 (EET CRS)’, on 21 July 2014 from Bangalore, India.

Research Interest:  Plant and Soil Sciences, Environmental pollution,

Heavy Metal





List of Publications

1.   Yap, C.K., A.R. Bakhtiari and W.H. Cheng, 2017. Impacts of marine pollution and toxicology: A mussel watch experience in peninsular Malaysia. Aquatic pollution Malaysia. J. Aquat Pollut. Toxicol., 1: 1-4.

2.    Yap, C.K., 2017. Essential minerals for good heath, but their overdose is not. EC Nur., 6: 109-112.

3.    Wong, K.W., C.K. Yap, R. Nulit, M.S. Hamzah and S.K. Chen et al., 2017. Effects of anthropogenic activities on the heavy metal levels in the clams and sediments in a tropical river. Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res., 24: 116-134.

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4.    Ong, G.H., C.K. Yap, M. Mahmood, S.G. Tan and M.S. Hamzah, 2017. Magnesium in local edible ulam (Centella asiatica) and its relation to their habitat soils in peninsular Malaysia. Pertanika J. Trop. Agric. Sci., 40: 1-18.

5.    Ashraf, A., E. Saion, E. Gharibshahi, H.M. Kamari, C.K. Yap, M.S. Hamzah and M.S. Elias, 2017. Distribution of trace elements in core marine sediments of coastal east Malaysia by instrumental neutron activation analysis. Applied Radiation Isotopes, 122: 96-105.

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6.    Yap, C.K., Y.J.E. Ng, F.B.E. Thomas, W.H. Cheng and G.H. Ong, 2016. The use of foot of the green-lipped mussel is perna viridis as an alternative method to reduce the gender effect on the bioaccumulation of Cu and Zn in the mussel. Open J. Oceanography, 1: 22-25.

7.    Yap, C.K., W.H. Cheng, A. Karami and A. Ismail, 2016. Health risk assessments of heavy metal exposure via consumption of marine mussels collected from anthropogenic sites. Sci. Total Environ., 553: 285-296.

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8.    Sharifinia, M., A. Mahmoudifard, J.I. Namin, Z. Ramezanpour and C.K. Yap, 2016. Pollution evaluation in the Shahrood River: Do physico-chemical and macroinvertebrate-based indices indicate same responses to anthropogenic activities? Chemosphere, 159: 584-594.

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9.    Ong, G.H., L.S. Wong, A.L. Tan and C.K. Yap, 2016. Effects of metal-contaminated soils on the accumulation of heavy metals in gotu kola (Centella asiatica) and the potential health risks: A study in Peninsular Malaysia. Environ. Monitoring Assess., Vol. 188. 10.1007/s10661-015-5042-0.

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10.    Karami, A., N. Romano, H. Hamzah, S.L. Simpson and C.K. Yap, 2016. Acute phenanthrene toxicity to juvenile diploid and triploid African catfish (Clarias gariepinus): Molecular, biochemical and histopathological alterations. Environ. Pollut., 212: 155-165.

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11.    Karami, A., D. Omar, J.M. Lazorchak, C.K. Yap, Z. Hashim and S.C. Courtenay, 2016. A comparison of biomarker responses in juvenile diploid and triploid African catfish, Clarias gariepinus, exposed to the pesticide butachlor. Environ. Res., 151: 313-320.

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12.    Ashraf, A., E. Saion, E. Gharibshahi, H.M. Kamari, C.K. Yap, M.S. Hamzah and M.S. Elias, 2016. Rare earth elements in core marine sediments of coastal East Malaysia by instrumental neutron activation analysis. Applied Radiat. Isotopes, 107: 17-23.

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13.    Yap, C.K., A. Jusoh, W.J. Leong, A. Karami and G.H. Ong, 2015. Potential human health risk assessment of heavy metals via the consumption of tilapia Oreochromis mossambicus collected from contaminated and uncontaminated ponds. Environ. Monit. Assess., Vol. 187. 10.1007/s10661-015-4812-z.
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14.    Yap, C.K., 2015. Comment on assessment of heavy metal contamination in Hindon River sediments: A chemometric and geochemical approach published in Chemosphere 87 (2012) 945-953. Chemosphere, 119: 1465-1466.

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15.    Yap, C.K. and W.H. Cheng, 2015. Beryllium levels in the mangrove snail, Nerita lineata and surface sediments from Peninsular Malaysian Mangrove Area. Sains Malaysiana, 44: 965-971.

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16.    Cheng, W.H., C.K. Yap, M.P. Zakaria, A.Z. Aris and S.G. Tan, 2015. Lithium levels in Peninsular Malaysian coastal areas: An assessment based on mangrove snail Nerita lineata and surface sediments. Pertanika J. Trop. Agric. Sci., 38: 93-101.

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17.    Cheng, W.H. and C.K. Yap, 2015. Potential human health risks from toxic metals via mangrove snail consumption and their ecological risk assessments in the habitat sediment from Peninsular Malaysia. Chemosphere, 135: 156-165.

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18.    Yap, C.K., F.B. Edward and S.G. Tan, 2014. Concentrations of heavy metals in different tissues of the bivalve Polymesoda erosa: Its potentials as a biomonitor and food safety concern. Pertanika J. Trop. Agric. Sci., 37: 19-38.

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19.    Yap, C.K., 2014. Shells of Telescopium telescopium as biomonitoring materials of ni pollution in the tropical intertidal area. Int. J. Adv. Applied Sci., 3: 11-18.

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20.    Yap, C.K., 2014. Elemental concentrations in the surface sediments collected from the straits of Malacca: 2004 sampling cruise. Int. J. Adv. Applied Sci., Vol. 3. .

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21.    Yap, C.K., 2014. Contamination of heavy metals and other organic pollutants in Perna viridis from the coastal waters of Malaysia: A review based on 1998 data. J. Sci. Res. Rep., 3: 1-16.

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