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Mian MAK, Begum AA (2024) Improving crop productivity in low land through crop intensification in Bangladesh. Ann Environ Sci Toxicol 8(1): 001-005. DOI: 10.17352/aest.000074Copyright
© 2024 Mian MAK, et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.Two experiments were conducted at Chalan Beel (Experiment-1: Sirajgonj) and at Monglar Beel (Experiment-2: Faridpur) to improve the rice-based cropping system in the lowlands during 2021 - 2022. Treatments of Experiment 1 were four cropping patterns, T1 = Mustard-Boro rice, T2 = Mustard-Jute, T3 = Potato-Boro rice, and T4 = Fallow-Boro rice. Treatments of Experiment 2 were four cropping patterns viz. T1 = Onion-Jute, T2 = Onion-Broadcast aman (B. aman) rice, T3 = Lathyrus- B. aman rice and T4 = Fallow-Boro rice. Experiments were conducted in an RCB design with five dispersed replications. Crops in the patterns were sown/planted/transplanted timely in the growing season. Cultural management was done as and when necessary as per the recommendation of each crop. All relevant data was collected and analyzed systematically. The results of Experiment 1 revealed that Mustard-Jute and Potato-Boro rice cropping patterns were found to be superior in respect of productivity and economic returns as compared to existing cropping patterns (ie. Fallow-Boro rice cropping pattern). The findings of Experiment 2 indicated that Onion-Jute and Onion-B. aman rice were found as the most productive cropping pattern with better economic benefits over existing cropping patterns (i.e. Fallow-Boro rice cropping pattern). Farmers are interested to adopt in these improved cropping patterns in the beel area. They will get more economic returns. The total food production of the country will be enhanced through the adoption of these improved cropping patterns.
The Beel area (Lowland goes underwater and remains underwater for about 4 months - 5 months generally from July to November) is under an unfavourable ecosystem covering an area of 2.43 million hectares in Bangladesh [1]. Water depth varies from 1 m to 3 m during the flooding period in the beel area [2]. It is a climatic hot spot area and more vulnerable to climate change effects [3]. Bangladesh has experienced a climate change effect on crop production [4]. Agricultural scientists and researchers are trying to increase food production in the country to cope with the climate change effect. Storms, cyclones, drought, unpredicted and heavy rainfall, high temperatures, salinity intrusion, river erosion, waterlogging, and flooding are the effects of climate change [3]. Every now and then, heavy rainfall and early flooding cause crop (boro rice) damage in the beel area [5]. Beel is less productive as compared to upland cropping and remains fallow for most of the part of the year [6,7]. The cropping patterns of Bangladesh are usually rice-based [8]. Boro rice is the main crop in the beel area but it requires a huge amount of water resources [9]. Research findings indicated that broadcast aman (B. aman) could be grown after boro rice in some parts of Bangladesh [10]. There is little scope for improvement of the cropping system in low land and it is very critical or hard work because rice is often only the crop on the low land [8]. However, previous research findings indicate that there is a possibility of improving the rice-based cropping system through the inclusion of short-duration non-rice crops in the existing pattern of beel area (medium low land) for higher productivity as compared single boro rice (monoculture) [5]. Moreover, the adaptation of short-duration non-rice crops in the rice-based cropping system along with their improved production technologies will enhance food crop production in the country [10,11].
Previous surveys and experience indicate that farmers grow mustard, pea, maize, wheat, onion, garlic, lentil, lathyrus, and potato in the beel area especially upper side land (Kandha) or upper Catena of beel [12,13]. Mustard, onion, potato, pea, and maize are five important non-rice crops in Bangladesh. Adaptation and dissemination of mustard cultivation in the Mustard-Boro rice cropping pattern in the beel area can supplement the edible oil demand of the country and also can save foreign currency for importing edible oil. Moreover, soybean oil has some disadvantages and side effects on human health like exposure to carcinogens, chronic inflammation, throat itch, mineral deficiencies, and block of protein digestion [14]. Onion is an important nutritious and medicinal spice. It is rich in folic acid, vitamin C, calcium, phosphorus, zinc, vitamin B6, and other minerals [9].
Recently two years, the price of onion has gone up higher and it is a burning issue to reduce onion market price by increasing country production. Potato, pea, and maize are three important non-rice food crops, and they are important for diversified food consumption and changing food habits as nutritional aspects. Potato is a starch-rich nutritious vegetable and pea is a good source of plant protein. Maize has diversified uses as human, poultry, and fish feed, animal food, and fodder [15]. Therefore, the development and adaptation of new cropping patterns including these non-rice crops in the rice-based cropping system is imperative to enhance food security as well as the national security of the country. However, rice will not be omitted from the developing new cropping patterns where more new crops will be added to the rice-based cropping system when total system productivity will be improved or increased. Indirectly, crop intensification/more cropping in the pattern will help to reduce more carbon from the atmosphere as a mitigation process [16]. Therefore, two experiments were undertaken to improve the rice-based cropping system through non-rice crops in the beel area of Bangladesh.
Two Experiments were conducted at two locations (Chalan Beel, Sirajgonj, and Mongler Beel-Boalmari, Faridpur-Map attached in Annexture-1) to fulfil the objectives of the project. The experiments were conducted in RCB design with five replications. Treatments (cropping patterns) of Experiments were as follows:
Experiment -1. (Location: Chalan Beel, Sirajgonj)
T1=Mustard-Boro rice
T2=Mustard- Jute
T3=Potato-Boro rice
T4=Fallow-Boro rice
Experiment -2. (Location: Monglar Beel, Faridpur)
T2=Onion-(broadcast aman) B. aman rice
T3=Lathyrus- B. aman rice
T4=Fallow-Boro rice
The crops were sown/planted/transplanted in season timely. Fertilization (Table 1) [17], irrigation, weeding, and other management were done as per the recommendation of each crop [13,18]. Mustard, potato, and onion required 1, 2-3, and 2-3 times flood irrigation respectively depending on available soil moisture. Boro rice requires 6 - 8 times flooding irrigation depending on rainfall. Jute requires one irrigation for germination of seed. B. aman needed no irrigation. One time weeding was done for winter crops. Jute crop needed 2 times weeding at 15 Days After Emergence (DAE) and 40 DAE. Boro rice and B. aman rice needed one weeding at 30 days - 45 days after transplanting or sowing. Lathyrus needed no fertilizer, weeding, or irrigation. Crops were harvested at maturity. Relevant data was collected carefully and analyzed accordingly. Economic evaluation was done for each cropping pattern. Farmers’ opinions about improved (new) cropping patterns were recorded and reflected in the report. Rice Equivalent Yield (REY) and Production Efficiency (PE) were calculated as follows.
Rice Equivalent Yield (REY): (Yield crop ×price of crops)/price of rice
Production Efficiency (PE): REY/365
The average yield of mustard, potato, boro rice, and jute is given in Table 2. The yield of mustard varied from 1.497-1.501 t/ha in T1 and T2 (Table 2). Jute fiber yield was obtained at 4.85 t/ha and potato tuber yield was 16.77 t/ha (Table 2). Potato tuber yield was noticed to lower because of short duration variety and early harvesting of potatoes to get the opportunity of boro rice transplanting season. The results have been supported by Mian, et al. [19]. Boro rice yield (3.45-3.59 t/ha) was lower in T1 and T3 as compared to T4 due to later transplanting of boro rice in T1 and T3 (Table 2). Growing mustard and potato delayed the transplanting of boro rice in T1 and T3. The results are in agreement with the report of BARI [18]. However, boro rice yield was obtained at 4.97 t/ha in T4 due to optimum transplanting time. Rice Equivalent Yield (REY) and Production Efficiency (PE) are presented in Table 3. The mustard-Jute cropping pattern (T2) gave the highest REY (14.58 t/ha) and PE (39.95 kg/ha/day) followed by the Potato-Boro rice cropping pattern (T3) (Table 3) but lower values of REY and PE were noticed in T4. The results revealed that all cropping patterns showed better performance over existing cropping patterns like Fallow-Boro rice (T4) with respect to REY and productivity (PE). The inclusion of non-rice crops in the rice-based cropping system enhanced crop productivity in the system. Similar results also have been reported by Kakon, et al. [11] and Mian, et al. [19]. T2, T3, and T1 patterns showed 165%, 149%, and 39% higher productivity as compared to T4. Gross return (Tk. 466140 - 495720/ha), gross margin (Tk. 258970 - 292560/ha), and BCR (2.25 - 2.44) were also recorded higher in T2 and T3 cropping patterns (Tables 4,5). However, Mustard-Jute and Potato-Boro rice cropping patterns were found superior with respect to productivity and economic returns as compared to existing cropping of Fallow-Boro rice cropping (T4). The results have been supported by the findings of Ayesha, et al. [20] and BARI [21].
The bulb yield of onion (20.89-21.07 t/ha) was good in T1 and T2 at Monglar Beel, Faridpur (Table 6). Jute fiber and stick yield were 4.93 t/ha and 6.02 t/ha respectively in T1 (Table 7). Lathyrus yield was 1.68 t/ha and broadcast aman (B.aman) rice grain yield was 2.47 t/ha in T3 while B.aman rice grain yield was noticed lower (1.42 t/ha) in T2 (Table 6). Pulse crops like lathyrus inclusion in the cropping pattern (T3) enhanced the yield of B.aman rice. Similar results have been described by Ayesha, et al. [20]. Boro rice grain yield was observed at 4.93 t/ha in T4 (Table 7). Rice equivalent yield (REY: 16.84 t/ha) and production efficiency (PE:46.14 kg/ha/day) were computed higher values in the Onion-Jute cropping pattern (T1) followed by Onion-B.aman (T2) rice cropping pattern while the lowest value was observed in Fallow-Boro rice cropping pattern T4 (Table 7). The results indicated that the inclusion of non-rice crops in the rice-based cropping system increased productivity. Productivity increased 208%, 165%, and 9% respectively in T1, T2, and T3 respectively over T4 (Fallow-Boro rice) cropping pattern. Similar results have been described by Mian, et al. [19]. Economic evaluation is shown in Table 8. Higher gross return (Tk. 572560/ha), and gross margin (Tk. 193710/ha) were calculated in T1 followed by T2 (Table 8). T3 and T4 showed higher BCR but with lower gross return and gross margin. Lower gross return and gross margin happened in T3 and T4 because of lower productivity. On the contrary, higher BCR occurred in T3 and T4 due to low production cost involvement in T3 and T4 (Table 9) as compared to other cropping patterns. T3 and T4 cropping patterns were not encouraging because of lower productivity and lower economic returns although they showed higher BCR (1.54 - 1.67) than other cropping patterns. However, Onion-Jute and Onion-B. aman rice were found as the most productive cropping pattern with better economic benefits over existing cropping patterns.
Mustard-jute and Potato-Boro rice cropping patterns were found superior with respect to productivity and economic returns as compared to the existing cropping of the Fallow-Boro rice cropping pattern at the Chalan Beel area (Sirajgonj). Again, Onion-Jute and Onion-B. aman rice were found as the most productive cropping pattern with better economic benefit in the Monglar Beel area (Faridpur). Farmers are interested to adopt in these improved cropping patterns in the beel area. They will get more economic returns.
The researcher acknowledged the relevant authority of the Ministry of Science and Technology for providing a research grant (SRG-221007).
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